Be a better version of yourself.
“I help veterans start and build a successful mission based business. A new found life, new mission – find yours with us.”

Ed has been in Coaching ever since the 1990s. Bringing it up to date, in 2023 Ed further qualified as an Exponential Coach, with Rich Litvin. Attributes for Rich Litvin include: founder of the ‘4 percent Club’ for the best Coaches in the world; and world-renowned Coach to Special Forces leaders, NASA scientists, presidential candidates and the alike.
A serial entrepreneur who is passionate about helping other people, and dedicated his life to doing so. Over the past decades, he has founded and run many Social Enterprises. In addition, spent decades working in the nonprofit sector as well as commercial businesses. He highly values honesty & and integrity and is committed to continual learning, as well as passing on his knowledge to others.
- During the 1990s he became one of the first people to qualify as an Assessor to other Coaches against the new National Standards in Coaching (England). These set the standards for all coaches, for all Coaches, regardless of discipline
- Over 4 decades in business
- 3 years working in an Open Prison helping offenders prepare for a “realistic” work life by being self-employed
- 3 years as an external business consultant to Product Design students, alongside the University, as part of the Diploma course
- Worked at most levels, up to and including CEO, Director/Trustee, and President. Voluntary role as a School Governor
- Former Locally Elected Member (Councillor)
- Over 20 years in the Martial Arts (since retired), trained by a Master
All of his life he pushed himself hard to learn. Being dyslexic didn’t help! He came out of school with very little, yet ended up with a Master’s degree. All through hard work and dedication. The Martial Arts provided additional self-discipline skills, and opportunities to learn more about himself in ways that “normal life” doesn’t provide. He has always loved applying what he learns to overcome obstacles. Then pass on his learning to others.
Ed always goes back to the origins of professional Coaching – “Coaching not just teaching.” Teaching is telling people your way; coaching is helping others to develop into the best of their potential.
Finch Model was born out of the desire to help others overcome obstacles. A counter-reaction to “mass confusion” – bringing clarity with simple-to-implement solutions, backed by exceptional Coaching. Ed has struggled a lot in his life and doesn’t believe that others should. Unnecessary struggles are just that, and he intends to leave a legacy behind when his time comes. Whenever that may be.
Ed has amassed considerable knowledge and expertise. It is his honest and earnest intention to pass this on to benefit others. One of his longer-term plans is to open up Apprenticeships, training others in the skills and techniques he has learnt, and combine them with the Apprentices. Creating an army of “super Coaches” of the future.
Ed knows that everyone has potential, no matter their background. Everyone has a mission in life. As veterans, you need a “new mission,” and the support to achieve it. Preparation is everything.
His philosophy always was, and still is, to “see a problem not as a problem but merely as a situation waiting for the right solution. All that is needed is to work out what that best solution is”.
You can read testimonials about Ed from those he has served so well. Alternatively, you can book a pro bono call and discuss (always in confidence) how he can best help you.
- The Art of War
- Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance (an enquiry into values) – Robert M Pirsig
- Leila (an enquiry into morals) – Robert M Pirsig
- Fluke – James Herbert
- Shapes – Steve Vance
- Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe (BBC TV series).
- Shaggy dogs and black sheep – Albert Jack
Why Ed Finch Model?
Proud to support veterans – who have given so much.
You have so many skills, acquired so much knowledge, and gained a huge amount of experience in service to your country. Yet too many veterans end up in jobs far below their potential.
PTSD and other disabilities are part of the problem. Yet, they don’t have to hold you back.
The number one regret people have in life is not having the courage to live a life true to themselves. You don’t lack courage. You have just lacked access to the right support. It is our privilege to be part of the mission of Hundo Club – addressing the needs of veterans.
Time for a new mission!
Being an entrepreneur is, in truth, a struggle for most. The media is full of slick marketing that hides reality. However, most of the struggles are unnecessary. They can be easily overcome and/or avoided altogether.
There is a process, and there are steps to take that will get you to launch and build a successful business in less time than you think. Our Vision Statement, here at Finch Model, is: “Helping veterans start and build a successful mission-based business.”
What does that mean? It means overcoming the obstacles in your way, and that you build a business that is sustainable as well as reflecting your values.
If you’re like most online entrepreneurs you will have spent, or were going to spend countless hours trying to create an ideal customer avatar. You’ve followed all the steps, done all the research, and filled out all the templates. But somehow, you still feel stuck. Something doesn’t feel right about this process. For good reasons!
Need a mission of your own?
Want to live a life without regrets?
Find the life, post service, that you need and deserve. We are here to help you.
Right now you don’t know how to connect with your audience, how to create irresistible offers, or how to position yourself to attract customers. You don’t know who those customers are going to be, and why they should buy from you. Right now you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and ready to give up.
Don’t give up. There is a far easier and more effective way. You have just found it!
Below you will find a list of the main areas of Coaching expertise available. If you don’t see what you are looking for, ask. Either we can help or we know where to refer you for the right support:
We have the expertise to Coach you through the steps to unlocking your hidden potential and building a successful enterprise. It can be in virtually any sector. The subject is far less relevant to the process of Coaching you than the processes you need to go through. Let us be your guide – Coach you to success.
Have you thought about leveraging your specialist knowledge to coach others? It is a highly rewarding career.
You already have a lot of the attributes of a great Coach, but perhaps didn’t realise it.
You need the right training and support to become an excellent Coach. Stand out and become a leader in your field.
Did you know that even Coaches employ Coaches? It is true, and all the best Coaches do this.
You possess expertise and many relevant life stories that others want to hear. Why not share these?
Speaking opportunities fall into two categories: those you do for free, and paid speaking. Professional speakers make a lucrative career out of speaking engagements. The demand for speakers is huge!
This is a sector that some people specialise in exclusively, but also falls within the wider remit of other Coaches.
What we do here at Finch Model is work as an Exponential Coach (based on the model taught by Rich Litvin).
An Exponential Coach asks deeper, meaningful questions. They listen deeply and share deep insights. They unlock the potential within you and help you to finally address your own limiting beliefs.
We help you to find the life that you never dreamed possible.
Do you already have an established business as a veteran? Know that you need help?
Support is available in one of two options: Coaching, or Mentoring. Finch Model specialise in business Coaching.
Our work is similar to personal Coaching – helping you to unlock your true potential. In this instance we do so for your business; and also, for you as the business owner.
Leadership in civilian life is different to the Armed Services. However, many of the skills are transferable. Many veterans make excellent leaders in civilian life.
If you are interested in pursuing this career path then you have come to the right place.
Finch Model has methods of executive Coaching that are not available anywhere else!
This is “high level” Coaching. Ask for details if you would like help in this area or would like to pursue a career as an Executive Coach.
Ed spent more than two decades in the charity/nonprofit sector, so have deep insights. His roles started at entry level and worked his way up to Chief Executive.
His experience encompasses several Director/Trustee roles and President.
Based on his insights, Ed developed a whole set of systems and processes that can easily streamline the whole operation, management and governance of nonprofits.
America has more nonprofit organisations than any other country.

Need Advice?
Book an appointment with Ed Finch.
Click the link to book a no obligation, free, in confidence conversation.

Ready to become a Veteran
on a new Mission?
With our help and support you will reach an in-depth understanding of your future self, and learn how to achieve your potential.
Our methods are unique to us. But based on a lifetime of learning, study, testing and development.
Click the link on the left to book a no obligation, free, in confidence conversation.
We are honoured and proud to support the Veteran community. We bring true value through Coaching, knowledge and expertise to compliment what you have already – to release your true potential. We want you to succeed at any venture you choose to take, and live the life you rightly deserve after serving your country. We are ready to bring you comfort, security, knowledge, and more.
We want you to become part of the prestigious VETERAN HUNDO CLUB. We want to welcome you to the HUNDO CLUB team. We are dealing with the most elite people of this great country. We will give nothing but the absolute best.

“I help veterans start and build a successful mission based business. A new found life, new mission – find yours with us.”

More than just a common goal
We are set on bringing only the best of the best to our team