Work at the most dynamic agency & unlock your true potential – All leaders are volunteers & are veterans. They believe in giving back & creating the best future for you as a veteran. There is perks included with these ranks.


How We Score & Source Talent

How do we recruit talent?


We throw applicants into the fire and give them a real life situation to help veterans. Our interview process is a live case interview process. The case is not to judge you but it tells us exactly where your knowledge and skills are for helping a Veterans. That does not mean your unable to work with us if your unsuccessful; the opposite. It means we can identify what skills we need to develop with you.

how does this benefit me?

Besides getting the opportunity to unlock your true potential, at Veteran Hundo Club you can also network with some of the most talented people in the industry, get together with your fellow brothers and sisters by using our extensive network. Enjoy many other benefits by working with us.



Enjoy a comfortable office environment with
the most modern and stylish furnishing.



Work with some of the best talent in the
industry and build strong networks with them.



Enjoy the convenience and  freedom of working in your community. 



Get resources for developing your skills and
knowledge to kickstart your career.


At Veteran Hundo Club we believe in working together and working hard. With over 18.5 Million (The 2023 American Community Survey) potential clients to make happy we have a lot of work ahead of us to accomplish. We are looking for dynamic and creative individuals who are willing to dedicate themselves to providing innovative products and services for our clients.


  1. BALANCED APPROACH: Working with Veteran Hundo Club allows you to be promoted within a rank structure (VE-1 to VE O-10). We believe that having a balanced approach to the needs of the Veteran (self development & educational approach), our organization, and the needs for your financial growth opportunities is the best approach. 
  2. FREE SELF DEVELOPMENT TAUGHT BY FELLOW VETERANS: Joining VHC allows you to gain insightful knowledge about whichever direction you want to take in life. Giving unequaled services through meetings and webinars developing you into a super Veteran. Preparing you for success for your future.
  3. ASSISTING THE ORGANIZATION: The organization is the standing stone between the “three prong approach to balance.” All proceeds and profits go back into the Veteran community to ensure we can continue to develop exceptional product and services for the next generation of Veterans. You will know that you have the opportunity to assist other Veterans globally.
  4. YOUR PERSONAL BENEFIT THAT YOU UNLOCK:  As you gain rank and responsibility within HUNDO™ you can create your own groups and educational courses. That means that you get your own place to market your own product and services by educating future Veterans.



Chris Raymond

Chris Raymond


Visionary President of HUNDO™ respectively, embracing innovation and adaptability for Veteran Hundo Club. President at United States Veteran Command.

Edward Finch

Edward Finch

Vice President

Vice President of HUNDO™ respectively, is the overall driving force for United States Veterans, and global NATO Veterans. Vice President at United States Veteran Command.

Danny kuppers

Danny kuppers

chief security officer

Chief Security Officer of HUNDO™, who is responsible for all aspects of our organization's security. United States Veterans, and global NATO Veterans.

joe arnold

joe arnold


Owner of Veteran Lighting | Custom Design - Lighting | HUNDO™, who is responsible for general support outreach, donations or otherwise. Captain at United States Veteran Public Affairs Command

ian Macdonald

ian Macdonald


LegalShield | Independent Associate | HUNDO™, member who is responsible for being our saluter for all community meetings. Captain at United States Veteran Management Command.

Micheal Brich

Micheal Brich


Owner of Limestone General Store | A Rural Colonial 1920's Trading Post | HUNDO™, who is responsible for First Command Financial Services. Sergeant at United States Veteran Command.

hundo™ junior enlisted function

hundo™ junior enlisted function

Junior enlisted

Junior enlisted personnel (grades E-1 to E-4) typically work in together across the Department of Veteran Command. Individuals normally serve in these grades during their growth phase (usually 6 months to 1 year). We at HUNDO™ first focus on your development. That is our primary goal. After you have been established and feeling like you can give back to the community you will be considered for promotion to Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO's). Junior enlisted personnel (grades E-1 to E-4) typically work solely on their personal development, self development and do not give back as much to the Veteran Command.




promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity


promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity





Being part of the Department of Veteran Command, a outstanding group of individuals and professions is a unique vocation of experts who are entrusted to defend the veteran community and the rights and interests of the American people. More than an indication of rank, veterans ranks provide a system of leadership that indicates a individual's level of expertise, responsibility and authority inside our profession. Regardless of rank, every veteran has a significant role in the total HUNDO™ mission.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

specialist (spc)

JUNIOR function

JUNIOR function

junior ranks

We at HUNDO™ first focus on your development. That is our primary goal. After you have been established and feeling like you can give back to the community you will be considered for promotion to Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO's). The importance of continual self-education cannot be overstated. It enables us to stay relevant, enhance career opportunities, expand our knowledge, adapt to technological advancements, and develop self-confidence. Continual self-education is a powerful tool for personal and professional advancement. Overall, committing to continual self-education is an investment in yourself, opening doors to personal and professional growth in the ever-evolving world we live in.

hundo™ non-commissioned function

hundo™ non-commissioned function

non-commissoned officers (NCOs)

NCOs serve as the focal point for setting and maintaining veteran' skills, fitness levels, and professionalism. Individual training and education is our bread and butter. Leading people versus leading the institution. The NCO is vital to the operation of our organization. As stated, NCOs are the “Backbone of the Veteran Command.” Without the NCO running the day-to-day operations of the organization, the mission will not be accomplished. The NCO takes the commander’s intent and turns it into action. While an NCO’s job is multifaceted, these are 5 roles that are at the forefront of their jobs. NCOs oversee Veteran training, practical leadership, role modelling, unit standards and mentoring. NCOs are the ones that have hands-on, face-to-face interaction with the troops.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

corporal (CPL)

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

sergeant (sgt)

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

Staff Sergeant (SSG)

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity


promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

master sergeant (MSG)

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

sergeant first class (sfc)

sergeant major (sgm)

sergeant major (sgm)

sergeant major (sgm)

A Sergeant Major has two primary lanes of service: staff or command. A Staff Sergeant Major is the Officer-in-Charge’s primary advisor in whatever area/branch, operations, logistics, sustainment, aviation, etc.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

sergeant major (sgm)

sgm function

sgm function

sergeant major (sgm)

A sergeant major appointment exists in each military unit from company to division/formation. Their main job is to assist the commander in the discipline and welfare of the enlisted men. Their authority and responsibility at parades and ceremonies extends over even commissioned officers while on the parade square. Other sergeant majors serve as the senior non-commissioned officer in staff sections such as the operations and intelligence section. they help to plan, resource, and conduct unit missions as well as providing valuable insight and advice, based on careers' worth of experience and expertise, into how such operations could be better conducted in the future. SGM's support commands major areas of responsibility and hold some of highest positions in the DEPARTMENT OF HUNDO™.

authorized | 45 command sergeant major (csm) | globally

authorized | 45 command sergeant major (csm) | globally

command sergeant major (csm)

You have chosen to stand among the greatest. Your support to the commanding General is vital to mission success. One CSM is assigned per commanding General globally.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

command sergeant major (csm)

csm function

csm function

command sergeant major (csm)

The CSM is appointed to serve as a spokesman to address the issues of all soldiers, from enlisted to officers, from warrant officers and lieutenants to the Army's highest positions. As such, they are the senior enlisted advisor to the commander. As CSM, you support the commander in all operations that fall within his or her geographical area. This includes: Africa Command, Central Command, Cyber Command, European Command, Indo-Pacific Command, Northern Command, Southern Command , Southern Command, Space Command, Special Operations Command, Strategic Command, and Transportation Command. They are the enforcement of the commander's intent. CSM's support commands major areas of responsibility and hold some of highest positions in the DEPARTMENT OF HUNDO™.



only one sma

You have been hand picked from the 18.5 million United States veterans. That means the community believe you will bring great change in support to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

Sergeant Major of the Army (sma)

sma function

sma function

sergeant major of the army (sma)

The Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) is a unique non-commissioned rank and position of office in the United States Veteran Command. The holder of this rank and position is the most senior enlisted soldier in the Veteran Command, unless an enlisted soldier is serving as the senior enlisted advisor to the chairman. The SMA is appointed to serve as a spokesman to address the issues of enlisted soldiers to all officers, from warrant officers and lieutenants to the Army's highest positions. As such, they are the senior enlisted advisor to the chief of staff of the Veteran Command.



warrant officers

Warrant officers provide leader development, mentorship, and counsel to other warrant officers, officers, NCOs, and Veteran Hundo™ civilians. However, the warrant officer's primary task as a leader is to serve as a technical expert, providing valuable skills, guidance, and expertise to commanders and organizations in their particular field. The Veteran warrant officer is a self-aware and adaptive technical expert, educational leader, trainer, and advisor. Through progressive levels of expertise in assignments, training, and education, the warrant officer administers, manages, maintains, operates, and integrates Veteran systems and equipment across the full spectrum of Veteran operations. Warrant officers are innovative integrators of emerging technologies, dynamic teachers, confident peacekeepers, and developers of specialized teams of Veterans.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

warrant officer | Wo1

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

chief warrant officer (wo2)

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

chief warrant officer (wo3)

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

chief warrant officer (wo4)

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

chief warrant officer (wo5)

hundo™ job function

hundo™ job function

warrant officers

Warrant officers provide leader development, mentorship, and counsel to other warrant officers, officers, NCOs, and Veteran Hundo™ civilians. However, the warrant officer's primary task as a leader is to serve as a technical expert, providing valuable skills, guidance, and expertise to commanders and organizations in their particular field. The Veteran warrant officer is a self-aware and adaptive technical expert, educational leader, trainer, and advisor. Through progressive levels of expertise in assignments, training, and education, the warrant officer administers, manages, maintains, operates, and integrates Veteran systems and equipment across the full spectrum of Veteran operations. Warrant officers are innovative integrators of emerging technologies, dynamic teachers, confident peacekeepers, and developers of specialized teams of Veterans.

hundo™ commissioned officer function

hundo™ commissioned officer function

commissioned officers

First and foremost, an veteran officer is a leader. The officer plans the work of the organization, assigns tasks to subordinates, and sees that the work is accomplished to the highest standard. In that regard, an veteran officer is similar to a manager in a corporation. But that is where any comparison to the corporate world ends. Officers lead by example. An officer must be willing to personally undertake any task that is assigned to a veteran. Even the most junior officer routinely has forty or more soldiers working directly under his or her control. In the corporate world it could take decades for an individual to achieve that level of responsibility. In HUNDO we expect nothing but the best for those we are assisting. The level of integrity and personal conduct required of an officer are quite high — with very good reason. Officers daily make decisions that involve millions of dollars of resources. Their judgment and skill can mean the difference between life and death for the veterans they command. Over the years, three words have become the hallmark of what it is to be an veteran Officer. Those words are Duty, Honor and Country. No matter what their specific duties are, or where they serve, these three words embody what it is to be an veteran officer.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

Second Lieutenant

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

First Lieutenant

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity


promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity


promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

Lieutenant Colonel

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity


promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

Brigadier General

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

Major General

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

Lieutenant General

authorized | 45 four-star officers | globally

authorized | 45 four-star officers | globally

general (gen.)

Be apart of what it takes to stand among some of the greatest leaders as an Veteran Officer.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity


general function

general function

four-star officers

A general commands all operations that fall within his or her geographical area. This includes: Africa Command, Central Command, Cyber Command, European Command, Indo-Pacific Command, Northern Command, Southern Command , Southern Command, Space Command, Special Operations Command, Strategic Command, and Transportation Command. They take the vision of the President and ensure compliance. The Chiefs of Staff of the Veteran community and Support Force, as well as the Commandant of the Family Corps, are four-star generals. Generals command major areas of responsibility and hold the highest of veteran positions in the DEPARTMENT OF HUNDO™ . Support Force generals usually command major commands or unified commands. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are also four-star officers.



only one

Normally the highest rank of officer in an Veteran army. America’s Veteran army technically has the higher rank of “General of the Army” but it is only awarded at wartime, when the general in command needs to be of equal or higher rank to those of other Nations’ veteran armies.

promotional opportunity

promotional opportunity

General of the Army (United States)

hundo™ job function

hundo™ job function

Commissioned Officers

As a commissioned Officer, you’re not only a leader who guides, problem-solves, and plans for upcoming missions, but you’re also empowered to make decisions that can impact people across the globe. Lead with authority and respect, apply leadership skills, knowledge, and expertise Plan, lead, and conduct real-world missions, train and mentor junior Veterans. Due to their rank, these individuals have greater authority than non-commissioned officers. Commissioned officers train and lead enlisted soldiers by protecting them, helping to boost morale, leading by example and orchestrating the professional development of their subordinates. Although they're ultimately following the orders and commands of the higher-up members, commissioned officers are the central point of contact for new recruits. Their ultimate goal is to teach the subordinate troops how to excel in their positions and function effectively as a cohesive group. Commissioned officers can also play an active role in various missions and excursions.





Our business cares deeply about finding the right people for the right role, meaning highly rated job satisfaction for employees and excellent staff retention rates for companies.

We sourcing excellent candidates who stay happy and successful in their leadership roles, you can trust our company name to take the stress out of sourcing and placing veteran volunteers without the burden of huge financial outlay.

Any business owner worth their salt knows that the company workforce is their single most important asset.  No workers = No company.

Looking to fill an essential role or find a replacement is known to be one of the most stressful positions for veterans – especially when time pressure is on and the clock is ticking. 

Are you wondering if your the perfect candidate, and fast? 

Are you a Veteran? 

Did you serve? 

Do you want to help other Veterans get what they deserve & make them better as a person?

If you answered yes to the above questions then you are a valuable candidate to our Ranks within Veteran Hundo Club. We value education you first, giving back to the Veteran community, and enabling you to be successful. 



Tell us all about your dream candidate, including the skills, attributes, and experiences’ so we can prepare you for the leadership role within HUNDO™. We believe not in what we need as an organization but where you want to place yourself within the organization. That means selecting from a wide range of vital services within HUNDO™. 

EXAMPLE 1: If you enjoy teaching people you can join our U.S. VETERAN TRAINING AND DOCTRINE COMMAND (TRADOC) | TRADOC recruits, training and educates the veterans; develops leaders; supports training in units; develops doctrines; establishes standards; and builds the future veteran force. 

EXAMPLE 2: If you enjoy helping veterans with an “on the ground approach” you can join our U.S. VETERAN MATERIEL COMMAND (VMC) | VMC provides superior technology, acquisition support and logistics to ensure dominant land forces capability for Veterans, the United States, and our Allies. Transfering goods and services throughout the organization.



How do we recruit talent?

We throw applicates into the fire and give them a case as an interview process. The case is not a real claim but it tells us exactly where your knowledge and skills are for helping a Veterans Claim. That does not mean your unable to work with us if your unsuccessful; the opposite. It means we can identify what skills we need to develop with you



We proofread and check all CV’s and personally interview applicants over online media so that we end up with a shortlist of the strongest candidates per State, Territory, or Overseas candidates.



We will be on hand during the entire interview process, offering advice from interview procedures to selection for a leadership role. As a leader it is much easier to handle workloads as a sole individual. Your in control of your schedule, comfort of home and more.



The final step is to ensure a happy fit, we will be in touch.


JOIN THE veteran hundo club TEAM


hundo club



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