HUNDO CLUB™ Associate

We at HUNDO™ have a solution to the veteran crisis and that starts with you becoming independent from any other outside factors. We have became associates with LegalShield to ensure your protected as a veteran.

mutual trust

Trust Between Our Organizations

LegalShield provides affordable legal services and identity theft protection to individuals, families, and businesses. The company offers a range of legal plans to help customers navigate through various legal issues. LegalShield's network of dedicated law firms work diligently to keep businesses, individuals, and families protected. The company also provides an app for convenient access to legal consultations. LegalShield is committed to democratizing legal protection and making it accessible to everyone. HUNDO™ wants to ensure our veteran community is taken care of.

Legal & Identity Protection

What Makes Us Different:

We believe that when employees feel secure that their well-being is prioritized, they can focus on work over worry. With our employee benefit plans, you can help your employees improve financial wellness by giving them year-round access to legal services and identity theft & privacy protection services.

right, advocacy, lex-4703934.jpg

Then Why LegalShield?

We can tell you right now you get what you pay for. At only $29.99 a month you can get unbounding support for a verity of legal support way beyond what your currently receiving. Do you prefer to have (50+) legal teams in support of your case or (1) free VA Government supplied organization? I will tell you from our perspective that it's a no brainer. Go with an organization that will fight for your rights and get your entitlements.

VA Claims Legal Advice

Legal Help for Veterans From The VA

If you are a service member or Veteran in need of legal assistance now, there are several resources available to assist you. Many legal service providers offer free legal clinics in VA facilities. Specific information on these free legal clinics can be found here:

Gun Owners Supplement

Must have legal protection for gun owners:

wning guns for hunting, sport or self defense could open you and your family up to significant legal liability. Gun use, gun laws and gun rights should be at the forefront of your mind. Adding our Gun Owners Supplement to your personal legal plan for an additional $14.95 per month prevents firearm-related incidents from creating legal trouble for you and yours.

LegalShield Plans

You Get Legal Help, Not A Huge Legal Bill

Instead of paying a lawyer expensive hourly fees, you pay a small monthly fee and get access to experienced attorneys that can help you with any legal issue. Personal Plans Get coverage for you and your loved ones in case of accidents, life events, or just simple document reviews. Small Business Plans Make sure your company has the help it needs with document reviews, debt collection, and more.

Personal Plans

Get coverage for you and your loved ones in case of accidents, life events, or just simple document reviews.

Small Business Plans

Make sure your company has the help it needs with document reviews, debt collection, and more.

Business legal protection

LegalShield’s Small Business Legal Plans

Call your provider law firm for consultation on business legal matters related to your business—including pre existing legal matters. Your provider law firm can also provide additional legal research for each matter you present.

CPT Ian MacDonald

Hundo Club Liaison

Independent Associate LegalShield

I am honoured and proud to support the Veteran community. We as an organization bring true value through Coaching, knowledge and expertise to compliment what you have already – to release your true potential. We want you to succeed at any venture you choose to take, and live the life you rightly deserve after serving your country. We are ready to bring you comfort, security, knowledge, and more.

We want you to become part of the prestigious VETERAN HUNDO CLUB. We want to welcome you to the HUNDO CLUB team. We are dealing with the most elite people of this great country. We will give nothing but the absolute best.

CPT | Ian MacDonald

Official Liaison for Hundo Club as the Independent Associate for LegalShield​

Official Liaison for Hundo Club as the Independent Associate for LegalShield

“I help veterans ensure they are safe in life using LegalShield. I help veterans with their mental mind by empowering them through coaching.”

Book Appointment With HUNDO™ Liaison


What Veteran Hundo Club Can do For you

We are a Global Company. Our service area is the fifty States, territories and OCONUS. We want to be the most prestigious organization to help Veterans Become The One Percent’. We listen to your issue, present a solution, and upon agreement make a highly qualified plan to implement that would benefit you the most. 

We do not cut corners. We educate each Veteran explaining the ins and outs of Disability Compensation. We do this throughout the entire process and invest as much time as needed or desired to ensure you understand the procedures to get results. 

We invest into our employees so they have all the tools needed to help you, the Veteran, get the results you deserve. If requested, a supervisor will join the meetings to ensure everything goes exactly to procedures.

  1. We ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed 
  2. Help you become more knowledgeable about everything there is to learn about Veteran Claims
  3. Educate about Disability Compensation
  4. Educate about Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)
  5. Educate about Special Monthly Compensation (SMC),
  6. Educate about Claims Based On Special Circumstances

We offer a LIFETIME VALUE that will change your life:

  1. Economically (VA Benefits, State and Federal)
  2. Physically (medical treatment)
  3. Spiritually (piece of mind)
  4. Emotionally (less stress)
  5. Socially (join The Hundo club)

What does joining the World’s Most Prestigious Club Hundo Club The One Percent’ Cost?

PENNIES TO THE DOLLAR” – Your higher education bill from college cost you a-lot more than what we offer. 

  • Everyday you wait to start your claim process costs you money and benefits. It must be addressed right now. Would you leave over $ 1,900,000 + in the Government Banks? No right? Let us begin.
  • The offer we produce is as “hands free” as humanly and legally as possible. As we are a guide, educational based organization and personal story tellers we show step-by-step process to getting what you deserve. We resolve the anxiety that comes with VA Claims process. 
  • We produce promised benefits. We give Free Consultations and Lifetime Service as well as Membership to Veteran Hundo Club Social Networking Platform for life. We are sure that our promise to produce results are trustful. If your case is special we will give special attention to it. Nothing is “Beyond The Call Of Duty” for us. If your in question if we can produce the results you need; book a Free Consultation and let us teach you. We offer our consultation free because we know when you listen to us solve your issue or problem you will feel 100% comfortable with what we can do for you.
    • If something gives 10 X times the value it is a known fact that someone will buy that product (example’s: a washer machine, refrigerator, real estate agent etc.)
    • We want to offer our services at an aim to give 100 X times more value to you. Our Hundo Club Fee (Veteran Hundo Club Includes – Service Assistance, Educational Training, Personnel Time (step-by-step process / walkthrough),  PRIORITY MEMBERSHIP  – Veteran Hundo Club Social network platform are all included in our package deal. We do this to be able to assist as many Veterans as possible. 
    •  Veteran Hundo Club Social Club (Networking Platform) is FREE, FOREVER for Every Veteran. Being part of of our “CLUB MEMBERSHIP – PRIORITY MEMBER” you will get priority assistance. It’s a Perk of BECOMING THE ONE PERCENT’. Welcome to the World’s Most Exclusive Club.
      • We do not produce “buyers Remorse.” We only produce WINS, WINS, WINS.
  • We want you know that other options are available to you. We encourage you to use all your tools in a “combination.” Use everything at your disposal because this is a “One Shot Deal.” If your a New Case and have not filed yet we cannot say this enough.


If you have a claim already and need supplementary case work we can also assist in that issue. REPRESENTATIVES:

Are just paper pushers. They do not guide you on “HOW or WHY” to do it (educate).

Seen First Hand Example At The VA:  

“What do you want to do? Here is a VA document, fill it out and I will file it. Make an appointment next week to bring it back to me. Oh, I will be on vacation.”

No explanations on “why” or what it changes. They did absolutely nothing for those Veterans. If anything, they made his claim worse and process slower.


Private or VA lawyers from Law firms do their best but do not have first hand experience. Nor do they have the power of 50+ legal organizations pushing for your disability compensation. A private or VA Law Firm take 33% of your claim plus upfront costs. After they provide their service they charge again. Also most never served, experienced the VA system or know its flaws.

LEGALSHIELD on the other hand cares about taking care of its veterans from the United States and wants to ensure you get what you deserve. We use HUNDO have created the design we call the “Four Prong Approach”. 


  1. VA Claim Expert Coaching
  2. Veteran Service Officers (VSO’s) 
  3. LegalShield in cooperation per case 
  4. HUNDO Social proofing of 18.5 Million U.S. veterans


Many factors affect the VA benefits that a veteran receives, so it’s essential to seek help with your VA disability claim.

You can get help at, a law firm or an experienced specialty company that has gone through the entire process (RECOMMENDED:  Military Service, VA Health Facilities, and Processing Claims) with us at VETERAN HUNDO CLUB LLC. 

Veteran Hundo Club LLC can help you navigate your disability rating and to secure as many benefits as possible as listed below.

Our team offers a free consultation.

At Veteran Hundo Club once you become a client we will support your cases for the rest of your life. No other company, legal advisor, or VA representative comes close to what we offer. We aim to have every Veteran part of Veteran Hundo Club Social.



Begin Your Process Now. Use this link to open an INTENT TO FILE via

That’s right. It will only cost you 0.068% of your lifetime income (VA Disability) to join Veteran Hundo Club to educate and guide you to get the money you deserve.

0.0683503755 %



ANSWER:  How long is an average term of service? While total length of service commitment varies based on Service branch need and occupational specialty, a first term is generally four years of active duty followed by four years in a Reserve unit or Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).


ANSWER: The current life expectancy for U.S. in 2023 is 79.11 years, a 0.08% increase from 2022.


ANSWER: We used the handy dandy Google Calculator! 

So the CEO is 34 years old. At a life expectancy of 79 years old that’s 45 years he will continue to live. 

So if we carry the 1, add and subtract at the same time…. do some multiplication or division… we mix them up first…. not sure…. and/or add that stuff together we get a big number; right?

Imagine The Brain Crunching Numbers (OUCH; PAINFUL)  




ANSWER: According to my Albert Einstein Mathematics…

$ 4064 a Month Tax Free (x) 12 months A Year (x) 45 years of Expected Life

= $ 2, 194, 560 USD

$ 2, 194, 560 divided by your donation = 0.0683503755 %


0.0683503755 %

Now who wants to be a Millionaire?

This is why we explained it to you. This does not count all the countless benefits your also entitled to such as interest, medical, educational benefits, housing, Federal and State benefits, tax reductions and more. Now that is cheap even to our Standards. 

The only question now is…. “where do you sign, right?”


Below are the types of compensations we assist

VA disability compensation provides monthly benefits to Veterans in recognition of the effects of disabilities, diseases, or injuries incurred or aggravated during active military service. The program also provides monthly payments to surviving spouses, dependent children, and dependent parents in recognition of the economic loss caused by a Veteran’s death during military service or, after discharge from military service, as a result of a service-connected disability. A summary of VA’s disability compensation programs is below.

A tax-free monetary benefit paid to Veterans with disabilities that are the result of a disease or injury incurred or aggravated during active military service. The benefit amount is graduated according to the degree of the Veteran’s disability on a scale from 10 percent to 100 percent (in increments of 10 percent). Compensation may also be paid for disabilities that are considered related or secondary to disabilities occurring in service and for disabilities presumed to be related to circumstances of military service, even though they may arise after service. Generally, the degrees of disability specified are also designed to compensate for considerable loss of working time from exacerbations or illnesses.

Learn more about Disability Compensation

DIC is a tax-free monetary benefit generally payable to a surviving spouse, child, or parent of Servicemembers who died while on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training, or to survivors of Veterans who died from their service-connected disabilities. Parents DIC is an income-based benefit for parents who were financially dependent on of a Servicemember or Veteran who died from a service-related cause.

Learn more about DIC and Parents DIC

SMC is an additional tax-free benefit that can be paid to Veterans, their spouses, surviving spouses and parents. For Veterans, Special Monthly Compensation is a higher rate of compensation paid due to special circumstances such as the need of aid and attendance by another person or by specific disability, such as loss of use of one hand or leg. For spouses and surviving spouses, this benefit is commonly referred to as aid and attendance and is paid based on the need of aid and attendance by another person.

Learn more about Special Monthly Compensation

Veterans may be eligible for other types of disability compensation once a disability has been determined to be service connected. Special VA disability compensation programs include: individual unemployability, automobile allowance, clothing allowance, pre-stabilization, hospitalization, convalescence, dental, and birth defects.

Learn more about Special Claims


types of compensations Federal Benefits We Get You

100 percent Disabled Veterans meet the eligibility requirements for Health Care Priority Group 1, which is the highest priority group available. There are a number of benefits that come with this group such as:

Preventative care
Hospitalizations and some inpatient services
Dependent health care
Medically related travel benefits
Dental care
Vision care and hearing aids
No Cost Healthcare and Prescription Medications

This is a huge benefit for 100 percent disabled veterans, which includes free health care within the VA health care system for disability conditions related to military service. This applies to disabled veterans with at least a 50% rating. 100% disabled veterans receive completely free VA care, with services including and not limited to:

  • Emergency care
  • Preventative care
  • Primary care
  • Specialty care
  • Mental health
  • services
  • Home health care
  • Dental and vision care
  • Geriatrics and extended care
  • Medical equipment
  • Prosthetics
  • Nursing home placement
  • Medically related travel benefits
  • Hearing aids

The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a health insurance benefits program where the VA shares the cost of certain health care supplies and services with eligible beneficiaries. If you are 100 percent permanently and totally disabled according to the VA, then your dependents qualify for completely free civilian healthcare.

  • Dental Care

Dental care benefits are available to those with a service-connected disability rated at 100 percent, or receive Total Disability Based on Individual Unemployability (TDIU) due to their service-connected disabilities.

The eligibility for dental benefits is categorized by class. The class for totally disabled veterans is Class IV, and you would be eligible for any needed dental care.

  • Vision Care

The VA is also able to cover the cost for eyeglasses, routine eye examinations and preventative care. In order to receive these benefits, you must have a compensable service-connected disability, or a former POW, or were awarded a purple heart, or received an increased pension due to current housebound status.

The VA can pay for basic optometry services if you already have established healthcare benefits with the VA. You can also receive visual rehabilitation or advanced eye care services for low vision and blindness.

  • Hearing Care
    In order to receive hearing aids or other assisted hearing devices, you must qualify for VA healthcare benefits. You can schedule an appointment to be evaluated by an audiologist. The audiologist will make a clinical determination on the need for hearing aids/devices.

If you have a 100 percent disability rating (not temporary or IU), you will qualify for FREE VA dental care, vision care and hearing aid services.

The VA is authorized to provide eligible disabled veterans and other beneficiaries related to those veterans, travel coverage for:

  • Mileage reimbursement
  • Common Carrier costs (i.e, plane, train, bus, etc.)
  • transportation (i.e. ambulance)
  • Transportation to and from the VA or a non VA health care system facility for medical examinations, treatment and care
  • In 2022, the current VA travel pay reimbursement rate is 41.5 cents ($0.415) per mile for approved, health related travel.

VA Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU), is an extra scheduler benefit for qualifying disabled veterans to be paid at the 100% disability rate, even if they may be below 100 percent. While this isn’t a “traditional” 100 VA disability benefit, we listed this as a 100 VA Disability benefit because it basically acts as such.

Generally, you must be unable to maintain “substantially gainful employment” to qualify for TDIU. You may be able to qualify for this regardless of your VA disability rating.

Disabled veterans may be eligible for 0, 5, or 10-point Federal hiring preference in competitive appointments. They may also be scheduled for non competitive appointments when they are eligible by law.

A Direct-Hire Authority (DHA) is an authority that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) can give to federal agencies for filling vacancies during critical hiring times/shortages. Veterans preference does not apply when selecting candidates under DHA.

Some companies also offer what is called Expedited Hiring Authority (EHA) for critically manned career fields, such as Defense Federal Acquisitions positions.

When a veteran passes, the surviving disabled veterans family members are entitled to survivors pension, also referred to as “death pension.”

The VA calculates this pension according to countable family income, but also disability and retirement payments, therefore a 100 percent disabled veteran would be getting the maximum benefit, and subsequently a higher survivors pension.

The TRICARE program provides comprehensive health care coverage, including health care plans, prescription medications, dental plans and programs for people with special needs for dependents. The program may also reimburse inpatient and outpatient services, medical equipment, nursing care, and mental health care.

The Chapter 35 benefits program, also known as the Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) program, offers benefits to eligible dependents of disabled veterans who are permanently and totally (100 percent) disabled due to a service-connected condition, and who are currently receiving TDIU benefits or died while on active duty.

These dependents can receive up to 35 months of full-time or equivalent benefits for:

Technical or vocational training
Independent study
Online distance learning
Correspondence courses
High School diploma or GED programs
Educational and career counseling programs
Up to $5,000 Per Year Folds of Honor Educational Scholarship
The Folds of Honor foundation offers two scholarship programs for dependents of disabled veterans.

Higher Education Scholarship (first bachelor degree or post-secondary certification)
Both of these scholarships are based on “unmet need” and can be valued up to $5,000. The scholarship can be used to fund any educational expenses, from tuition to books and other fees.

Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E), provides job training and other services to eligible veterans with service-connected disabilities to help prepare them for and maintain employment or achieve independent daily living.

An eligible veteran is one with a service-connected disability rating of at least 20 percent with an employment handicap, or rated at 10 percent with a serious employment handicap.

Disabled Veterans with a VA disability rating of 10 percent or higher, qualify for a waiver of the VA home loan funding fee.

The VA funding fee applies to the VA loan amount, NOT the purchase price of the home.

But, if you have a service-connected disability rating of 10% or higher, you are exempt from the VA home loan funding fee.

Veterans may also use the Veterans Benefits Banking Program (VBBP) to identify and open an account at a participating bank or credit union, available to help find a financial institution easier. They can ensure you get paid faster, safer and with fewer fees.

Special Restorative Training or Special Vocational Training, helps dependents of the Chapter 35 benefits overcome or lessen the effects of physical or mental disabilities. This is to help work toward goals that are educational or training related.

This relatively new program, discharges the Federal Student Loan debt of veterans who are totally and permanently disabled with a 100 percent P&T VA rating, or who have a 100 percent Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) status.

Note: If you are a veteran with a 100 percent scheduler VA disability rating (neither P&T or TDIU status apply), you may still be eligible for the Disabled Veteran Student Loan Forgiveness.

Most states offer property tax exemptions for disabled veterans. Some states even have a full waiver of property taxes for 100 percent disabled veterans. Not all states offer the same tax breaks, but it’s good to check with your state county tax assessor’s office to see if you qualify for any benefits. You may end up saving a lot of money every year.

A surviving dependent can qualify for allowances to help pay for burial and funeral costs for a disabled veteran. If the veteran died of a service-connected disability ON or AFTER September 11, 2001, the maximum VA burial benefit allowance is $2,000 or $1,500 for a Veteran who died BEFORE September 11, 2001.

Veterans who have a 100 percent disability rating, their dependents and unmarried surviving spouses are entitled to unlimited commissary and exchange store privileges. The VA can aid in completing a DD Form 1172, Application for Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card, which you will need to access these benefits.

The Aid and Attendance Program is a VA pension program that covers the cost of daily living for housebound veterans or those who may be in nursing homes. These benefits are a part of the special monthly compensation, added to the monthly VA Pension for qualified veterans and their survivors.

This program provides insurance for disabled veterans who have service-connected disability ratings from zero to 100. Totally disabled veterans who are unable to work may be able to apply for additional coverage, outside of the up to $10,000 RH insurance program, of up to an additional $30,000.

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is a FREE resource for veterans who generally make $56,000 a year or less. These volunteers help with free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing.

100 percent disabled veterans can fly Space Available flights or Space-A flights for free. The Space-A Program sills extra seating capacity on DoD aircrafts.

Air Mobility Command (AMC) has an extensive network of flights throughout the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa.

You will need to obtain a DD Form 2765, Department of Defense/Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card before taking a flight.

You may be able to get an SAH grant if you are using the money to buy, build or change your permanent home (a home you plan to live in for a long time) and you meet these requirements:

Own or will own the home, and
Have a qualifying service-connected disability
Current grant offered: up to $100,896

Special Home Adaptation (SHA)
You may be able to get an SHA grant if you’re using the grant money to buy, build or change your permanent home (a home you plan to live in for a long time) and you meet these requirements:

You or a family member will own the home, and
You have a qualifying service-connected disability
Current grant offered: up to $20,215

This grant program is available to veterans and service members who have been rated eligible for the Specially Adapted Housing section (SAH) or the Special Home Adaptation section (SHA) grant on a one time basis.

The grant is intended to assist eligible veterans adapt a family member’s home to meet the veteran’s special needs.

Veterans may us up to $14,000 of the maximum loan amount for a SAH grant and $2,000 of the maximum amount for an SHA grant.

The VA may provide a one-time payment of no more than $21,488.29 to help you purchase a specially-equipped vehicle.

In special circumstances, one or more adaptive equipment grants to change a vehicle may be awarded.

You must be a service-connected disabled veteran to receive this payment.

If your clothing has been damaged by a medical device or by medications you may be taking, you may be able to get money every year to help purchase new clothes. This is a disability compensation benefit known as an annual clothing allowance.

Both of these must be true in order to receive this benefit:

Your device or medication must cause damage to your clothes, and
You need this device or medication because of an injury or illness related to a service-connected event

Short-term financial support to help eligible service members recover from a severe injury. If you were covered by SGLI and experienced a traumatic injury while in active military service, you can file for TSGLI or appeal a past decision.

One of the unique perks on this list, is a year-round National Parks pass that will get you into any National Park in the United States. Here’s some more information about the pass:

A free, lifetime pass, plus a $10 handling fee.
May also be obtained free in person at a federal recreation site.
Provides entrance or access to pass owners and accompanying passengers in a single, private, non-commercial vehicle at Federal operated recreation sites across the country.
Photo identification may be required to verify ownership.
Passes are NON-REFUNDABLE, NON-TRANSFERABLE, and cannot be replaced.
The cost of obtaining an Access Pass through the USGS is ten dollars ($10).
At many sites the Access Pass provides the pass owner a discount on Expanded Amenity Fees (such as camping, swimming, boat launching, and guided tours).

The VA offers urgent care services to eligible veterans at a VA medical center or at in-network urgent care clinics.

Another unique benefit that made this list, is the Shades of Green Resort in Walt Disney World, Florida. This resort offers the opportunity for veterans who have received an honorable discharge to have an opportunity to vacation at the resort between January and September.

There are multiple state benefits available to 100 percent disabled veterans. Each state has its own set of benefits and can range from health care benefits, hunting and fishing license exemptions, free passes to state parks and property tax exemption. You can also be eligible for specialized license plates.


Alabama State Veterans Homes


The State of Alabama has four veterans homes:

  1. The Bill Nichols State Veterans Home in Alexander City.
  2. The Floyd E. “Tut” Fann State Veterans Home in Huntsville.
  3. The William F. Green State Veterans Home in Bay Minette.
  4. The Col. Robert L Howard State Veterans Home in Pell City.

The state expects the planned Command Sgt. Maj. Bennie G. Adkins State Veterans Home in Enterprise to be complete in 2024. 

There is a monthly fee for the veterans homes. You must have an honorable discharge and at least one day of wartime service to qualify for admittance.

Alabama Tax Benefits For Veterans

Property Tax for Homes of Totally Disabled Persons Over Age 65

Any Alabama resident is exempt from ad valorem taxes on their home and an adjacent 160 acres of land if they are permanently and totally disabled or 65 years of age or older. There is no income limitation.

Property Tax for VA Specially Adapted Houses

Any veteran who has a home that was acquired under the VA’s specially adapted housing grant is tax exempt as long as it is owned and occupied by the veteran or their surviving spouse.

Income Tax

All U.S. active combat pay, military retirement pay and Survivor Benefit Program payments are exempt from any Alabama state, county or municipal income tax.

Motor Vehicle Paid for by VA Grant

Any disabled veteran who owns a vehicle which was paid for by the VA will pay no license fees or ad valorem taxes on it.

Alabama Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment

All honorably discharged veterans can have five points added to any state employment examination scores. Those with a VA service-connected disability will get 10 points added to their score.

Spouses and surviving spouses of certain disabled or deceased veterans can have the 10-point preference extended to them and added to any test scores.

Veterans also get preference over non-veterans with the same ratings on the classified service employment registers.

Alabama Veteran Education Benefits


Tuition Waiver for Purple Heart Medal Recipients

Purple Heart recipients may be eligible for free education at Alabama public institutions of higher learning including two-year and four-year technical colleges, community colleges, and junior colleges. Check with your school to see if it participates in the program.

Alabama GI Dependent Scholarship Program

The state of Alabama will waive up to $250 per semester hour and $1,000 for books each semester at any Alabama institution of higher learning including two-year and four-year technical colleges, community colleges, and junior colleges.

Any dependent child under 26 whose parent is, or was, an Alabama resident veteran with a VA disability of at least 40% may qualify for up to five years of benefits (those whose parent has a VA disability of at least 20% may qualify through July 2023 if the VA rating was before July 31, 2017.)

Spouses or un-remarried surviving spouses of veterans rated 100% permanently and totally disabled can also get five years of benefits. Spouses and un-remarried surviving spouses of veterans rated 20-90% disabled can get three years of benefits.

The veteran must have had an honorable discharge and at least 90 continuous days of military service. There is a residency requirement.

Alabama National Guard Education Assistance Program (ANGEAP)

The Alabama National Guard Education Assistance Program (ANGEAP) provides tuition assistance to eligible National Guard Service members. The maximum amount is $5,080 per semester for up to 120 credit hours. You can only be paid what costs you have after any federal GI Bill payments are made. Only tuition and fees are covered, not books or living expenses.

You must be over 17, active in the Alabama Guard, an Alabama resident, show financial need and maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average. Undergraduate degrees only.

Alabama Veteran Recreation Benefits

State Parks

Active duty and honorably discharged veterans who are residents of Alabama are granted free admission to state parks.

Discounted Fishing License

Alabama resident veterans who are at least 20% disabled can get a discounted freshwater fishing license.

Disabled Veteran Special Hunting License

A special hunting license is available to 100% service-connected veterans at a cost of $2 plus the applicable issuance fee.

A special hunting license is available to 50% service-connected veterans at half of the usual cost plus the applicable issuance fee.

Non-Resident Licenses

Active duty members stationed in Alabama or neighboring states as well as their families pay the in-state license rates.

Retired Military Pistol Permit

A pistol permit is available for free to individuals who are otherwise eligible for a pistol permit and who retired from active duty, the Reserves, or the National Guard.

Alabama State Veterans Cemetery

The Alabama State Veterans Cemetery is located in Spanish Fort. Eligibility for interment in the State Veterans Cemetery follows National Cemetery Administration eligibility requirements.

In general, veterans discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and their spouses and dependent children are eligible. Residency requirements exist. 

For spouses or dependent children, a fee will be charged on the day of interment. For veterans, there is no cost. Spouses remain eligible even if they remarry.

Visit the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Alaska Veteran Housing Benefits


Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home

The Alaska Veterans and Pioneers Home in Palmer strives to assist older Alaskans to have the highest quality of life by providing assisted living in a safe home setting that promotes independence, positive relationships, meaningful activities and physical, emotional and spiritual growth. Seventy-five percent of the 79 beds in the home are designated for veterans. Qualifying veterans are eligible for a per diem from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to help cover costs of their care.

Honorably separated veterans, 65 or older who require assisted living care are eligible for admission. Veteran must have resided in Alaska for one year or more prior to application.

Veterans Land Discount/Purchase Preference

Under the Veterans Land Sale Preference, before offering to the general public any unoccupied residential land by auction, a veteran has the exclusive opportunity to purchase the land at a restricted sale at fair appraised market value. 

Also, the Veterans Land Discount program allows qualified veterans a 20% discount on the purchase price of state residential/recreational land. The discount may be used only once during the veteran’s lifetime.

Veterans Housing and Residential Loans

The Alaska Housing Finance Corp. (AHFC) administers the Veterans Mortgage Program, which offers financing for qualified veterans at low interest rates. Those on active duty may also qualify. 

Loans require little or no down payment and usually have lower interest rates. Qualified veterans can receive a 1% interest rate reduction on the first $50,000 of the loan amount. There are income limits.  

Alaska State Tax Benefits


Property Tax Exemptions

Veterans who have a VA or military disability of 50% or more are exempt from taxes on the first $150,000 of assessed value of their home. The exemption transfers to a spouse if the veteran passes away and the spouse is at least 60 years of age.

Alaska Veteran Employment Benefits


Military Credit for State Retirement

If you are an Alaska state employee you may be able to buy in up to five years of military time to increase your state retirement benefit.

State Employment Preference for Veterans & National Guard Members

A veteran or National Guard member may be entitled to a 5% point preference when applying for a state government job if they meet all other qualifications. A disabled veteran or former POW is entitled to a 10% point preference.

Job Finding Assistance

The Alaska Department of Labor offers priority service and benefits to veterans and eligible spouses or caregivers who are seeking employment, apprenticeship opportunities, and in some cases, paid on-the-job-training programs.

Waiver of Commercial Driving Skills Test

The Division of Motor Vehicles may waive the commercial motor vehicle driving test for certain drivers with recent military commercial motor vehicle experience.

Alaska Veteran Education Benefits


Free Tuition for Surviving Spouse or Dependent

The surviving spouse or dependent of a military member who died in the line of duty or who was listed by the U.S. Defense Department as a prisoner of war is entitled to a waiver of undergraduate tuition and fees at the University of Alaska, residency required.

Alaska Veteran Recreation Benefits


Alaska Railroad Discount

The Alaska Railroad offers a 20% discount to active-duty troops, military retirees and dependents. Identification showing proof of status must be shown at boarding.

Alaska Marine Highway System

A reduced-fare pass is available for travel on Alaska Marine Highway System vessels for veterans having a service-connected disability. The pass entitles the veteran and an attendant (if required by a physician) to travel at half price. Reduced fare does not include vehicle or stateroom. The pass is valid for travel between Alaskan ports, year-round.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Active Duty

Active-duty members stationed in Alaska and their dependents can get hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate.

National Guard and reserve members can get free hunting and fishing licenses.

Disabled Veteran Hunting and Fishing License

Disabled veteran hunting and sport fishing licenses are available free to Alaska resident veterans with at least a 50% disability and an honorable discharge. Applicants must have lived in Alaska for 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the application.

State Camping Pass for Disabled Veterans

Disabled veterans can get one Alaska State Park Camping Pass for free. The camping pass is good in all developed Alaska State Park campgrounds for two years.

Death Gratuity

The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs shall pay, upon application, a death gratuity in the amount of $750 to the surviving spouse or personal representative of a qualified veteran who was a resident of the state at the time of death. The veteran must have received an honorable discharge and:

  1. Been an Alaska resident when they joined the service; or
  2. Was an Alaska resident for at least one year immediately preceding the time of death; or
  3. Served in the Alaska Territorial Guard, the Alaska Army National Guard, the Alaska Air National Guard, or the Alaska Naval Militia, or who served in a reserve unit of the United States armed forces in Alaska if the reserve unit required a minimum of one weekend of duty each month and 15 consecutive days of active-duty training each year for not less than three years.

Visit the Alaska state veterans affairs website to get more details about any of these programs.

Arizona State Veterans Home


The state of Arizona has four veterans homes. The skilled nursing facilities are in Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma. Veterans must be honorably discharged and be certified by a doctor as needing skilled nursing care. Spouses may also be admitted.

Arizona Veteran Financial Benefits


Income Tax

Active-duty pay is tax-free.

Military retirement pay and benefits, including Survivor Benefit Plan payments, are tax-free.

Arizona Military Family Relief Fund

The Arizona Military Family Relief Fund provides financial assistance to the families of currently deployed service members, plus military and veteran families, for hardships caused by their military service. Applicants can receive emergency assistance of up to $3,000, with a lifetime limit of $20,000 in assistance.

Vehicle License Tax and Registration Fees

No license tax or registration fee is collected from any 100% service-connected disabled veteran for a personally owned vehicle. A veteran residing in Arizona is exempt from a vehicle license tax on a vehicle acquired by the veteran through financial aid from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This also applies to the surviving spouse, if the veteran dies, until they remarry.

Property Tax

The property tax of disabled veterans and their survivors may be waived in certain cases. Contact your County Assessor office for eligibility

Arizona Veterans Tuition Waiver Program

The Tuition Waiver program provides eligible veterans or surviving dependents tuition-free education up to a bachelor’s degree at any Arizona public state university or community college.

The following are eligible:

  1. Un-remarried spouse or dependent child (up to age 30) of an an active-duty or Arizona National Guard member who was a resident of the state of Arizona or stationed in Arizona and who was killed in the line of duty.
  2. A current member of the Arizona National Guard who received a Purple Heart after Sep. 11, 2001.
  3. A veteran of the Arizona National Guard who was medically discharged due to an injury or disability suffered on duty.
  4. A veteran who received a Purple Heart; and who was an Arizona resident or stationed in Arizona at the time of that injury; and who has a VA disability rating of 50% or more.

Arizona Veteran Employment Benefits


Hiring Preference

Veterans who pass an examination for employment by the state, county or city will have 5 points added to their certification score. The veteran must have served for more than six months and have an honorable discharge.

Honorably discharged veterans getting VA disability compensation will have 10 points added to their certification score.

Certain spouses or surviving spouses shall be given a 5 point preference if the veteran died of a service-connected disability.

Veteran Toolkit

The Veteran Toolkit Program was created to help unemployed veterans get the supplies they need to start working. Surveyed veterans repeatedly said they were ready to work, but needed a few things to get them there, ranging from boots and tools to bicycles. Qualifying veterans must live in Arizona, be enrolled in an Arizona Job Connection with Arizona@Work and identify the job they need supplies for. Contact Arizona@Work for more information.

CDL Skills Test Waiver

Eligible military personnel or veterans may have the Commercial Driver License (CDL) skills tests waived when applying for a CDL if they are on active duty or within one year of discharge and operated a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) or equivalent for at least two years immediately before discharge.

Real Estate Licensing

The Arizona Department of Real Estate offers reduced licensing requirements for military spouses.

Arizona Veteran Recreation Benefits


Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Active-duty members stationed in Arizona can get hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate.

Free hunting/fishing combo licenses are available for 100% service-connected disabled veterans who have been an AZ resident for at least 12 months. Those with less than 100% disability receive a discounted license.

Arizona State Parks

Arizona offers the following discounts to its state parks:

  • 50% day-use discount to all active-duty, Guard and Reserve military members and up to three accompanying adult family members.
  • 50% day-use discount to all resident military retirees.
  • 50% off day-use pass to all disabled military. 
  • Free day-use pass to all resident 100% service-connected disabled veterans.

Arizona Veteran Cemeteries

The state of Arizona has three veterans cemeteries which are located in Camp Navajo, Marana, and Sierra Vista. Any veteran who has an other-than-dishonorable discharge is eligible for burial. Spouses and certain dependents are also eligible for burial. There is no charge for interment for veterans, and a one-time nominal fee for eligible spouses and dependents

Visit the Arizona Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information about any of these programs.

Arkansas Veterans Homes


The Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs operates two state Veterans Homes located in Fayetteville and North Little Rock. With 24-hour nursing service and a staff physician, medical needs are fully met.

Criteria for admission:

  • No criminal record.
  • Honorable discharge.
  • Arkansas residents have first priority.
  • Veterans’ spouses and Gold Star parents may apply for admission.
  • Have a medical need for nursing home placement.

Arkansas Veteran Financial Benefits


Personal Property Tax Exemption

Veterans who have been awarded special monthly compensation by the VA for the loss of, or the loss of use of, one or more limbs; total blindness in one or both eyes; or 100% service-connected total and permanent disability may be exempt from payment of all state taxes on their homestead and personal property. Un-remarried surviving spouses and dependent minor children may also get this benefit.

Surviving spouses are also eligible if the veteran was killed or died in service, is missing in action, or died from service-connected causes.

Income Tax

Active-duty pay is tax-free.

Retired pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Arkansas Veteran Hiring Preference


Veterans with an honorable discharge or Reserve/Guard members with at least six years of service will get a 5-point preference on state hiring exams. 

Disabled veterans and their spouses will get a 10-point preference.

Arkansas Education Benefits


Free Tuition for Dependents

The Military Dependents Scholarship provides a waiver of tuition, fees, room and board at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansans who were killed or missing in action or who were prisoners of war or who are totally and permanently disabled as a result of their service.

Arkansas Veteran Recreation Benefits


Discounted Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Military retirees over age 60 and 100% disabled veterans who are Arkansas residents can get a discounted hunting, fishing or combination license. All special stamps and endorsements must still be purchased.

Active Duty Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Active-duty members stationed in Arkansas can get licenses at the resident rate. All special stamps and endorsements must still be purchased.

Arkansas State Parks

Camping is half price in most Arkansas State Parks for 100% permanently disabled Arkansas resident veterans.

Arkansas State Veteran Cemeteries

There are two Arkansas State Veterans Cemeteries, one in North Little Rock and one in Birdeye.

Veterans who have an other-than-dishonorable discharge are eligible for interment, along with certain others. Spouses and dependent children are also eligible. There is no cost for the veteran and an $807 cost for the spouse or dependent.

Visit the Arkansas Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

California Veterans Homes

California has eight veterans homes. The homes are located in:

  • Barstow
  • Chula Vista
  • Fresno
  • Lancaster
  • Redding
  • Ventura
  • West Los Angeles
  • Yountville

Veterans ages 55 and above and discharged from active military service under honorable conditions are eligible to apply for admission. The age requirement is waived for disabled or homeless veterans needing long-term care.

California Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

California active-duty residents do not pay state income taxes if stationed outside the state.

CalVet Farm and Home Loans

The state of California offers farm, home, mobile home, construction, home improvement and rehabilitation loans to honorably discharged veterans. The loans have highly competitive rates, quick processing as well as flood, earthquake and disaster coverage. All veterans with an honorable discharge and at least 90 days of active service may be eligible.


Veterans Property Tax Exemption

California provides a $4,000 real property (such as a home) or personal property (such as a boat) exemption for honorably discharged veterans or the spouse or pensioned-parent of a deceased, honorably discharged veteran. However, a person who owns property valued at $5,000 or more ($10,000 or more for a married couple or for the unmarried surviving spouse of a qualified veteran) is not eligible for this exemption.

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption

California gives a property tax exemption for the home of a 100% disabled veteran or an unmarried spouse of a deceased disabled veteran.

There are two levels of the Disabled Veterans’ Exemption:

  • Basic: The basic exemption, also referred to as the $100,000 exemption, is available to all qualifying claimants. The exemption amount is compounded annually by an inflation factor. For example, for 2018, the basic exemption amount was $134,706.
  • Low-Income: The low-income exemption, also referred to as the $150,000 exemption, is available to qualifying claimants whose annual household income does not exceed a specified income limit. The amounts for both the low-income exemption and the annual income limit are compounded annually by an inflation factor. For example, for 2018, the low-income exemption amount was $202,060 and the annual household income limit was $60,490.

This exemption has no personal wealth restriction. The exemption is available only on a principal residence. The home may receive only one property exemption. The issues regarding these exemptions are complex, and the eligibility requirements are specific. Consult the local assessor’s office for detailed requirements regarding these exemptions. 

California Military Family Relief Fund

The California Military Family Relief Fund (CMFRF) was established to provide short-term financial assistance in the form of grants to California National Guard members and/or families affected by mobilization and deployment.

Motor Vehicle Registration Fees Waived

Medal of Honor recipients, former prisoners of war (POWs), and some permanently and totally disabled veterans may be eligible for a waiver of registration fees and free license plates for one passenger motor vehicle, or one motorcycle, or one commercial motor vehicle of less than 8,001 pounds in unladen weight.

Business License, Tax and Fee Waiver

Honorably discharged veterans who hawk, peddle, or vend any goods from a fixed location may be eligible for a waiver of municipal, county and state business license fees as well as other taxes and fees. This doesn’t apply to the sales of alcoholic beverages.

California Veterans Employment Preference

Honorably discharged veterans and their spouses, or surviving spouses of 100% disabled veterans, are automatically ranked at the top of the eligibility list when they pass a test for state employment.

Disabled Veteran State Contract Preference

The Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise program helps small businesses that are wholly or partly owned by disabled veterans compete for state contracts.

Commercial Driver’s License

Service members and veterans who served in a military position requiring operation of a military motor vehicle equivalent to a commercial motor vehicle on public roads and highways may be exempt from the road test or written section of the licensing exam.

California Veteran Dependent College Fee Waiver

Waiver of mandatory systemwide tuition and fees at any State of California Community College, California State University institution, or University of California campus. There are four classes of eligibility:

Plan A

Who is eligible:

  • A child between ages 14-27 of a service-connected, totally disabled veteran or a veteran whose death was officially rated as service-connected is eligible. If the child is a veteran, the age limit is extended to age 30.
  • The spouse of a totally service-connected disabled veteran; also the unmarried surviving spouse of a totally service-connected disabled wartime veteran.
  • Any dependent of any veteran who has been declared missing in action, captured in the line of duty by hostile forces, or forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power.

The veteran must have served at least one day of active duty during a period of war, or been awarded a campaign or expeditionary medal. You cannot get Plan A and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Chapter 35 benefits at the same time. There are no income restrictions. To be eligible, the event that caused basic entitlement to benefits (i.e., the date the veteran died of service-connected causes or the date the VA rated the veteran as totally disabled as a result of service-connected disabilities) must have occurred prior to the child’s 21st birthday.

Plan B

The child of a veteran who has a service-connected disability, or had a service-connected disability at the time of death, or died of service-related causes is eligible. There are income limits. Under Plan B, wartime service is not required, and there are no specific age requirements. Children are the only dependents eligible under this plan. There is no prohibition against receiving VA Chapter 35 benefits and this plan.

Plan C

Any dependent of any member of the California National Guard who was killed in the line of duty, died of a disability which was received in the line of duty, or was permanently disabled in the line of duty, is eligible. Surviving spouses who have not remarried are also eligible.

Plan D

Medal of Honor recipients and their children under 27 may qualify. Benefits under Plan D are limited to undergraduate studies only, and applicants are subject to both income and age restrictions. There is no prohibition against receiving concurrent VA Chapter 35 benefits.

California National Guard Education Assistance

The California National Guard Education Assistance Award Program covers all of, or a portion of, costs at selected state universities and community colleges. Guard members must remain in an active status while attending school. There are some GPA, academic program and enrollment requirements. 

California Veteran Recreation Benefits

Fishing and Hunting Licenses

Any veteran with a 50% or greater service-connected disability may be eligible for reduced annual fees for fishing and hunting licenses. You do not have to be a California resident for this benefit.

State Parks and Recreation Pass

Any honorably discharged war veteran who is a California resident with a 50% or more service-connected disability, or who is a former prisoner of war or Medal of Honor recipient, can get a free pass to all California state parks. This includes camping and day use. The pass is not valid at units operated by local government, private agencies, or concessionaires, and it is not valid for special events, group campsites, or commercial use or for supplemental fees. There may be a convenience fee to make online reservations.

California State Veterans Cemeteries

There are three state veterans cemeteries within California:

  1. California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery in Seaside.  
  2. Northern California Veterans Cemetery in Igo.
  3. Yountville Veterans Home Cemetery in Yountville. (This cemetery currently accepts only the interment of the Veterans Home’s residents and their eligible dependents.)  

Discussions are ongoing about a site for a future Southern California Veterans Cemetery.

Complete, professional burial services are provided at no cost to veterans ($500 fee for spouses or dependents). Veterans, dependents and survivors who meet VA eligibility requirements for burial in a national cemetery may be eligible.

Visit the California Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Colorado State Veterans Community Living Centers

Colorado has five state veterans’ homes. The homes are in Aurora, Florence, Homelake, Rifle, and Walsenburg.


Admission is open to honorably discharged veterans, spouses, widows and Gold Star parents. Each location offers 24-hour nursing care, meals, physician services, restorative therapy, transportation, diversified activities, an all-inclusive rate and more.

Colorado Veteran Financial Benefits

Property Tax Exemption

There is a property tax exemption for 50% of the first $200,000 of a home’s value for 100% permanently and totally disabled service-connected veterans. If you are receiving 100% disability solely as a result of an individual unemployability rating, you do not qualify.

Income Tax on Active Duty Pay

Active-duty military pay is tax-free if the service member is stationed and spent at least 305 days outside the continental United States. Spouses can be exempt, too, if they meet same requirements.


Income Tax on Retired Military Pay

Military retirees can exclude part of their retirement income from state taxes. The amount varies by age:

  • Those under age 55 can exclude up to $15,000.
  • Those ages 55-64 can exclude up to $20,000.
  • Those age 65 and over can exclude up to $24,000.

Same rules apply for Survivor Benefit Plan payments.

Military Family Relief Fund

Colorado may provide grants for families of reservists/Guard members called to active duty or to families of active-duty members serving in a combat zone.

These grants are intended to help families defray the costs of food, housing, utilities, medical services, and other expenses.

Colorado State Veteran Employment Benefits

Colorado gives veterans preference in the form of extra points added to the passing grade of a state employment examination. Eligibility requirements are as follows:

Five-point preference for:

  • honorably separated active-duty veterans who served during a time of war or in receipt of a campaign medal.
  • the spouse of a veteran unable to work because of a service-connected disability.
  • the widow/widower of a deceased veteran who was or would have been entitled to veterans’ preference.

Ten-point preference for:

  • honorably separated veterans who are receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability or pension.

Colorado National Guard Education Benefits

Any member of the Colorado National Guard is eligible for state tuition assistance, up to 100% tuition paid at any Colorado state-funded institution depending on funding availability. State funding can be used in conjunction with federal tuition assistance.

Deadlines throughout the year for each term.

Eligibility: A Colorado National Guard member must serve two years for each year granted.

Colorado Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting  and Fishing License for Disabled Veterans

A free lifetime combination small-game hunting and fishing license is available for a resident veteran with a permanent service-connected disability of 60% or more or to any resident patient at a VA hospital located within Colorado.

Hunting and Fishing License for Active Duty

Non-residents of Colorado and their families can get hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate while stationed in the state.

Resident Fishing While Home on Leave

Colorado residents who are on active duty and permanently stationed outside of the state may fish without a license while in Colorado on temporary leave.

Free State Park Admission

All active-duty members and veterans are admitted free to Colorado state parks for the entire month of August and on Veterans Day. There is no residency requirement.

State Park Admission for Disabled Veterans

Veterans with a Disabled Veterans License Plate receive free admission to any state park or recreation area.

Colorado resident disabled veterans can get discounted admission to all Colorado state parks with a Columbine Pass for residents with total and permanent disabilities.

Colorado State Veterans Cemetery

The Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado is located in Grand Junction. Eligibility for burial in the cemetery is the same as for VA national cemeteries but includes a residency requirement.

Visit the Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs website for more information about any of these programs.

Connecticut Veterans Home

The Connecticut Veterans Home in Rocky Hill is open to veteran residents of Connecticut with an other than dishonorable discharge. There is both a residential facility and a skilled-care facility.


There is an income-based fee.

Connecticut Veteran Financial Benefits

Property Tax Exemptions

Veterans, who have ninety days of wartime service, including Merchant Marines, who served during WWII, are eligible for a $1,500 exemption for property tax purposes (e.g., real property or automobiles). You have the option to choose to apply this exemption to your real estate or automobile tax. Certain veterans, who do not own real property or a motor vehicle, may be eligible for a tax refund if they are leasing a motor vehicle.

Veterans below a certain income level and/or service connected disabled veterans are eligible for additional property tax exemptions (up to $10,000 for paraplegics). Surviving spouses of veterans may also be eligible for this benefit. Contact your municipality’s Tax Assessor Officer for specific details.


Income Tax

Active duty pay is tax-free if stationed out-of-state, provided you don’t own a home in Connecticut or live there for more than 30 days per year.

Military retirement pay and Survivor Benefit Plan are tax-free.

Wartime Bonus

Connecticut National Guard members are eligible for a bonus of $50 for every month of mobilized service after Sep. 11, 2001 with a maximum payment of $500 for non-combat or $1,200 for combat service. 

Connecticut Military Relief Fund

The Military Relief Fund provides monetary grants to service members and their families experiencing a financial hardship as a result of military service.

The amount of the grant award is dependent on the unique circumstances of each case but may not exceed $5,000.

Connecticut State Veteran Employment Benefits

For state and municipal employment exams, a wartime veteran eligible for or receiving U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation receives an additional 10 points. A wartime veteran not eligible for VA compensation or pension receives five additional points. A spouse of a qualified veteran is also eligible for additional points. 

CDL Skills Test Exemption

Military members or veterans within one year of separation, who operated military vehicles that would require a commercial driver’s license in the civilian world, can skip the skills test portion of a CDL exam.

Documentation required.

Veterans Agriculture Program

Some veterans are eligible for sales and use tax exemptions for property used exclusively in commercial agricultural production

Connecticut Veteran Education Benefits

Tuition and fees at state regional community and technical colleges as well as state universities may be waived for Connecticut resident veterans who served at least 90 days of active duty during a period of war. A veteran’s dependents can also qualify for the tuition waiver if the veteran is declared missing in action while serving in the armed forces after Jan. 1, 1960.

Connecticut Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Any active-duty military member, no matter where they are stationed, can buy hunting, trapping and fishing licenses for the resident rate.

State Parks

Connecticut offers a free lifetime pass to all state parks and forests for Connecticut residents with a service-connected disability.

Connecticut State Veterans Cemetery

Any veteran discharged with other than a dishonorable discharge is eligible for burial in the state veterans cemetery in Middletown. Spouses are also eligible for this benefit.

Visit the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information about any of these programs.

Delaware State Veterans Home

The Delaware Veterans Home in Milford is open to veterans who were Delaware residents for at least one year prior to application, served at least 180 days on active duty, were Reserve/Guard members eligible for retirement pay at 60, and require a nursing home level of care.


Delaware Veteran Financial Benefits

Pension Benefits for Paraplegic Veterans

A paraplegic veteran can receive a pension from the state of $3,000 per year. The veteran must file evidence that they are paraplegic and fully disabled and the disability is a direct result of their wartime military service.

Income Tax

Up to $12,500 of military retirement and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free for recipients under age 60.

Disabled Veterans School Tax Credit

Permanently disabled veterans who have been Delaware residents for at least three years may be exempt from the school tax portion of their property tax bill.


Delaware Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment Veterans Preference

When applying for state jobs, an additional 10 points are given to disabled veterans and five points given to all other eligible veterans. Any preference points for which a veteran would qualify may be claimed by his or her unmarried widow, widower, spouse of a member of the armed forces who is POW or MIA, or spouse of a veteran who is totally disabled. 

License and Permits for Military Spouses

Military spouses relocating to Delaware are given a six-month temporary occupational license. The temporary license will allow the spouse to obtain employment in their discipline, pending application for endorsement or reciprocity. 

Delaware Veteran Education Benefits 

Children of Deceased Veterans

Children of military members killed while on active duty or who died from disease, wounds, injuries or disabilities arising or resulting from performance of duty as well as children of POW/MIA members are eligible for up to four years of free college. The college need not be in the state of Delaware.

The child must be between ages 16 to 24 and a resident of Delaware for at least three years prior to the date of application.

Delaware National Guard Tuition Assistance

The assistance amounts to up to 100% of tuition at a state college/university or average of in-state tuition at private college or university in Delaware. 

Delaware Veteran Recreation Benefits

State Park Admission

Any active-duty member or veteran with an honorable discharge, including members of the Delaware National Guard who live in the state and own a motor vehicle registered in Delaware, gets a 50% discount on the annual fee for vehicle entrance to state parks and recreational areas.

Hunting, Trapping and Fishing License for Active-Duty Military

Active-duty members stationed in Delaware pay the resident rate for a license.

Hunting, Trapping, and Fishing License for Disabled Veterans

Veterans with a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability rating of 60% can get a free license. 

Delaware State Veterans Cemeteries

There are two state veterans cemeteries. They are in Bear and Millsboro. 

Eligibility for burial is generally similar to burial requirements for a National Veterans Cemetery and include a residency requirement.

Visit the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs website for more information about any of these programs.

Florida Veterans Homes

Florida State Veterans Home

The Robert Jenkins, Jr. Assisted Living/Domiciliary Home provides a special combination of housing, personalized supportive services, and incidental medical care to eligible veterans. Veterans admitted must be residents of Florida for one year prior to admission and have an honorable discharge. The cost of care is determined based on income. 


Veterans Nursing Homes of Florida

The state of Florida operates 6 Veterans’ nursing homes and 1 assisted living facility throughout the state. Basic admission requirements for all veterans’ nursing homes in Florida include an honorable discharge, Florida residency for one year prior to admission, and certification of need of nursing home care by a VA physician.

Florida Veteran Financial Benefits

Basic Property Tax Exemptions

Resident veterans with VA disability of at least 10% can get a $5,000 deduction on their home’s assessed value.  The un remarried surviving spouse who had been married to the veteran for at least 5 years may also entitled to this exemption.

Homestead Exemption

Florida resident veterans with an honorable discharge and are 100% permanently and totally disabled as well as quadriplegic veterans are exempt from paying property tax on their residence. Unremarried surviving spouses may also be eligible.


Florida resident veterans who are paraplegic, hemiplegic, or permanently and totally disabled who must use a wheelchair for mobility, or are legally blind, may be exempt from real estate taxation depending on income.

Driver’s License Fee

Permanently and totally disabled veterans can get a Florida driver’s license for free. 

Florida Veteran Employment Benefits

Hiring Preference for Government Jobs

Florida state, county, and municipal governments give disabled veterans with an honorable discharge, wartime veterans, spouses and surviving spouses of totally disabled veterans preference in hiring for government jobs.

Military Veterans Certification Pathway

Veterans without a bachelor’s degree may be eligible for a 5 year temporary teaching certificate if they have an honorable discharge, 60 college credits with at least a 2.5 GPA and pass a subject area examination.

Certification Fee Waiver

Veterans and their spouses may be eligible for a waiver of the fee to receive a teaching certificate.


Florida Veteran Education Benefits

Tuition Waiver

Florida waives undergraduate-level tuition at state universities, community colleges, and career and technical training facilities for Florida recipients of the Purple Heart and higher combat decorations. 

Education for Children Of Deceased Or Disabled Florida Veterans

Florida provides four-year college educational opportunities for dependent children and spouses of veterans who died from a service connected disability or who are 100% percent service-connected totally and permanently disabled veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. For more information, call toll free (888) 827-2004. Dependent children of service members Missing In Action or Prisoners Of War may also be eligible for tuition benefits.

Veterans Florida Agriculture Program

The Veterans Florida Agriculture Program is a six-month training fellowship that provides veterans and servicemembers a comprehensive, hands-on experience in the agriculture industry. The training takes place at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Research and Education Center facilities across the state.

Trainees earn $15 an hour.

Florida Veteran Recreation Benefits

State Park Admission

Florida State Parks offer a 25% discounted annual pass to all state parks for all honorably discharged veterans and active-duty members.

Florida State Parks also offer a free-for-life Military Entrance Pass to honorably discharged veterans with service-connected disabilities; this pass is offered to the surviving spouses and parents of service members who died in combat as well.

County and municipal parks offer free or reduced entrance fees to current military members, honorably discharged or disabled veterans and their spouses. Contact your local county or municipality for details.

Hunting and Fishing License

Active-duty and retired military Florida residents can get a Military Gold Sportsman’s License for $20. The license covers hunting, freshwater and saltwater fishing and a variety of associated permits at a greatly reduced cost.

100% permanently and totally disabled service-connected veterans are entitled to a free five year hunting and fishing license.

Visit the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Georgia Veterans Homes

Georgia has two veterans homes, one in Augusta and one in Milledgeville. Admission is open to honorably discharged Georgia veterans with service during wartime.

A nominal daily fee is charged. Eligible veterans may apply for the federal Aid and Attendance benefit to help offset this fee. Veterans with a service-connected disability rating of 70% or higher or whose admission is due to a service-connected condition do not have to pay the fee, as this care and treatment is paid in full by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Georgia Veterans Financial Benefits

Exemption from Homestead Tax

100% disabled veterans, those getting VA disability for loss of vision or limbs, and their surviving un-remarried spouses may be exempt from property tax on their homes. The maximum exemption, which changes every year, is currently $93,356, but there are several factors which determine the amount. Check with the county tax assessor or visit the link at the bottom of this page for details.

Vehicle Tax Exemption

No ad valorem tax on vehicles for permanently and totally disabled veterans or those getting VA disability for loss of vision or limbs. 


License Fees and Special Taxes

Georgia veterans are eligible for a certificate granting exemption from any occupation tax, administrative fee, or regulatory fee imposed by local governments for peddling, conducting a business, or practicing a profession or semi-profession for a period of 10 years. This applies to veterans with a VA disability of at least 10% and an honorable discharge.

Free Driver’s License

Honorably discharged Georgia veterans can get a free driver’s license. A member or former member of the National Guard with 20 or more years of creditable service also qualifies.

Any member of the Georgia National Guard or a Reserve component who is in good standing and has completed at least one year of satisfactory service is eligible for a free National Guard Driver’s License.

The spouse of a qualified veteran, whose disabilities preclude operating a motor vehicle, is eligible for a free honorary driver’s license. To qualify, a veteran must meet the same residence and qualifying service terms for a free veteran’s driver’s license. The surviving un-remarried spouse of an eligible deceased veteran is also eligible for a free honorary driver’s license. To qualify, you must meet the same residence and qualifying service terms for a free veteran’s driver’s license.

Georgia Veterans Employment Benefits

Veterans Employment Preference

A five-point credit is given to war veterans seeking state employment. A 10-point credit is given to those with a VA service-connected disability of 10% or more.

Business Licenses

Some honorably discharged veterans with at least a 25% disability (10% if wartime veterans) are exempt from payment of occupational taxes and other fees for peddling, conducting a business, or practicing a profession or semi-profession.

Firefighter Qualification

Military firefighter training is accepted as required basic training for full-time, part-time and volunteer firefighters, including airport firefighters. 

Georgia Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Veterans

Returning veterans are entitled to a free honorary hunting and fishing license for a period of one year following issuance. 

All honorably discharged veterans are eligible for a 20% discount on hunting and fishing licenses

Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Permanently and Totally Disabled Veterans

Veterans rated permanently and totally disabled by the VA or Defense Department are eligible for a discounted sportsman’s license.  

Reduced State Park Admission Fees for Disabled Veterans

Any Georgia resident veteran with a service-connected disability and an honorable discharge can get a discount card good for 25% reduced entrance fee to Georgia state parks, historical sites, and recreational areas.

Georgia State Veterans Cemeteries

Any veteran or their family may be buried in one of the two Georgia State Veterans Memorial Cemeteries in Milledgeville or Glennville. Eligibility requirements are the same as for burial in a VA cemetery and require an other-than-dishonorable discharge.

Visit the Georgia Department of Veterans Service website for more information on any of these programs.

Housing Benefits

Hawaii State Veterans Home

The Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home in Hilo is a state nursing home for honorably discharged Hawaii resident veterans over 55 who require skilled nursing care and meet the VA requirements for an “eligible veteran”. The veteran is responsible for any costs not covered by the VA or medicare. Spouses may be eligible for admission depending on available space.

Special Housing for Disabled Veterans

Payment by the state of up to $5,000 to each qualified, totally disabled veteran for the purpose of purchasing or remodeling a home to improve handicapped accessibility.

Hawaii Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Retired pay and SBP payments are tax-free.

Hawaii National Guard and Reserve drill pay are tax-free. Up to the amount that an E-5 with eight years of service receives for forty-eight drills (equivalent of twelve weekends) and fifteen days of annual training duty is exempt.

Property Tax Exemptions

Real property owned and occupied as a home by a totally disabled veteran or their surviving spouse is exempt from all property taxes. 


Vehicle Registration Fee Waiver

Permanently disabled veterans can get a $45.00 discount on the state registration fee. To be eligible, you must be have a service connected 100% VA disability rating, be a Hawaii resident and have an other than dishonorable discharge.

Weight Tax Exemption for Non-Resident Military Service Members 

Active duty members stationed in Hawaii who are residents of another state are exempt from payment of Hawaii’s motor vehicle weight taxes for one vehicle registered in their name.

Hawaii State Education Benefits

The Hawaii Army National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program (STAP) offers tuition waivers for eligible members who have completed Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. The waiver covers 100% of your tuition if you are a community college student, and 50% of your tuition if you are a four-year university student. In order to be eligible for STAP, you must:

  • Be pursuing an undergraduate degree

  • Be enrolled in courses pertaining to that undergraduate degree

  • Be a satisfactory performer in your assigned Hawaii National Guard unit

STAP can also be used in conjunction with your G.I. Bill and Federal Tuition Assistance benefits.

Hawaii State Employment Veterans Preference

Non-disabled veterans receive 5 preference points, disabled veterans receive 10 points. Preference points are added to examination scores completed by applicants for open competitive state employment positions.

Some spouses and surviving spouses of disabled veterans may also be eligible for the 10 point award.

Hawaii Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting Licenses

Active duty military personnel and their dependents stationed in Hawaii are considered to be residents for the purposes of obtaining a hunting license.

Hawaii State Veterans Cemeteries

Hawaii has 7 state veterans cemeteries located in:

  • Hilo 
  • Hoolehua
  • Kailua-Kona
  • Kaneohe
  • Kauna Kakai
  • Lanai City
  • Lihue

Veterans, spouses, and some dependents are eligible for interment. There may be a small fee charged for burial.

Visit the Hawaii Office of Veterans Services website for more information on any of these programs.

Idaho Veteran Housing Benefits

There are three state veterans homes in Idaho: Boise, Lewiston, and Pocatello. The fourth Idaho veterans home, in Post Falls is scheduled to open in 2022.


Applicants may be peacetime or wartime veterans, with wartime veterans retaining priority admission status. Applicants must have been discharged under honorable conditions and be an Idaho resident.  Applicants must be unemployable as a result of age, illness, or disability, and must apply for and be eligible for Medicaid benefits or must pay a monthly fee.

Idaho Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military pay is tax free if stationed out-of-state.

Military retirement and SBP recipients can deduct up to $37,776 of their retirement/SBP income for a single filer or $56,664 for a joint filer. This amount changes annually and only applies to veterans or their un-remarried surviving spouses, age 65 or older, or disabled and age 62 or older.


Property Tax

Veterans with a 100% service-connected disability, or those rated unemployable by the VA may reduce the property on their home and up to one acre of land by as much as $1,500. The program doesn’t have an income limit.

Veterans with at least a 10% service-connected disability may reduce the property tax on their home by up to $1,500 if they have income of $32,230 or less for 2021.

Grocery Tax Credit

Veterans age 65 or older, or disabled and age 62 or older, may claim the Grocery Tax Credit even when not required to file an income tax return if VA disability benefits are the veteran’s only income.

Financial Assistance

Provides up to a $1,000 grant, in cases of extreme emergency, to wartime veterans in need of assistance. Must have entered the military from Idaho, or lived within the state for at least 5 years. The event or emergency must have occurred within 90 days of the request.

Idaho Veterans Employment Benefits

State Employment Preference

Idaho state employment gives preference points for active duty veterans. Honorably discharged veterans get 5 preference points, disabled veterans get 10 preference points. Surviving spouses who have not remarried can get the same points as the veteran.

Occupational Licenses

Idaho offers military members and their families expedited processing for occupational licenses. They also accept credit for military training that is relevant to the occupational license/registration being applied for. 

Idaho residents on active, reserve or guard duty do not have to pay any professional or occupational license or renewal fees while in the military. Also, service members holding an occupational or professional license will have that license’s expiration date extended until six months after they leave the service.

The state of Idaho may accept your military education, training, and experience toward meeting the qualifications for a license, certification or registration. Idaho also expedites license applications of military spouses. 

Idaho Veteran Recreation Benefits

Idaho State Parks Veterans Pass

Idaho resident 100% service-connected disabled veterans get free access and camping at Idaho State Parks.

Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Resident disabled veterans may be eligible for reduced fees for licenses and tags.

Nonresident disabled veterans with a VA disability rating of at least 40% are eligible for nonresident reduced fees for licenses and tags. 

Idaho State Veterans Cemeteries

The Idaho State Veterans Cemeteries are located in Blackfoot and Boise. The eligibility requirements for burial at the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery follow the National Veterans Cemetery eligibility requirements and Idaho law. There is no requirement to be a resident of the state of Idaho.

Visit the Idaho Division of Veterans Services website for more information on any of these programs.

Illinois Veteran Housing Benefits

The State of Illinois runs 5 Veterans homes in Anna, Chicago, LaSalle, Manteno, and Quincy. The homes are open to Illinois veterans with military service of one (1) day or more, Veterans who served during a period of war are given precedence in admission, though peacetime veterans, spouses, surviving spouses, and Gold Star parents are also eligible. Monthly costs are based on income.

Illinois Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active duty, national guard, reserve, retired pay and SBP payments are tax-free.

Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Global War on Terrorism (OIF, OEF) Bonus

A $100 bonus is payable for service during one of the following periods:

Korea – June 27, 1950 – July 27, 1953 Vietnam – Jan. 1, 1961 – March 28, 1973 Vietnam Frequent Wind – April 29, 30, 1975 Persian Gulf – Aug. 2, 1990 – Nov. 30, 1995 Global War on Terrorism – Sep. 11, 2001 – TBD

You must also be in receipt of one of the following medals: Korean Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Vietnam Era Southwest Asia Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, or the Afghanistan Campaign Service Medal; and have been a resident of Illinois for 12 months immediately prior to entering service. Some service periods require an Honorable Discharge and foreign service requirements.

Vietnam Veteran Survivors Compensation

Survivors are entitled to a payment of $1,000 if veteran’s death is service-connected or is the direct result of service-connected disabilities incurred in the period specified. A separate application is required.

POW Compensation

Persons on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States or employed by the United States Government on, or after, January 1, 1961, who were residents of Illinois 12 months prior to entry, and who were taken and held prisoner by hostile forces in Southwest Asia, are entitled to $50 for each month held captive.

Specially Adapted Housing Tax Exemption

Up to a $100,000 reduction in the property’s value for taxation purposes is available for homes that were purchased or modified with the Specially Adapted Housing Grant for as long as the veteran, spouse, or unmarried surviving spouse live there.

Mobile homes purchased with the Specially Adapted Housing Grant are also exempt from county mobile home tax.

Returning Veterans’ Homestead Exemption

Qualifying veterans receive a one-time $5,000 reduction to their home’s assessed value.

Disabled Veterans’ Standard Homestead Exemption

A reduction in the assessed value of the home of a veteran with a service-connected disability.  For veterans with a disability between 30% – 50% the exemption is $2,500; for veterans with a 50% – 70% disability the exemption is $5,000; veterans with a service-connected disability of at least 70% are exempt from property taxes on their primary residence.

The unmarried surviving spouse of a service member killed in the line of duty is exempt from paying property taxes on the primary residence. 

You must file an annual application with the county to receive this exemption.

Illinois Veteran Employment Benefits

Veterans Employment Preference

Honorably discharged veterans who served during wartime get preference in state job hiring.

Education Requirements for Police & Firefighters

The educational requirements needed to join the Illinois State Police will be waived for veterans who have been honorably discharged with a campaign service medal for Afghanistan or Iraq. The Illinois Conservation Police will waive their educational requirements for honorably discharged veterans who have certain campaign medals. The educational requirement for a firefighter or municipal police officer is waived for veterans discharged honorably after 24 months of active duty or 180 days in combat.

State Licenses & Credentials

Licenses & Credentials testing and fees for EMT, CNA, EMR, and CDL may be waived if you have military experience in that job.

Illinois Veteran Education Benefits

Educational Opportunities for Children (10-18 Yrs)

Financial aid is available for children between 10 and 18 years old of those who died or became totally disabled as a result of wartime military service. The financial aid applies to a state educational institution of elementary grade, high school or vocational training school.

MIA/POW Scholarship

Dependents of a veteran who has been declared by the DOD or VA to be a POW/MIA, died as the result of a service-connected disability, or permanently disabled from service-connected causes with 100% disability; and, who is an Illinois resident or was an Illinois resident within six months of entering service may be eligible for the scholarship.

Eligible dependents are entitled to full payment of tuition and certain fees to any state supported Illinois institution of higher learning consisting of the equivalent of four (4) calendar years of full-time enrollment including summer terms (i.e., 120 points).

Illinois Veterans’ Grant

The Illinois Veteran Grant (IVG) Program pays tuition and certain fees at all Illinois state-supported colleges, universities and community colleges for Illinois residents. An individual must:

  • have an honorable discharge; and
  • reside in Illinois six months before entering the service; and
  • have at least one full year of active duty in the military; and
  • return to Illinois within six months of discharge

Illinois National Guard Grant

The Illinois National Guard (ING) Grant pays tuition and eligible fees (registration, graduation, general activity, matriculation and term fees) at all Illinois public universities or public community colleges. Recipients who have completed less than 10 years of active guard time may accumulate up to 120 eligibility units. Recipients who have completed more than 10 years of active duty guard time may accumulate up to 180 eligibility units.

Children of Veterans Scholarship

Each county in the state shall be entitled, annually, to one honorary scholarship at the University of Illinois, for the benefit of children of veterans of WWI, WWII, Korean War, the Vietnam Conflict and any time on or after August 2, 1990 and until those persons in service are no longer eligible for the Southwest Asia Service Medal. Preference is given to the children of deceased and disabled veterans. Such children shall be entitled to receive, without charge for tuition, instruction in any or all departments of the University for a term of at least four (4) consecutive years. Details may be obtained from the University’s Financial Aid Office.

Illinois Veteran Recreation Benefits

Camping & Admission Fees

Illinois veterans are exempt from admission and camping fees at Illinois state parks for a time period equal to their military service spent abroad or mobilized.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Fishing and hunting licenses are not required for disabled veterans receiving 10% or greater service-connected compensation, or total disability pension benefits. Veterans who served abroad may be eligible for half-price licenses.

Visit the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Indiana Veterans Home

The Indiana Veterans Home in West Lafayette provides nursing and domiciliary care for any honorably discharged Hoosier Veteran who has resided in Indiana for at least 12 months prior to admission. The home is open to both veterans and their spouses. There is a fee.


Indiana Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active duty and reserve members can exempt $5,000 of their military pay from state income taxes.

Beginning in 2022, military retired pay and SBP pay is tax-free.

Disabled Veteran Property Tax Deduction

Property tax deductions are available to disabled Hoosier veterans who have an honorable discharge. This amount is deducted from the value of your home for tax purposes, leaving you with a smaller property tax bill.

  1. A $24,960 dollar deduction is available to wartime veterans who have at least a 10% VA disability. 
  2. Up to a $14,000 deduction is available to veterans who are at least 62 with at least a 10% VA disability OR have a VA total disability. This deduction is only available if the assessed value of the property owned by the veteran is less than $200,000.
  3. Veterans who served during wartime and are at least 62 years old with a 10% service-connected disability rating OR have a permanent and total service-connected disability rating at any age AND whose home’s assessed value is $200,000 or less, can receive both property tax deductions for a total of $38,960. 

Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF)

The MFRF emergency grant may be used by the families for needs such as food, housing, utilities, medical services, transportation and other essential family support expenses which have become difficult to afford. A grant up to $2,500 may be awarded.

Indiana Employment Benefits

State Employment Veterans Preference

Indiana offers veterans preference in state government jobs for honorably discharged veterans. 

Military CDL Skills Waiver Program

The BMV may waive the required drive skills test for veterans with specific training and were truck drivers during their military service when they apply for an Indiana Commercial Driver’s License.

Vendor License

Honorably discharged veterans may receive a vending license for free.

Next Level Veterans Program

The state will help you apply for a job with dozens of corporations, and if hired will pay you $5,000 to relocate to Indiana. Check out their website for more information.

Indiana Education Benefits

Free Tuition For Children of Disabled Veterans

Indiana offers free or discounted tuition at state schools to children of disabled veterans, Purple Heart Recipients and their children, and children of former POW/MIA. The veteran must have:

  • joined the military from Indiana or been a resident of Indiana for 5 years before they or their children can apply
  • served in a wartime period (including August 2, 1990 – present) or
  • received a Purple Heart Medal

The child student can be as old as 32 years of age, but must not have reached their 33rd birthday when first applying for the benefit. If the  veteran is at least 80% disabled the discount is 100%; if the veteran is rated at less than 80% disability the discount is the rated disability plus 20%. 

Indiana National Guard Supplemental Grant

This provides free tuition at state schools for active drilling members of the Indiana National Guard. 

National Guard Deployment Protection

National Guard members from Indiana or an adjoining state who attend an Indiana public university are entitled to a tuition refund or credit and guaranteed re-enrollment if they are called to active duty during an academic term.

Indiana Veterans Recreation Benefits

State Parks

A Hoosier Golden Passport provides unlimited admission to all Indiana State owned parks, recreation areas, reservoirs, forests, historic sites, museums, memorials and other Department of Natural Resource (DNR) facilities. The pass is good for one calendar year.

Persons eligible for a Disabled American Veteran license plate may purchase the Hoosier Golden Passport at DNR facilities around the State. If you have Disabled American Veteran plates on the vehicle simply drive to the gate and the attendant will sell you the Hoosier Golden Passport. If you do not have the plate but believe you are eligible you will be given a form to request the plate, which you must send to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs for verification.

Hunting And Fishing Licenses For Disabled Veterans

Any Indiana resident who is service-connected disabled by the VA can buy an Indiana hunting & fishing license for a reduced fee.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses For Active Duty Residents

Active duty Indiana residents who are carrying leave orders and a valid Indiana driver’s license or voter registration card are exempt from purchasing a hunting or fishing license.

Non-resident military personnel on active duty and stationed within Indiana qualify for a resident license.

Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery

The Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery is located next to the Madison State Hospital and Clifty Falls State Park in Madison. Any Hoosier veteran eligible to be buried in a national cemetery will be eligible for burial in the cemetery. Spouses are also eligible.

Burial Allowances

Each county auditor is authorized to pay up to an amount not to exceed $100 for the burial of a veteran or the veteran’s spouse, and to pay up to $100 for the setting of a federal headstone. Veterans must have received an honorable discharge, and an application must be filed with the county auditor in the county of residence.

Visit the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Iowa Veterans Home

The State of Iowa runs a Veterans Home in Marshalltown. Cost is based on need, however no one will be turned away. Spouses may be eligible for admission. Veterans must have an honorable discharge.


Iowa Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active duty, retired pay and SBP payments are tax-free.

Home Ownership Assistance

This $5,000 grant is available to veterans buying a home in the state of Iowa. Members must have served on or after Sep. 11, 2001, or at least 90 days between Aug. 2, 1990 and Apr. 6, 1991; and purchased a home after Mar. 10, 2005.

Property Tax Exemption

This benefit reduces a veteran’s assessed home value for property tax purposes by $1,852. In order to qualify, a service member must have served on active duty during a period of war or for a minimum of 18 months during peacetime.


Disabled Veteran’s Homestead Tax Credit

This tax credit provides 100% exemption of property taxes for 100% disabled service-connected veterans and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) recipients.

Injured Veterans Grant Program

This grant provides up to $10,000 to service members or discharged veterans who sustained serious or very serious combat-related injuries in a combat theater of operations after Sep. 11, 2001.

Iowa Veterans Trust Fund

Available to veterans in need of money for unemployment or underemployment related to service-related causes, medical costs, housing assistance, and vehicle repairs. Contact the Iowa Veterans Commission at the link below for details.

Iowa Veteran Employment Preference

Honorably discharged veterans get five percentage points added to their grade or score attained in qualifying examinations for jobs with the state, public works, counties, cities, and schools.

An additional five points are added to the grade or score for veterans getting VA disability or pension.

Iowa Veteran Education Benefits

War Orphans Educational Aid

Children of Iowa veterans killed in action following Sep. 11, 2001 are eligible for up to $11,844.00 per year in tuition assistance at an Iowa post-secondary institution. Children qualify up to the age of 26.

Dependents of those killed in action prior to Sep. 11, 2001 are eligible for $600 per year with a maximum of $3,000.

Residency is required to receive this benefit. 

National Guard Tuition Benefits

Iowa National Guard members in good standing are eligible for up to $4,637 per semester for full time enrollment. Part-time students are eligible for $196 per semester hour. Additionally, Guard members who are mobilized will receive a tuition refund.

Iowa Veteran Lifetime Hunting/Fishing License

Iowa resident veterans with at least a 0% VA disability rating can get a lifetime hunting or fishing license for $7.00. 

Iowa State Veterans Cemetery

The Iowa Veterans Cemetery is located 10 miles west of Des Moines, near Van Meter, the cemetery is available to all veterans, their spouses, and dependent children for burial. Honorably discharged veterans will be interred at no charge and spouses/dependents will be buried for a $300 fee.

Visit the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Kansas State Veterans Homes

Kansas runs two veterans homes, in Fort Dodge and Winfield.  Applicants must have received an “other than dishonorable” discharge and be either disabled, indigent, or willing to pay for care. Spouses may accompany veterans on a space-available basis. Out-of-state veterans may be admitted on a space-available basis.


Kansas Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military retirement pay and SBP payments are tax-free.

Homestead Act

Disabled veterans can claim a homestead refund for a portion of their real estate taxes. Veterans must be Kansas residents, honorably discharged, and have at least a 50% service-connected permanent disability.

Surviving spouses are also eligible until they remarry.


Kansas State Veteran Employment Benefits

Any veteran with a campaign medal, a service-connected disability, retired as an O-3 or below, or the spouse of a 100% disabled veteran can get veterans preference for a state job.

Veterans preference guarantees an interview and to consideration for the position. 

Kansas State Education Benefits

Tuition Payment for Survivors of Those Killed In The Line of Duty

The tuition at state universities, community colleges, or vocational technical colleges is free for dependents of Kansas residents who are killed in the line of duty while on active duty or in the Kansas National Guard. Tuition assistance is also provided for former Prisoners of War.

Kansas Military Service Scholarship

Covers tuition and fees at a public Kansas institution for students who are a resident of Kansas and has served at least 90 days in a hostile fire pay location after Sep. 11, 2001 or been awarded the Purple Heart and received an other than dishonorable discharge.

Because financial need is a priority in awarding this scholarship, students will need to file a FAFSA form. Once your school considers you as a graduate status student, you are not eligible for this scholarship.

Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance Program

Pays tuition at state colleges, will pay up to 15 hours per term, student must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, cannot already have a bachelors degree and be a drilling Guard member. 

Kansas Veteran Recreation Benefits

Free Hunting & Fishing Licenses

National Guard Members and 30% or greater disabled Kansas resident veterans can get free hunting and fishing licenses.

Hunting Licenses for Active Duty Members

Active duty military personnel stationed in Kansas can purchase all annual state licenses, permits and stamps at the resident rate. Military permits for elk draw are available for active duty military personnel stationed at Fort Riley.

Discounted State Park Admission

Kansas Army and Air National Guard and 30% or greater disabled veterans get discounted admission to state parks.

Kansas State Veterans Cemeteries

Kansas has 4 state veterans’ cemeteries in Ft. Dodge, Ft. Riley, Wakeeney, and Winfield. Veterans who received an “other-than-dishonorable” discharge, guard and reservists with at least 20 years of qualifying service, or those who die on active duty are eligible for burial.

Dependents are also eligible for burial. There is no fee for veterans or their dependents, and there is no Kansas residency requirement.

Visit the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Kentucky Veteran Housing Benefits

Kentucky has 4 long-term care facilities:

  • Eastern Kentucky Veterans Center – Hazard
  • Carl M Brashear Veterans Center – Radcliff
  • Thompson-Hood Veterans Center – Wilmore
  • Western Kentucky Veterans Center – Hanson

Veterans must be Kentucky residents with an other-than-dishonorable discharge to be admitted. Costs are based on a veteran’s ability to pay.

Kentucky Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military income is tax-free.

Military retirement pay up to $31,110 is tax-free. Veterans may be able to exclude more in certain situations.


SBP payments are also tax-free.

Property Tax for Disabled Veterans

Totally disabled veterans are eligible for up to a $40,500 deduction on the assessed value of their home for property tax purposes.

Kentucky Veterans Preference for State Jobs

Veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge can get 5 points added to their test score for a state job. Disabled veterans can get 10 points.

Some spouses and surviving spouses may also be eligible.

Kentucky Tuition Waiver Program

A tuition waiver is provided for children, stepchildren, adopted children, spouses, and un-remarried surviving spouses of KY veterans who died on active duty, as a result of service-connected injuries, or is VA rated totally disabled.

An approved tuition waiver means a student may attend any two-year, four-year schools or vocational technical schools that are operated and funded by the Kentucky Department of Education.

Kentucky residency is a requirement for both the veteran and the applicant. A deceased veteran must have been a Kentucky resident at the time of death.

Kentucky Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting, Trapping, or Fishing Licenses

Kentucky veterans with 50% of more service connected disability are authorized a discounted license.

Kentucky residents home on leave can fish for free without a license.

Kentucky State Parks

Kentucky resident veterans who are permanently and totally disabled pay no overnight accommodation fees at any state park.

Kentucky Veterans Cemeteries

Kentucky Veterans Cemeteries are located in Hopkinsville, Hyden, Fort Knox, Williamstown, and Greenup County. 

Any Kentucky resident veteran or any veteran who was stationed in Kentucky is eligible for burial. There is no fee.

Visit the Kentucky Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Louisiana Veterans Homes

Louisiana operates five veterans homes located in Bossier City, Jackson, Jennings, Monroe and Reserve.

For admission to a Louisiana Veterans Home, a veteran must be a resident of the state of Louisiana, with an other-than-dishonorable discharge. Applicants who have income will be expected to pay for their care.

Spouses and Gold Star parents are eligible if they meet basic qualifying criteria. 

Louisiana Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Up to $30,000 of active-duty pay is tax-free if stationed out of state for 120 consecutive days or more. Louisiana also exempts pays that are exempt from federal income taxes, including combat pay and hazardous duty pay.

Retired pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Property Tax Exemptions

Voters approved property tax exemptions for disabled veterans in November 2022. Disability percentages determine the amount of the exemptions, up to a home’s total assessed value for veterans who are 100% disabled or can’t work at all.

Military Family Assistance Fund

This benefit can provide financial support to Louisiana veterans and their families when they experience financial hardships. The MFA can pay up to $10,000 for one claim per active-duty order in a 12-month period. Applicants must submit a completed application to Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs and include all required supporting documentation, as certain criteria applies. The MFA is funded entirely by private donations from individuals and corporations.

National Guard Death & Disability Benefit

Louisiana National Guard members who received a permanent and total disability while on federal or state active duty on or after Sep. 11, 2001, or the beneficiary of record of those killed in action may qualify for a $250,000 death or $100,000 disability benefit from the state. Certain restrictions apply.

Louisiana Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment

Louisiana state and city civil service departments award a 5-point preference to honorably discharged veterans and 10-point preference to honorably discharged service-connected disabled veterans.

Spouses of veterans who are rated unemployable by the Department of Veterans Affairs as well as un-remarried widows of deceased veterans and Gold Star parents are also eligible for this preference.

Some restrictions apply for eligibility.

Transfer of Military Skills to Civilian Employment

Individuals with military training and experience can get a corresponding professional license or certification if they had a military occupational specialty that qualified them for that license.

Louisiana Educational Benefits

Louisiana Title 29 Dependents Educational Assistance

Louisiana offers education assistance to surviving spouses of deceased veterans as well as children of 90% or greater disabled veterans and children of 100% disabled and unemployable veterans.

The deceased veteran must have been a resident of Louisiana for at least 12 months immediately preceding entry into service. The living veteran must have lived in the state for at least 24 months prior to the child being admitted into the program.

The surviving spouse has 10 years to use the benefit. The child must be between the ages of 16 and 25 to be eligible.

National Guard State Tuition Exemption Program (STEP)

Members are exempt from tuition at any state-funded college, university, or vocational/technical school for five years or a bachelor’s degree, whichever comes first.

Louisiana Veteran Recreation Benefits

Free Hunting/Fishing Licenses for Disabled Veterans

Disabled veterans classified with a service-connected permanent disability, rated 50% or higher, can get hunting and fishing licenses free of charge. The free licenses are available to both residents and non-residents of the state.

‘Veteran’ Designation and Discounts on Driver’s Licenses and IDs

Veterans may receive a special “Veteran” designation on Louisiana driver’s licenses and IDs. They may also qualify for fee discounts or waivers.

Active-Duty Military Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Active-duty members and their dependents may buy hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate.

Free and Discounted Admission to State Parks

Disabled veterans, as well as everyone in the same vehicle as them, are exempt from paying the day-use entrance fee to any Louisiana state park.

Active-duty members plus one additional family member get half off admission to state parks.

Louisiana Veterans Cemeteries

The state of Louisiana has four veterans cemeteries. They are located in Keithville, Leesville, Rayville, and Slidell. The cemeteries are available for qualifying veterans, their spouses and dependent children. There is no charge for veterans and only a small fee for spouses and dependent children

Visit the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs’ website for more information about any of these programs.

Maine Housing Benefits

Veterans Homes

Maine has six veterans homes. They’re located in Augusta, Bangor, Caribou, Machias, Scarborough, and South Paris. Honorably discharged Maine resident veterans who served at least one day of active duty; spouses, widows, and widowers of qualified veterans; and Gold Star parents can live in a Maine Veterans’ Home.

Home Loans

The Maine State Housing Authority offers active-duty troops, veterans, and military retirees a 0.5% discount on mortgages through the Salute Home Again program. 

Limits on income and your home’s purchase price apply, but most Maine households and homes are eligible. Limits can vary depending on the number of people in your household and the location of the home you plan to buy.

Maine Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military pay earned out of state is tax-free.

Military retirement and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Property Tax Exemption

An other-than-dishonorably discharged resident Maine veteran who served during wartime and is 62 years or older; or is receiving 100% Veterans Affairs Department disability; or became 100% disabled while serving is eligible for a $6,000 property tax exemption. Un-remarried surviving spouses are also eligible.

Paraplegic veterans and their qualifying spouses are eligible for up to a $50,000 property tax exemption.

Vehicle Registration Fee

Veterans with a 100% permanent and total, service-connected disability are exempt from one registration fee, title fee, and driver license renewal fee.

Veterans Emergency Financial Assistance

Maine veterans who experience an emergency and do not have sufficient savings or access to other financial assistance to resolve the emergency may be eligible for up to $2,000 in assistance.

Examples of qualifying emergencies are: damage to the veteran’s home due to fire, flood or hurricane that is not covered by insurance; illness of the veteran or family member that results in hardship; assistance to prevent or resolve the veteran being homeless; and any other condition that puts the veteran at risk of not having the basic necessities of food, shelter, or safety.

Maine Veteran Employment Preference

Veterans and Gold Star spouses who meet the minimum qualifications for a job with the state will automatically receive an interview.

Maine Education Benefits

Veterans Dependents Educational Benefits 

Maine offers a 100% waiver of tuition and all fees at state schools for dependents of Maine veterans who are permanently and totally disabled; are missing in action from active duty; died of a service-connected disability; or were killed in action.

This benefit applies to dependents of Maine veterans who entered the service from Maine or who have been a resident for five years immediately preceding application for aid; and, if living, continues to reside in Maine throughout the duration of the benefits being administered.

Spouses have 10 consecutive years to complete the program. Children have six consecutive years.

State of Maine Guard Tuition Assistance

Maine offers a 100% tuition waiver for Maine’s National Guard members to attend any of the schools in the University of Maine and Maine Community College systems, as well as Maine Maritime Academy.

Maine Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting & Fishing Licenses for Disabled Veterans

A disabled veteran who has a service-connected disability of at least 50% can get a free license to fish, trap and hunt. This includes archery, muzzleloader, bear, migratory bird, pheasant, spring/fall wild turkey, coyote night hunt, crossbow, one expanded archery antlerless deer permit, and upon meeting the qualifications, a license to guide.

The license(s) remains valid for the life of the holders as long as they continue to meet residency requirements.

Recreation Area Admission Fees

The following are eligible for free admission to Maine state parks, museums, and sites:

  • All Maine veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge.
  • 100% disabled Maine veterans and their dependents.
  • Maine residents who are enlisted active-duty members and their dependents.

Active-Duty Military Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Active-duty Maine residents and their dependents can buy a discounted hunting, fishing, or combination hunting and fishing license.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Non-Resident Active-Duty Members

Military members stationed in Maine, as well as their dependents, can pay the resident fee for a hunting, fishing, or trapping license.

Maine Veterans Memorial Cemeteries

The Maine Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery System consists of four cemeteries. One is located in Caribou; two are in Augusta; and one is in Springvale. Burial is free of charge to veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge as well as their dependents.

Visit the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services website for more information on any of these programs.

Maryland Veterans Home

Maryland’s veterans home in Charlotte Hall is open to honorably discharged Maryland resident veterans 62 and over. Those disabled and unable to work are also eligible. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs per diem payments lower the cost of care.

Maryland Veteran Financial Benefits

Property Tax Exemption

Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled from service-connected causes are exempt from property tax on their primary residence.

Upon the veteran’s death, the exemption passes to their spouse. The surviving spouse of active-duty military personnel who died in the line of duty as well as the surviving spouse of a totally disabled veteran, or a spouse who receives Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, may also receive an exemption.

Income Tax

Up to $15,000 of military pay may is tax-free if earned while serving overseas. However, if you earned more than $30,000 in military pay, you are not eligible for this deduction.

Up to $5,000 in retired military pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free. After age 55, this increases to $15,000.

Pension Tax Exclusion

If you are 65 or older, totally disabled, or your spouse is totally disabled, you may qualify for Maryland’s calendar year 2022 maximum pension exclusion of $34,300 based on Instruction 13 of the Maryland resident tax booklet. If you’re eligible, you may be able to subtract some of your taxable pension and retirement annuity income from your federal adjusted gross income. This subtraction applies only if you were 65 or older or totally disabled, or your spouse was totally disabled.

Vessel Excise Tax

Active-duty military personnel are exempt from the 5% vessel excise tax for one year. This is only for vessels purchased out of state and brought into Maryland due to a permanent change of station.

Maryland Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment Veterans Preference

The appointing authority for skilled and professional appointments will award a credit of 10 points on any selection test to an eligible veteran, the spouse of an eligible veteran who has a service-connected disability, or the surviving spouse of a deceased eligible veteran.

A credit of two additional points will be given to any veteran with a service-connected disability.

CDL License

The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration will waive the commercial driver’s license class A & B skills test requirements for veterans within 12 months of their discharge if they had those qualifications in the service.

Maryland Veteran Recreation Benefits

Free Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Disabled Veterans

A free lifetime hunting license is available to Maryland residents certified as a former prisoners of as well as to 100% service-connected disabled veterans. The lifetime license includes the bow stamp, muzzleloader stamp, and furbearer permit. The Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp is not part of the Complimentary License.

A free lifetime fishing license is available to Maryland residents certified as former POWs or 100% service-connected disabled veterans. The license incorporates both the non-tidal angler’s license and the Chesapeake Bay sport fishing license. It does not, however, include the trout stamp. 

Active-Duty Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Maryland residents on active duty and home on leave do not need to purchase a hunting or fishing license.  

Non-residents stationed in Maryland can buy hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate.

Admission to State Parks

All entrance charges to Maryland state parks are waived for all veterans, both resident and nonresident, as well as all active-duty personnel. The waiver is applicable to the veteran only and not others in the same vehicle, unless a per-vehicle charge is in effect at the time. In that case, the per-vehicle fee is waived.  

Maryland State Veterans Cemetery

Maryland has five state veterans cemeteries. The cemeteries are in Cheltenham, Crownsville, Flintstone, Hurlock, and Owings Mills. A burial plot is provided to eligible veterans and their eligible dependents when the veteran is a resident of the State of Maryland and has received an honorable discharge.

Plots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

There is no cost to the veteran for burial plot, opening/closing, headstone and state liner (if used). Eligible dependents have a minimal opening/closing cost and a direct cost for state liner (if used).

Visit the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Massachusetts Veteran Housing Benefits

Soldiers’ Homes

Massachusetts maintains soldiers’ homes in Holyoke and Chelsea. Both offer residential and long-term care.


Homeless and Transitional Housing

Massachusetts provides funding to nonprofit organizations that provide housing to eligible veterans. Services include emergency homeless shelters, group residences, and single-room occupancy housing quarters. There are many locations throughout the state.

Massachusetts Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax 

Military retired pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Property Tax Exemptions

Disabled veterans may be eligible for a property tax exemption of $400 to $1,500.


To qualify, all veterans must: 

  • be at least 10% disabled according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • be legal residents of Massachusetts.
  • be occupying the property as his/her domicile July 1 in the year of application.
  • have lived in Massachusetts for at least six months prior to entering the service (spouses exempted); or
  • have lived in Massachusetts for five consecutive years immediately prior to filing for a property tax exemption.

Spouses and surviving spouses may also be eligible. 

Surviving spouses of veterans who died as a result of service may be eligible for a total tax exemption.

Motor Vehicle Excise Tax

Disabled veterans who have experienced the loss of, or permanent loss of the use of, one or both feet; or one or both hands; or the loss of sight in one eye; or who have permanent impairment of vision of both eyes; and are certified by the VA are eligible for motor vehicle excise exemption (applicable only to one motor vehicle owned and registered for personal, non-commercial use).

Motor Vehicle Sales Tax

Disabled veterans who have suffered the loss of, or permanent loss of the use of, both legs or both arms; or one leg and one arm; are eligible for a motor vehicle sales tax exemption (applicable only to one motor vehicle owned and registered for personal, non-commercial use).

Disabled Veteran Annuity 

An annuity in the amount of $2,000, which is payable biannually on Aug. 1 and Feb. 1 in two installments of $1,000 each, is available for 100% disabled veterans and their spouses as well as Gold Star Parents and un-remarried spouses. 

Welcome Home Bonus

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides a bonus to veterans who lived in Massachusetts immediately prior to entry into the armed forces. In case of the death of a veteran, the spouse and children, mother or father, brother or sister or other dependents of the deceased veteran (in that order) are eligible for a bonus.

Compensation for Guard Members Killed While on Active Duty

If the death of a member of the Massachusetts National Guard results from injury, sickness or disease received while in the line of duty pursuant to orders under Titles 10 and 32 of the United States Code and the injury, sickness or disease resulting in the death was not the result of the decedent’s fault or neglect, a single payment of $100,000 shall be paid to the surviving spouse or other dependents. 

Veteran Preference for State Employment

Massachusetts veterans are entitled to veterans’ preference in civil service exams. If you attain a score of 70% or higher, you are entitled to go to the top of the exam list, with disabled veterans having top priority. If you apply for a promotional exam, you get two points added to your score. If you apply for a civil service job for which there is no exam, you are entitled to veterans’ preference in a “provisional appointment.” If you apply for a position in the labor force, you are not required to take an exam, and you go to the top of the list.

Massachusetts Veteran Education Benefits

Tuition Waivers

A tuition waiver is available for all Massachusetts veterans to attend any state-supported course in an undergraduate degree program offered by a public college or university. 

Veterans will be eligible on a space-available basis for a waiver of full or partial tuition.

Tuition and Fee Waivers for Guard Members

The Massachusetts National Guard Education Assistance Program provides a 100% tuition and fee waiver for Massachusetts National Guard members attending a state college, university, or community college program.

Generally, these state-supported programs are offered during the day as part of a degree program.

Your assistance can continue as long as you are in good standing academically and until you have reached 130 semester hours.

Massachusetts Veteran Recreation Benefits

Resident Hunting/Fishing Licenses for Military Personnel

Active-duty, non-resident military personnel stationed in Massachusetts can get hunting and fishing licenses for the resident rate.

State Park Parking Fees

Day-use parking fees are waived for vehicles bearing a disabled veteran license plate from any state. This waiver does not apply to camping fees.

State Veterans’ Cemeteries

There are two state veterans cemeteries in Massachusetts (Agawam and Winchendon) where eligible veterans can be buried at no cost. There will be a nominal fee for the burial of spouses and eligible dependents.

Visit the Massachusetts Department of Veterans Services website for more details on any of these programs.

Michigan State Veterans Homes

There are three Michigan Veteran Homes. The homes are in Chesterfield Township, Grand Rapids and Marquette.


Veterans eligible for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care or financial assistance for long-term care may be admitted. The veteran must have been discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.

Veterans who enlisted after Sept. 7, 1980, or who entered active duty after Oct. 16, 1981, must have served 24 continuous months or the full period for which they were called to active duty in order to be eligible.

Michigan residency is not required, and spouses or surviving spouses may be admitted if space is available. Fees are income-based.


Michigan Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active-duty pay, retired pay, and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free. 

Property Tax Waiver

100% disabled veterans and those rated 100% due to individual unemployability may be exempt from paying taxes on their home. The veteran must have an other-than-dishonorable discharge and be a Michigan resident.

Unremarried surviving spouses are also eligible. 

Vehicle Registration

100% permanently and totally disabled veterans may be eligible to register one vehicle with a disabled veteran plate for free.

Emergency Assistance

The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency offers emergency assistance to those having temporary financial issues who require assistance with utility bills, vehicle or home repairs, medical bills or other debts. 

There are many resources available including county Soldier and Sailor Relief Funds, the Michigan Veteran Trust Fund, and the National Guard Family Programs.

Michigan State Employment Veterans Preference

Preference will be given to veterans and certain veteran spouses for initial employment with the state.

Michigan Children of Veterans Tuition Grant

The grant provides undergraduate tuition assistance for natural or adopted children of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled or died as a result of military service. Children must apply and receive benefits prior to age 26.

Michigan Veteran Recreation Benefits

Active Duty Hunting and Fishing

Michigan active-duty residents can get hunting and fishing licenses for free.

Non-residents stationed in Michigan can get licenses at the resident rate.

Disabled Veteran Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Permanently and totally disabled veterans can get any resident hunting or fishing license, for which a lottery is not required, free of charge.

State Parks

100% permanently and totally disabled veterans get free entry into Michigan state parks.

Veterans’ Burial Expenses

Under state law, eligible veterans and some spouses/surviving spouses who meet residency and asset limits may qualify for $300 for burial expenses paid by the County Board of Commissioners or the Board of County Auditors. 

Visit the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency website for more information on any of these programs.

Minnesota Veterans Homes

Minnesota Veterans Homes are located in Fergus Falls, Hastings, Luverne, Minneapolis and Silver Bay.


Homes in Bemidji, Montevideo and Preston open in mid-2023.

There is also an Adult Day Center located in the Minneapolis Veterans Home. The Adult Day Center provides a broad array of therapeutic health care services delivered by trained professionals. 

Admission to Minnesota Veterans Homes is available to honorably discharged Minnesota resident veterans with a medical or clinical need who served at least 181 consecutive days on active duty unless separated sooner because of a service-connected disability.


The spouse of an eligible veteran who is at least 55 years old and meets residency requirements may also be eligible.

Residents contribute to the cost of their care according to their means.

Minnesota Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Taxes

Military pay, retirement pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption

Disabled veterans with a 70% or greater VA disability may qualify for a reduction in the assessed value of their home. The reduction varies depending on the amount of disability. Some surviving spouses may also qualify.

Short-Term Financial Assistance

The subsistence program provides temporary financial assistance with housing, utility, insurance and other expenses.

The benefit is income- and asset-based and is designed to assist veterans for up to six months for those who are unable to work due to a temporary disability, or who are permanently disabled and are waiting to receive federal government benefits.

Surviving spouses may also be eligible for this benefit without a temporary disability if they apply within the first 12 months of their spouse’s death.

Special Needs Grant

Provides one-time financial assistance to a veteran or surviving spouse to assist in financial stability and prevent homelessness. Grants may be awarded to provide such things as housing costs and repairs, medical expenses, auto repairs etc.

Dental and Vision Care

Minnesota veterans are eligible for up to $1,000 of free dental care annually. However, this may be increased in certain situations. 

Minnesota veterans are also eligible for up to $400 of free vision care annually.

These benefits are income-based. 

Minnesota Veteran Employment Benefits

Minnesota Veterans Preference Act

Minnesota Veterans Preference Act (VPA) grants veterans a limited preference over non-veterans in hiring and promotion for Minnesota public employment and also provides protection against unfair dismissals and demotions. VPA grants veterans the right to a hearing, prior to dismissal.

Minnesota Veteran Education Benefits

Minnesota GI Bill

The Minnesota GI Bill is available to:

  • Minnesota veterans who served honorably in any branch of the military at any time.
  • Non-veterans who served honorably for a cumulative total of five years or more as a member of the Minnesota National Guard or any other active or reserve component and had active service after Sep. 11, 2001.
  • Eligible spouses, surviving spouses, and children of permanently and totally disabled veterans who are eligible for the federal GI Bill.

Full-time undergraduate or graduate students receive up to $3,000 per academic year and $10,000 per lifetime.

OJT and Apprenticeship individuals are eligible for up to $2,000 per fiscal year for either program. Approved employers are eligible to receive $1,000 placement credit payable upon hiring a person under this program and another $1,000 after 12 consecutive months of employment.

Recipients must be a Minnesota resident under the age of 62 and enrolled at a Minnesota institution.

Surviving Spouse and Dependent Education Benefit

The Surviving Spouse and Dependent Education benefit is for spouses and dependents, including adopted and stepchildren, whose veteran spouse and/or veteran parent died while on active duty or as a result of a service-connected condition.

The veteran must have been a resident of Minnesota when they entered the military or have been a resident of Minnesota for at least six months prior to passing away due to a service-connected disability.

Applicants must be Minnesota residents, and the spouse cannot be remarried. There is no age limitation for eligible survivors.

Surviving spouses and dependents can get a bachelor’s degree without paying tuition. They also get $750 per year for fees, books and supplies, and/or room and board. 

The benefit is available at Minnesota state or private institutions in the state.

Minnesota Veteran Recreation Benefits

The hunting and fishing benefits to active-duty members and veterans are very generous, but specialized licenses such as bear, deer, waterfowl, etc., may require fees. Always check the current Minnesota Department of Natural Resources regulations before hunting or fishing.

Minnesota State Park Vehicle Permits

All active-duty personnel, disabled veterans, and Purple Heart recipients get free admission to Minnesota state parks. You do not have to be a Minnesota resident to qualify.

Active-Duty Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Nonresidents stationed in Minnesota can get hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate.

Minnesota residents home on leave can hunt and fish for free.

Resident Disabled Veterans Hunting & Fishing License

Minnesota 100% disabled veterans get a free lifetime fishing license and a free annual hunting license.

Firearms Safety Training

Anyone who has successfully completed military basic training may be exempt from the Field Day components of the Hunter Firearms Safety course.

For more information on recreation benefits from the state of Minnesota check out the Minnesota DNR website.

Minnesota State Veterans Cemeteries

Minnesota has three state veterans cemeteries. The cemeteries are in Duluth, Little Falls and Preston. A fourth is scheduled to open in Redwood Falls in 2023. Burial is open to all veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge.

Veterans are interred free of charge. Dependents may pay a small fee.

Visit the Minnesota Department of Veterans Services website for more information about any of these programs.

Mississippi State Veterans Homes

Mississippi operates four state veterans homes. The homes are in Collins, Jackson, Kosciusko and Oxford.


Mississippi residents with an other-than-dishonorable discharge may be eligible for admission.

Spouses of veterans who live in the home may also be eligible for admission.

Out-of-state veterans may be admitted if there are no Mississippi residents waiting to accept a bed.


There is no charge for veterans with a single rating of 70% or more or those rated 100% disabled or unemployable by the VA. There may also be assistance available for indigent veterans.

Mississippi Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military retired pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Ad Valorem Tax

Veterans with a service-connected, total disability and an honorable discharge from military service are exempt from all ad valorem taxes on the assessed value of their home. Their un-remarried surviving spouses can also claim this exemption.

Mississippi Veterans’ Home Purchase Board

The Veterans’ Home Purchase Board provides low interest mortgage loans up to $400,000 for eligible veterans and unmarried surviving spouses to purchase an existing single family home or to construct a new home.

The veteran must have been a Mississippi resident prior to entering active duty or be a resident for two consecutive years prior to applying for the loan.

The veteran must have a Certificate of Eligibility for a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs loan and have an honorable discharge.

The un-remarried surviving spouse of eligible persons who died as a result of service or service-connected injuries qualifies, as well as the un-remarried spouse of any eligible veteran who has not purchased a home since the veteran’s death.

Mississippi Veteran Employment Preference

Eligible veterans who indicate their veteran status on their state employment application are listed at the top of the list of eligible applicants, with disabled veterans at the very top.

Mississippi Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Veterans who have a total service-connected disability from the VA are not required to purchase a hunting or fishing license, but must have proof of age, residency and disability status while hunting or fishing.

Concealed Weapon Permit Fee Exemption

Any veteran with a service-connected disability is exempt from concealed weapon permit fees and renewal fees.

The veteran must be a resident of the state for 12 months or longer immediately preceding the filing of the application. The residency requirement may be waived if the veteran has a valid permit from another state; is an active military member stationed in Mississippi; or is a retired law enforcement officer establishing residency in the state.

Mississippi State Veterans Memorial Cemeteries

Mississippi has two veterans cemeteries. The cemeteries are in Kilmichael and Newton.

Veterans, their spouses and eligible dependent children can be buried in the cemetery.

Burial for veterans is free. A fee must be paid to bury non-veteran spouses and eligible dependent children. 

Visit the Mississippi Veterans Affairs Board website for more information on any of these programs.

Missouri Veterans Homes

Missouri has seven veterans homes located in Cameron, Cape Girardeau, Mexico, Mt. Vernon, St. James, St. Louis, and Warrensburg.


To be eligible for admission, a veteran must have lived in Missouri for 180 days, require skilled nursing care and have an other than dishonorable discharge.

Missouri Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active duty is tax-free.

Reserve pay is exempt from income tax. For 2022, up to 60% of reserve pay is exempt, this will increase to 100% by 2024.


Military retirement & SBP benefits are tax-free.

Property Tax Credits

The Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim gives credit to some 100% VA disabled veterans for a portion of the real estate taxes or rent paid for the year.

The maximum credit is $750 for renters and $1,100 for homeowners. The actual credit is based on the amount of real estate taxes or rent paid and total household income (taxable and nontaxable). 

Missouri Veteran Education Benefits

Missouri Returning Heroes Act

Limits undergraduate tuition at any state college to no more than $50 per credit hour. Must be Missouri resident with an other than dishonorable discharge and served in a combat zone after Sept. 11, 2001. GPA standards must be met.

War Veteran’s Survivor Grant Program

Available to children and spouses of veterans whose deaths or injuries were a result of combat action or were attributed to an illness that was contracted while serving in combat action, or who became 80% disabled as a result of injuries or accidents sustained in combat action since Sept. 11, 2001.

The veteran must have been a Missouri resident when first entering the military service or at the time of death or injury. Children must be under 25. 

Missouri Veteran Employment Benefits

Veterans Preference for State Employment

Missouri Veterans get a five point preference when testing for any state employment position, with a ten point preference for a service-connected disabled veteran. Spouses of eligible veterans may also qualify.

Commercial Driver Exam (CDL) Exemption

Active duty or retired military can get a waiver of the skills testing portion of a CDL. You must have a minimum of 60 days active duty driving experience in a commercial motor vehicle for the military within 2 years of applying for the waiver.

You must still complete the required knowledge examinations for the commercial driver license class being applied for.

Missouri Veteran Recreation Benefits

Free Fishing & Hunting License for Disabled Veterans

Any honorably discharged veteran with a service-connected disability of 60% or more can fish or hunt without permit. You must have proof of eligibility on your person, some trout or turkey tags may be required. 

Guard & reserve members who are currently (or have in the last 12 months) mobilized under federal orders can get a fishing and hunting license for $5.

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Active duty members, and their families, stationed in Missouri can get hunting & fishing licenses at the resident rate. 

State Veterans Cemeteries

There are five state veterans cemeteries, one each in Springfield, Higginsville, Bloomfield, Ft. Leonard Wood, and Jacksonville.

There is no charge for any of the services provided. Eligibility is the same as for a federal cemetery, there is no residency requirement. Spouses, and dependent children may be eligible for burial.

Visit the Missouri Veterans Commission website for more details on any of these programs.

Montana Veteran Housing Benefits

Montana has veterans homes in Columbia Falls and Glendive. Honorably discharged veterans who require skilled care are eligible for admission. Spouses are admitted on a space-available basis.


Residents pay based on their ability.

Montana Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active-duty and Reserve/Guard pay is tax-free.

Up to $4,640 of military retirement is tax-exempt if gross income is less than $38,660.

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption

Honorably discharged, 100% disabled veterans may be exempt from paying some property tax on their home. Income limits apply. Unmarried surviving spouses may also be eligible. 

Montana Military Family Relief Fund

Offers grants up to $2,000 for family members of Montana National Guard members or reservists who are Montana residents, who have served under federal contingency orders for at least 30 consecutive days, and whose pay grade is no higher than O-3 or W-3.

There are several types of grants.

Montana Employment Benefits

Point Preference in Hiring Veterans

For public jobs in Montana, an honorably discharged veteran gets an additional five points added to their scoring, and a disabled veteran gets 10 points. Some spouses or unremarried surviving spouses may also be eligible.

Military Waiver for Commercial Driver’s License

Active-duty members and veterans who are licensed and drove a military motor vehicle equivalent to a commercial one may have the skills portion of the CDL waived.

Written tests may be waived, but school bus, passenger, and hazardous materials endorsements cannot be transferred. 

Montana Education Benefits

Montana Honorably Discharged Veteran Tuition Waiver

For Montana resident veterans with an honorable discharge who served during wartime and receive a campaign or expeditionary medal.

The veteran must have used up all federal GI Bill benefits.

The waiver covers 100% of the cost of in-state tuition.

Montana War Orphans Tuition Waiver

For children under 25,whose parent was killed in action or died as a result of combat-related injury or disease, the waiver covers 100% of the cost of resident tuition.

Montana Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Disabled Montana veterans may be eligible for discounted hunting and fishing licenses. Please contact the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department for more information.

Active-duty non-residents and their families can buy hunting and fishing licenses for the resident rate. 

State Park Admission

Montana resident veterans get discounted campsites and amenities at state parks.

Montana State Veterans Cemeteries

The state of Montana maintains three Veterans Cemeteries. They are in Helena, Missoula and Miles City.

Spouses may be buried along with the veteran.

There is a small charge for burial. Non-residents may also be eligible.

Visit the Montana Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Nebraska Veterans Homes

Nebraska has four veterans homes located in Bellevue, Kearney, Norfolk and Scottsbluff.

Nebraska resident veterans with other-than-dishonorable discharges are eligible for admission. The veteran must be disabled and needing care.

Spouses and unmarried surviving spouses may also be eligible for admission.

There are income requirements.

Nebraska Veterans Financial Benefits

Retired Military Pay

Retired pay is tax free, but must be reported. SBP payments are taxable.

Nebraska Veterans’ Aid Fund

This temporary emergency aid fund assists veterans, their spouses, and dependents when an unforeseen emergency occurs disrupting their normal method of living and when other resources are not immediately available.

Aid can only be used for food, fuel, shelter, wearing apparel, funeral, medical, and surgical items. Application must be made through the county or post service officer of any recognized veterans’ organization in the nearest county.

Nebraska Homestead Exemption

Totally disabled veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge and their unmarried surviving spouses may qualify for a reduction in the amount of property taxes. 

Unremarried surviving spouses of members killed in action may also qualify, however there are income limits, and home value limits.

Nebraska Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment Veterans Preference

Honorably discharged veterans may be eligible for a 5% addition to their score on employment testing. Disabled veterans get another 5% on top of that. Spouses of active duty members, those separated within 180 days, and spouses of 100% disabled veterans may also qualify.

This preference is for all state, county, and municipal jobs.

Occupational Licenses 

Veterans, active duty members, and their families may be eligible to receive occupational licenses based on their military experience. They may also be eligible for expedited and temporary license approvals.

Nebraska Veterans Education Benefits

Tuition Waiver

The University of Nebraska and all state and community colleges may waive tuition for eligible children of veterans.

Children of members who died on active duty, as a result of active duty, or who are permanently and totally disabled as a result of active duty may be eligible.

Reservist Tuition Credit

Enlisted members of Nebraska based reserve units may be eligible for a 50% tuition credit at state and community colleges.

Nebraska Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Nebraska resident veterans who are at least 50% disabled can get free lifetime hunting & fishing licenses.

Any veteran 64 and older can get a hunting & fishing license for $5.

Active duty members stationed in Nebraska for 30 days or more can buy hunting & fishing licenses at the resident rate.

Deployed Military Permit

Nebraska residents who have been deployed out of the state within the last 12 months can get an Annual Small Game Hunt/Fish Permit on a one time basis for $5. This permit includes all state stamps.

Nebraska Veterans Cemetery

The State of Nebraska operates a veterans cemetery in Alliance. Veterans and their dependents are eligible for burial at no charge. Eligibility requirements are the same as federal veterans cemeteries.

Visit the Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information about any of these programs.

Nevada Veteran Homes

Nevada runs veterans homes in Boulder City and Sparks. The home is open to Nevada resident veterans who require skilled nursing care. Spouses and gold star parents may be eligible for admission. There is a cost for care.

Nevada Veteran Financial Benefits

Veterans Tax Exemption

An annual tax exemption is available to any Nevada resident veteran with wartime service. The exemption can be applied to your vehicle privilege tax or real property tax.

To obtain the exact amount of this benefit, contact your county assessor. You may also “donate” your exempted tax directly to the Nevada Veterans’ Home Account.

Disabled Veteran Tax Exemption

Nevada offers a property tax exemption to any honorably discharged resident veteran with a service-connected disability of 60% or more.


The surviving spouse may also be eligible.

This exemption can be applied to a veteran’s vehicle tax or personal property tax. To determine the actual value of this benefit or to obtain further information, contact your local county assessor’s office.

Sales Tax Holiday

Nevada National Guard members and their immediate families are eligible for a three-day sales tax exemption for the Nevada Day holiday.

Nevada Veteran Employment Preference

Veterans and surviving spouses of a members killed in the line-of-duty get ten points added to the passing grade of a state employment exam. National Guard members and all other surviving spouses get five points.

Qualified disabled veterans are guaranteed an interview and non-disabled veterans must make up at least 22% of those interviewed for any open state job.

Veterans must have an other-than-dishonorable discharge.

Nevada Veteran Education Benefits

Fee Waiver for National Guard Members and Family

The University of Nevada system may grant a waiver of tuition and laboratory fees for any active member of the Nevada National Guard. Members may also transfer their eligibility for the waiver to immediate family members.

Waiver of Fees for Children and Surviving Spouses of Nevada National Guard

The University of Nevada system may grant a waiver of tuition and laboratory fees for any child or surviving spouse of a Nevada National Guard member killed in the line of duty.

A child may use the waiver for 10 years after they attain the age of 18 years. A surviving spouse may use a the waiver for 10 years after the member’s date of death.

Tuition Waiver for Purple Heart Recipients

Veterans who have been awarded the Purple Heart are eligible for a free tuition at any state school. You do not have to be a Nevada resident to qualify for this benefit.

Grant-In-Aid for the Family of a Member Killed in the Line-of-Duty

Dependents of an active duty member killed in the line of duty while permanently stationed in Nevada may be eligible for a financial grant that does not require repayment.

Nevada Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting & Fishing License for Disabled Veterans

The State of Nevada Wildlife Division issues discounted hunting & fishing licenses to any honorably separated veteran who has a service-connected disability of 50% or more.

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing License

The State of Nevada Wildlife Division will issue a discounted combination license to Nevada residents stationed outside of Nevada and home on leave.

State Park Admission

Honorably discharged Nevada veterans with a permanent disability of 10% or more can get a pass for free entrance to all state parks, camping, and boat launch facilities. There is a low annual renewal fee. 

Nevada State Veterans Cemeteries

Nevada has two veterans cemeteries, in Fernley and Boulder City. There is no charge for the plot, vault and opening & closing of a gravesite for a veteran. A small fee is charged for the burial of the spouse or dependent of a veteran.

Visit the Nevada Office of Veterans Services website for more information on any of these programs.

New Hampshire Veterans Home

The New Hampshire Veterans Home is located in Tilton. Honorably discharged NH resident veterans with at least 90 days of service during wartime are eligible for admission.


Some restrictions on assets and medical treatment exist.

New Hampshire Veteran Financial Benefits

Global War on Terrorism Bonus

A $100 bonus is payable to honorably discharged NH residents who were on active duty on or after Sep. 11, 2001, and who earned the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal or Afghanistan Campaign, or Iraq Campaign Medal. Must have been a NH resident when entering active duty.

Program ended on June 11, 2009, but there are provisions that allow for acceptance of applications after that date.


Property Tax Exemption  

Wartime veterans, their wives or widows may be eligible for a property tax credit of $51 ($100 if both are eligible veterans). Cities/towns may vote to adopt a higher tax credit of up to $750.

The widow of a veteran who was killed in action may be eligible for a tax credit of between $700 and $2,000 on real estate or personal property.

There is a $701 tax credit on the home of a permanently and totally disabled service-connected veteran, double amputee or paraplegic or unremarried surviving spouse. Cities and towns may vote to adopt a higher tax credit of up to $4,000.

A permanently and totally disabled veteran who is blind, paraplegic or a double amputee as a result of service and who owns a specially adapted home acquired with the assistance of the VA, or with proceeds from the sale of any previous homestead acquired with the assistance of the VA, is exempt from all property tax on the home. The veteran’s surviving spouse is also exempt.

Indigent Veterans

War veterans and their families who are unable to support themselves may be supported at public expense in the town or city where they live.

New Hampshire Veteran Employment Preference

Honorably discharged veterans get preference for city, town, and district jobs. Preference is also given in appointing employees of the State Liquor Commission, the State Veterans Council, the Commandant and employees of the New Hampshire Veterans Home.

Some spouses and unremarried surviving spouses may also qualify.

New Hampshire Veterans Peddler’s License Fee Exemption

Service-connected disabled Veterans and their unremarried spouse may be exempt from fees for a peddler’s license.

New Hampshire Veteran Education Benefits

New Hampshire National Guard Tuition Assistance:

Active members of the New Hampshire National Guard may take courses tuition-free on a space available basis in state-supported postsecondary schools. 

Free Tuition for Surviving Children of Military Members

Children of military members who die in service during wartime, and children of certain wartime veterans who die from a service-connected disability, may qualify for free tuition at New Hampshire colleges.

They can also get a scholarship up to $2,500 per year for room/board/rent, books, and supplies for a period of no more than 4 years. Children must be between 16 – 25.

New Hampshire Veteran Recreation Benefits

Fish and Game Licenses

Honorably discharged NH resident veterans who are VA permanently and totally disabled can get a free lifetime hunting & fishing license.

Patients at the VA Medical Center in Manchester, NH, and residents of the NH Veterans’ Home may be issued free fishing permits under certain conditions.

Disabled veterans may hunt from motor vehicles or boats under certain conditions with a proper permit. 

State Park Admission

NH veterans with any VA disability rating won’t be charged a fee for day-use admission to NH state parks. 

Any member of the NH National Guard who is serving (or who retired) in pay grades E-1 through E-6 won’t be charged a fee for admission to NH state parks.

New Hampshire Veterans Cemetery

All veterans are eligible for interment in the NH State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen, you don’t need to be a NH resident. There is a fee, spouses are also eligible.

Visit the New Hampshire Office of Veterans Services website for more information about any of these programs.

New Jersey Veteran Housing Benefits

NJ Veterans Memorial Homes

The State of New Jersey runs veterans’ homes in Menlo Park, Paramus, and Vineland. The homes are open to honorably discharged wartime veterans, their spouse, and Gold Star parents. Preference is given to New Jersey residents.

Applicants must meet certain asset limitation criteria. Residents pay according to ability based on income.

Veterans Haven

Veterans Haven is a transitional housing program for homeless veterans. The program is divided into three phases: treatment; self-reclamation; and community reintegration. Each phase lasts three to six months and is tailored to individual treatment needs and vocational interests.

Eligible veterans are referred from a VA Medical Center after receiving a medical evaluation. To be admitted into the program, the veteran must agree to a long-term program focusing on psychological, social and vocational rehabilitation. The program is drug and alcohol free.

Locations are in Glen Gardner and Winslow.

New Jersey Financial Benefits

Income Tax

If your permanent home was New Jersey before entering the military, active-duty income is not subject to state taxes, IF you meet all three of the following conditions:

  1. did not maintain any permanent home in New Jersey during tax year;
  2. spent less than 30 days in New Jersey state during tax year.
  3. maintained a permanent home outside New Jersey during the entire year (barracks, bachelor officers´ quarters, quarters assigned on vessel do not count as a permanent home). However, if you pay for and maintain, either by out-of-pocket payments or forfeiture of quarters allowance, an apartment or a home (either owned or rented) outside New Jersey, that does count as a permanent home outside New Jersey.

Retired pay and SBP payments are tax-free.

Veteran Income Tax Deduction

Honorably discharged veterans qualify for one-time $6,000 tax deduction in the year they are discharged from active duty.

New Jersey Property Tax Deduction

Honorably discharged New Jersey resident veterans who served at least 14 days in a combat zone are eligible for an annual $250 property tax deduction.

Permanently and totally disabled war veterans can qualify for a total exemption of property tax on their home. Surviving spouses may also qualify.

New Jersey Catastrophic Entitlement

Permanently and totally disabled wartime NJ resident veterans can qualify for a monthly payment of $150.

The veteran must have a qualifying disability which includes loss of sight, amputation of limbs, paralysis and others.

Surviving spouses may also qualify.

New Jersey Employment Benefits

Veterans Preference for State Jobs

When applying for New Jersey state jobs qualified veterans who receive a passing score are placed at the top of open competitive employment lists.

Disabled veterans with at least a 10% disability are given the highest preference, being placed above both veterans and others on open competitive employment lists.

The spouse of a disabled veteran is entitled to the same preference as the disabled veteran, however the veteran loses their entitlement if the spouse gets it. The surviving spouse of a disabled veteran is entitled to the same preference as the disabled veteran, until they remarry. The surviving spouse of any veteran who died in service is entitled to the disabled veteran preference, until they remarry.

CDL License

Veterans who have or had a military commercial drivers license are exempt from the behind-the-wheel portion of the CDL license exam.

Veterans Status for Pensions

Veterans employed by the state can qualify for special retirement benefits. This applies only to those covered by:

  • New Jersey Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS)
  • Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (PFRS)
  • New Jersey Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund (TPAF)

Veterans Retirement is different than the standard retirement available to most enrolled in the above pension funds, and includes the ability to retire at age 55 (with 25 years of service) and a offers a more generous calculation of your maximum annual allowance during retirement.

War Orphans Tuition Assistance

Children of military members who died while in the military or due to service-connected disabilities, or who are officially listed as MIA can get $500 per year for four years of college or equivalent training.

To qualify, the child must be a resident of New Jersey for at least one year immediately preceding the filing of the application and be between the ages of 16 and 21 at the time of application. The veteran must have also been a state resident.

New Jersey Veteran Recreation Benefits

Fishing and Hunting Licenses for Disabled Veterans

Honorably discharged New Jersey disabled veterans can get free hunting & fishing licenses as well as pheasant, quail and trout stamps.

Licenses for Active Duty Service Personnel 

Active duty members, no matter where they are stationed, can get NJ hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses at the resident rate. 

Licenses for NJ National Guard Members 

Eligible active NJ National Guard personnel are entitled to free licenses, permits and stamps.

New Jersey State Veteran Cemetery

Free interment and perpetual care is available for NJ resident veterans, their spouses and dependent children in the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Wrightstown.

Visit the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

New Mexico Veterans Home

The New Mexico veterans home is located in Truth or Consequences. Honorably discharged veterans and their spouses are eligible for admission. You don’t have to be a New Mexico resident, however residents get preference. There are fees.

New Mexico Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active duty military pay is tax-free.

Beginning in 2022, up to $10,000 of military retirement is tax-free. That amount increases to $20,000 in 2023, and to $30,000 after that.

Disabled Veteran Tax Exemption

Any veteran who rated 100% service-connected disabled by the VA can get a total waiver on their home’s property tax. Certain discharges may disqualify the veteran for this program.

Standard Veteran Property Tax Exemption

Any veteran, or their surviving spouse may be eligible for a deduction of up to $4,000 of the taxable value of property for property tax purposes.

Exemption from Excise Taxes on Vehicle Purchases

Any veteran who suffered the loss, or complete loss of use of one or more limbs due to their service in the military is exempt from new vehicle excise taxes.

Reduced Vehicle Registration Fees

Every person who is entitled to a veteran exemption and who doesn’t have sufficient real or personal property to claim the full property tax exemption may be eligible to pay motor vehicle registration fees at two-thirds the rates charged on vehicles the veteran owns.

New Mexico Veterans Preference for State Employment

All honorably discharged veterans or anyone currently serving in the National Guard gets five points added to their final passing score on hiring exams for state employment. Honorably discharged veterans honorably discharged with a service-connected disability get ten points.

New Mexico Veteran Education Benefits

Children of Deceased Veterans

Children between the ages of 16-26 whose veteran parent was killed in action or died as a result of their wounds incurred in battle, qualify for a full tuition waiver at any state funded post-secondary school. A $150 stipend, per semester, will be issued to help with books or fees.

Vietnam Veteran Scholarship

Veterans who have been residents of New Mexico for a minimum of 10 years, served in Vietnam, and were issued the Vietnam Campaign or Service Medal are eligible. The Vietnam Veteran Scholarship will pay full tuition and books at any state funded post-secondary school.

Wartime Veteran Scholarship Fund

For any veteran who served in combat since 1990 and who has exhausted all their GI Bill. The scholarship pays the full cost of tuition and books at any state school.

New Mexico Veteran Recreation Benefits

Veterans’ Day Recreation and Museum Privileges

Every Veterans Day, any honorably discharged New Mexico resident veteran or active duty member—along with their spouse and children–gets into any state park for free. Admission fees are also waived for campsites, the Museum of New Mexico, the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, and the New Mexico Museum of Space History.

State Park & Museum Admission for Disabled Veterans

Any veteran rated 50% or higher service-connected disabled can get an annual free day-use pass and three free nights of camping for personal use only. They can also get a free state monument and museum pass for personal use only.

Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License for Disabled Veterans

Any veteran rated 100% service-connected disabled is eligible for a free lifetime New Mexico small-game hunting & fishing license.

Reduced-Fee Hunting & Fishing License for Disabled Veterans

Any New Mexico resident veteran with a service-connected disability can get a fishing & small game hunting license for $10.

Temporary Hunting & Fishing Licenses for Active-Duty 

Active duty, National Guard or Reserve members who are New Mexico residents can get a temporary fishing or small game hunting license. Applicants must show proof of residency and not claim residency elsewhere. Applicants may also apply if they are on active duty outside the state but are currently on leave in New Mexico for not more than 30 days.

New Mexico State Veterans Cemetery

The state of New Mexico operates three state veterans cemeteries in Angel Fire, Ft. Stanton and Gallup. They are open to honorably discharged veterans and their spouses.

Visit the New Mexico Department of Veterans Services website for more information on any of these programs.

New York State Housing Benefits

New York State Veterans Homes

There are veterans homes in Batavia, Long Island (Stony Brook University), Montrose, Oxford, and St. Albans. New York resident veterans with an honorable discharge are eligible for admission. Some spouses and un remarried surviving spouses are also eligible for admission.


There may be a charge for care.

Access to Home for Heroes

This program provides financial assistance to make dwelling units accessible for low and moderate income veterans living with a disability.

Permanently disabled veterans whose income is at or below 120% of the area median income may be eligible for the program.


Homes for Veterans Program

A home loan program that offers fixed-rate mortgages with interest rates 0.375% below the already low interest rates charged on SONYMA mortgages with down payment assistance. Available for active duty, reservists, guard members and honorably discharged veterans.

New York Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military Pay: If your permanent home was New York state before entering the military, active-duty income is tax-free, IF you meet all three of the following conditions:

  1. didn’t have a permanent home in New York
  2. maintained a permanent place of abode outside New York during the entire year (Barracks, BOQ or shipboard quarters don’t count.)
  3. spent less than 30 days in New York during the year.

Retired pay and SBP payments are tax-free.

Property Tax Exemptions

New York state has three different property tax exemptions are based on your military service, with additional benefits based upon degree of service-connected disability.

  1. The Alternative Veterans’ Exemption – for veterans who served during wartime or received an expeditionary medal.
  2. The Cold War Veterans’ Exemption – for veterans who served during the Cold War period.
  3. The Eligible Funds Exemption – for property that a veteran buys with pension, bonus, or insurance funds

Applications must be filed before taxes are due, check with your city or county for more information.  Qualifying surviving spouses may file for benefit based on their spouse’s service. Exemption applies to local and county property taxes.

Spouse Unemployment

A military spouse who leaves their job to move to accompany the military member on a transfer is eligible for unemployment benefits.

Burial Allowance

A supplemental burial allowance of up to $6,000 is authorized for certain military personnel killed in combat or while on active duty in hostile or imminent danger locations on or after Sept. 29, 2003.

New York State Blind Annuity

The Blind Annuity Program benefit is for legally blind wartime veterans, or their surviving unremarried spouses.  Blindness need not be service-connected.

New York State Gold Star Annuity

The Gold Star Parent Annuity authorizes an annuity payment of more than $510 to Gold Star parents.

E-Z Pass for Disabled Veterans

The New York State Thruway Authority offers free, unlimited travel anywhere on the Thruway to certain, qualifying disabled Veterans. You must be eligible for the fee-exempt vehicle registration from Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to qualify. 

Death Benefits

New York State offers surviving family of military members killed in a combat zone a Supplemental Burial Allowance of up to $6,000. 

New York State Family Benefits

Under the New York Paid Family Leave act, workers get 10 weeks of paid time off to bond with a newborn, adopted or fostered child; to care for family members with serious health conditions; or to address issues related to a family member’s military deployment.

New York Veteran Employment Benefits

Civil Service Credit Preference

Ten-point additional credit preference toward original appointment for disabled wartime veterans; five-points for wartime service; and two and a half points for other veterans.  Job retention rights applicable to veterans and spouses of totally disabled veterans.

Military Service Credit for State & Local Retirement System Members

You may be entitled to receive additional credit towards retirement for your military service through New York State and local retirement systems.

There are different sections of the law that allow the crediting of qualifying military service. Once the Retirement System receives your request, they will determine under what section you qualify for.

New York State Peddler’s License

New York State Veterans with other than dishonorable discharges are eligible to apply for a free lifetime Veterans Peddler’s License provided the veteran served overseas. 

New York Veteran Education Benefits

Veterans Tuition Awards

Veterans Tuition Awards pay for full-time and part-time study for honorably discharged NY resident wartime veterans at undergraduate or graduate schools or vocational training programs.

New York State Regents Awards (for Children)

Provides up to $450 per year to students whose parent(s) served in the US Armed Forces during specified times of national emergency.

Military Service Recognition Scholarship

Available to certain dependents of military personnel killed, severely and permanently disabled or missing in combat or a combat zone of operation since August 2, 1990.

Military Enhanced Recognition Incentive and Tribute (MERIT) Scholarship

The MERIT Scholarship provides financial aid to dependents of military members who died or were severely and permanently disabled as a result of their military service on or after Aug. 2, 1990. National Guard service counts, and the injury or death need not be combat-related.

The scholarship covers up to four years of undergraduate study, in some cases that may be extended to five years. It pays the full tuition amount at any approved college, not to exceed the SUNY tuition. It also pays an allowance for books, supplies and transportation and a housing stipend. Normally, a student living on campus will receive a larger housing allowance than one

Students must attend classes full time and maintain good academic standing.

New York Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting Licenses & Permits for Disabled Veterans

NY resident veterans with a 40% or greater disability rating can get low cost hunting and fishing licenses.

Hunting & Fishing Licenses for Active Duty

Active military members stationed outside New York who are home on leave for 30 days or less are entitled to free hunting, fishing or trapping licenses (Note: if you are a New York resident stationed in New York, regular license fees apply).

Non-residents stationed in NY for more than 30 days can buy hunting & fishing licenses at the resident rate.

State Park Admission for Disabled Veterans

Wartime veterans with a 40% or greater disability are eligible for the Lifetime Liberty Pass, 

The pass gives free vehicle entry to state parks, day use areas, historic sites, as well as numerous state boat launch sites, historic sites, arboretums and park preserves; free golf at 28 State Park golf courses; free swimming pool entrance at 36 State Park pools, and discounted camping and cabin rentals at all 119 State Park and DEC campgrounds.

Visit the New York State Division of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

North Carolina State Veterans Homes

North Carolina runs four state veterans homes in Black Mountain, Fayetteville, Kinston, and Salisbury, Kinston. Honorably discharged North Carolina resident veterans are eligible for admission. They must be referred by a doctor or be otherwise disabled. There is a fee.

North Carolina Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

All military retirement and SBP payments are tax free.

Property Tax

Honorably discharged North Carolina veterans who are 100% permanently and totally disabled by the VA are eligible for up to a $45,000 deduction in the assessed value of their home for property tax purposes.

The surviving spouse is also eligible if they are drawing DIC from the VA.


Vehicle Highway Tax

Disabled veterans are exempt from paying the highway tax on vehicles that are specially adapted by the VA to accommodate their disabilities.

North Carolina State Employment Benefits

State Employment Veterans Preference

Preference in state government employment is given to wartime veterans, spouses of disabled veterans, and surviving spouses of disabled veterans or of veterans who died in action or as a result of service-connected disability.

North Carolina Assistive Technology Program (NCATP)

NCATP is a state program under the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services that can assist veterans with disabilities in transitioning smoothly back to civilian life. NCATP provides assistive technology device demonstrations, short-term device loans, assessments, training, public awareness and technical assistance to individuals and family members.

Business Link North Carolina (BLNC)

BLNC works in partnership with the NC Department of Commerce and provides free services to help veterans and anyone with starting a small business

North Carolina Scholarship for Children of Wartime Veterans

The scholarship is for eight academic semesters and the recipient has eight years to utilize the eight academic semesters. To qualify, the child must be under the age of 25 when applying, and a resident of North Carolina. The veteran must have served during wartime, or be a disabled veteran.

North Carolina Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

All 50% or more disabled veterans can get a lifetime hunting-fishing license for $10 to $110 depending on the type of license.

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing

NC residents on active duty outside the state and home on leave for 30 days or less do not need to purchase a license.

Active duty members and their families stationed in North Carolina can buy hunting & fishing licenses at the resident rate.

North Carolina State Veterans Cemeteries

There are four state veterans cemeteries: Black Mountain, Goldsboro, Jacksonville, and Spring Lake. Honorably discharged North Carolina veterans can be buried for free, there is a small charge for spouses.

Visit the North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

North Dakota Veterans Home

The North Dakota Veterans Home is located in Lisbon. Honorably discharged North Dakota veterans and their spouses are eligible for admission. Costs are based on income. 


North Dakota Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Taxes

National Guard and Reserve pay for federally mobilized members is tax-free. Active-duty pay for North Dakota residents is tax-free beginning in the 2023 tax year.

Retired pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Veterans Aid Fund

The purpose of the Veterans’ Aid Fund is to make loans to any veteran and to a surviving spouse of a veteran if the spouse has not remarried. A qualified applicant may be permitted to receive more than one loan providing the total amount of all loans does not exceed $5,000.

Hardship Grant

Available for veterans, their spouses and un-remarried surviving spouses. You must have an emergency need of dental work, glasses, hearing aids, transportation for medical treatment, or other needs approved by the commissioner of Veterans Affairs.

PTSD Grant

North Dakota Veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can get a grant to help afford a PTSD service dog. You must be a North Dakota resident, have a diagnosis of PTSD, be engaged in counseling or therapy and have a doctor’s recommendation for a PTSD service dog. 

Property Tax Deduction

Honorably discharged veterans with a VA disability of at least 50% are eligible for a property tax deduction. The amount of the deduction increases based on disability percentage.

Un-remarried surviving spouses are also eligible.

North Dakota Veterans Preference

Veterans get preference for state employment. North Dakota veterans preference criteria are generally a 5-point preference for a veteran and a 10-point preference for a disabled veteran.

North Dakota Education Benefits

Veterans Educational Training (VET) 

Available to honorably discharged North Dakota veterans, VET is a free program of study funded by the state of North Dakota to prepare you for a certification program or a two- or four-year college degree. The program provides refresher training as well as training in English, computers, math, and study skills.

Dependent Tuition Waiver

The waiver is available to dependents of resident veterans who were killed in action or died from wounds or other service-connected causes, or were totally disabled as a result of service-connected causes.

The dependent can attend any North Dakota state school and not pay any tuition or fees. The dependent must earn a degree or certificate within 45 months or 10 semesters.

National Guard Tuition Waiver Program

If you are a member in good standing of the North Dakota National Guard you can may receive up 35% of your tuition costs waived at certain institutions in the state.

North Dakota Veteran Recreation Benefits

ND State Park Fees For Disabled Veterans

North Dakota veterans with a 50% or greater VA disability and former POWs are eligible for a free annual permit.

All other North Dakota veterans with service-related disabilities are eligible to receive an annual permit for $20. 

Disabled Veteran Game License

North Dakota resident 100% disabled veterans can get a combined general game, habitat stamp, small game, and fur-bearer license for $3, with an additional $1 fee to purchase the resident certificate.

Disabled Veteran Fishing License

North Dakota resident 50% or greater disabled veterans can get a fishing license for $5 (plus a $1 fee to purchase the certificate).

Active-Duty Hunting & Fishing

North Dakota residents on active duty can hunt and fish without a license while on leave.

North Dakota Veterans Cemetery

The North Dakota Veterans Cemetery is located near Mandan. Veterans and their spouses are eligible for burial. There is no charge for the veteran. A small fee is charged for the spouse. You don’t have to be a North Dakota resident. 

Visit the North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs Website for more information about any of these programs.

Ohio Veterans Homes

Ohio has veterans homes in Georgetown and Sandusky.Honorably discharged Ohio resident wartime veterans who are disabled and unable to earn a living are eligible for admission. Costs are based on income. The Domiciliary at the Ohio Veterans Home Sandusky is for veterans who need some medical care or supervision but can live independently.

Ohio Veteran Financial Benefits

Ohio Veterans Bonus Program

Generally, anyone who served honorably for more than 90 days on or after Oct. 7, 2001, is eligible. Applicants must have been Ohio residents at the time of entry onto active duty and be current Ohio residents. The bonus pays $100 per month for service in Afghanistan and $50 per month for service elsewhere, up to a maximum of $1,500.

Income Tax

Active-duty pay is tax-free if stationed out-of-state.

Retirement pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Homestead Exemption

Veterans rated by the VA as 100% disabled due to a service-connected disability and surviving spouses who occupy the same home are eligible for an expanded homestead exemption. The rate varies by location.

Military Injury Relief Fund 

The fund grants a one-time, tax-exempt payment to service members injured on active duty after Oct. 7, 2001, and to individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress while serving after Oct. 7, 2001.

Ohio Home Loan Program

The Ohio Housing Finance Agency offers first-time home buyers home loans at an interest rate approximately a quarter of a percentage point lower than the going interest rate.

Financial Assistance

Each of Ohio’s 88 counties operates a County Veterans Service Office that provides direct financial assistance to needy veterans upon receipt of a completed application. Contact your county office for details.

Ohio Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment

Veterans are entitled to 20% added credit on an Ohio civil service exam. Current Reserve and National Guard members who successfully complete initial entry-level training get a 15% added credit.

Employment Assistance

Veterans can receive free individual job search assistance from a state employment specialist. In addition, veterans and their spouses can receive assistance from their local employment center in resume writing, interview success techniques and more.

Ohio Educator License Fee Elimination

The Ohio Department of Education has eliminated fees for educator licenses for any initial, or a renewal of an, Ohio educator license, permit or certificate for veterans or current active-duty members free of charge. Spouses of active-duty service members also may receive a license free of charge.

Ohio Veteran Education Benefits

Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program

Eligible Ohio National Guard members can get up to 96 educational credits (12 full-time quarters or 8 full-time semesters) of tuition assistance toward an undergraduate degree at a participating Ohio institution during their enlistment. Members with a bachelor’s degree aren’t eligible; however, possessing prior college credits or possession of an associate degree does not affect eligibility. 

Ohio War Orphan & Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship

The scholarship is available to children of deceased or severely disabled Ohio wartime veterans. The student must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree at an eligible Ohio college or university. Ohio residency is required. Applicants must be under the age of 25 and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average.

The scholarship covers a portion of tuition and fees at two- and four-year public institutions and at eligible private colleges and universities. The amount changes every year.

Ohio Veteran Recreation Benefits

Active-Duty Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Ohio active-duty residents don’t have to buy a hunting license, fishing license, Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp, or fur taker permit while on leave.

Non-resident active-duty members stationed in Ohio can buy a hunting license, fishing license, Ohio Wetlands Habitat Stamp, or fur taker permit for the resident rate.

Free Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Ohio resident permanently and totally disabled veterans and former POWs may receive free hunting and fishing licenses.

Camping at Ohio State Parks

Active military and veterans are entitled to a 10% discount that may be used for one campsite, getaway rental unit, cottage, or lodge room per visit. Military ID or veteran identification must be presented to receive the discount.

Ohio resident former prisoners of war (POWs) or permanent and totally disabled veterans camp for free at state parks.

Watercraft Registration

Permanently and totally disabled Ohio resident veterans, Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, and former POWs receive free registration for personal watercraft. 

Veterans Cemetery

The Ohio Veterans Home Cemetery is located in Sandusky. 

Veterans residing in the Ohio Veterans Home can request burial in the cemetery.

Visit the Ohio Department of Veterans Services website for more information on any of these programs.

The state of Oklahoma provides several veteran benefits. This page explains those benefits. 

Oklahoma Veterans Homes

Oklahoma has seven state veterans homes. The facilities are in Ardmore, Claremore, Clinton, Lawton, Norman, Sulphur, and Talihina. An eighth home, in Sallisaw, is coming soon. The homes are for veterans in need of nursing care who are eligible for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs per diem payments. Certain wartime veterans receive priority on waiting lists. A spouse may be eligible for admission if no veteran claims the spot.

Oklahoma Veteran Financial Benefits

Property Tax Exemption

Oklahoma provides a total property tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans who own and occupy the property as their place of residence.

Income Tax

All military pay is tax-free.

As of 2022, retirement pay is tax-free.

Sales Tax Exemption

Veterans rated 100% permanently and totally disabled by VA are exempt from state sales tax. Veterans must register in the Oklahoma Veterans Registry to receive the benefit.

Oklahoma Veterans Preference for State Jobs

Veterans or their un-remarried surviving spouses get five points added to their employment test. Disabled war veterans get 10 points, and disabled war veterans with at least a 30% disability are automatically placed at the top of the selection list. 

Oklahoma State Recreation Benefits

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Oklahoma resident veterans with a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability rating of at least 60% can get discounted lifetime hunting and fishing licenses.

The donor-funded Stars and Stripes License Project provides licenses for veterans and certain survivors.

Active-duty military personnel and their dependents can buy hunting and fishing licenses at the resident rate.

Free Admission to State-Owned or Operated Parks and Museums

Honorably discharged Oklahoma resident veterans get free admission to all state-owned or operated parks and museums.

Visit the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Oregon Veterans Housing Benefits

Oregon Veterans Homes

Oregon runs two veterans homes in The Dalles and Lebanon. Admission is open to all veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge and their spouses. Gold Star parents are also eligible for admission.

Applicants must be in need of skilled nursing care and able to pay their share of the cost of care.

Oregon Veterans Home Loan

The Oregon veterans home loan is separate and distinct from the federal VA Home Loan Guaranty.

Currently, ODVA’s home loan program offers eligible veterans fixed-rate financing for:

  • Owner-occupied, single-family residence
  • Purchase only (no refinancing is available)
  • Up to four (4) home loans maximum life benefit

Oregon Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax 

All active-duty pay earned outside Oregon and up to $6,000 of active-duty pay earned in Oregon is tax-free.  

If you had military service before Oct. 1, 1991, you may be able to deduct a portion of your retirement pay. If you didn’t have military or federal service prior to Oct. 1, 1991, your military retirement is taxed normally. Survivor Benefit Program payments follow the same rule.

Oregon Property Tax Exemption

Veterans rated at 40% or more disabled by the VA may qualify for a property tax exemption.

Oregon Veterans’ Emergency Assistance

Oregon offers emergency financial assistance for veterans and their immediate family. Valid emergencies include: emergency or temporary housing and related housing expenses, expenses for utilities, insurance, house repairs, rent assistance, emergency medical or dental expenses and emergency transportation.

All payments are made directly to payees/creditors. Assistance is granted one time only and average award amounts vary.

Oregon State Veterans Employment Preference

When taking a test for state employment veterans get 5 points added to their final score, disabled veterans get 10 points.

Disabled Veteran License Plate

Any veteran who has any U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs rated disability (even 0%) is eligible for a permanent Disabled Veteran license plate that does not have to be renewed. There is a small one-time fee. The plate also exempts those in certain areas from emissions inspections.

Oregon Education Benefits

National Guard Education Assistance

The Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance (ONGSTA) program provides 100% funding for tuition to eligible Oregon Army and Air National Guard members for up to 120 semester credits at Oregon state institutions.

Oregon Veterans Recreational Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Service-connected resident disabled war veterans rated 25% or more can get free hunting and fishing licenses. Disabled veterans are also eligible for an Oregon Elk tag at a reduced cost.

Active Duty Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Active-duty members can get hunting and fishing licenses for the resident rate.

Oregon State Parks

You do not have to be an Oregon resident to qualify for these benefits.

Service-connected disabled veterans get free parking and camping at state parks. You may camp for free in a tent, RV or standard horse camp site for 10 nights at a time at a single state park, or a total of 10 nights in a 30-day period regardless of the location. If you stay longer than 10 nights at a park, you will pay the standard rate and reservation fee for the extra days. 

Active-duty members get the same benefit, but they have to pay up front and then file for reimbursement. Additionally, all active-duty service members can visit Oregon state parks for free on Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day.

Visit the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

The commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides several veteran benefits. This page explains those benefits. 

Pennsylvania Veterans Homes

Pennsylvania runs six veterans homes. The homes are in Erie, Hollidaysburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton, and Spring City. Honorably discharged Pennsylvania residents as well as their spouses may be eligible for admission.

Monthly payments are based on the resident’s ability to pay.

Pennsylvania Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active-duty pay earned out of state is tax-free.

Military retirement pay and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free. 


Military Family Relief Assistance Program

Emergency financial assistance for eligible Pennsylvania service members and their eligible family members requires a direct and immediate financial need as a result of circumstances beyond their control. The maximum grant amount is $3,500.

Veterans Temporary Assistance

Pennsylvania may provide temporary financial assistance to veterans and their un-remarried surviving spouses for the necessities of life (food, shelter, fuel and clothing).

Recipients must show a direct and immediate need for temporary assistance in order to provide themselves and their families with shelter and the necessities of living.

The assistance can’t exceed $1,600 in a 12-month period.

Real Estate Tax Exemption

Any honorably discharged Pennsylvania resident veteran with a 100% U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability and wartime service may be exempt from property taxes on their home. There are income limits. Surviving spouses who have not remarried may also be eligible.

Blind Veterans Pension

A pension of $150 per month is for honorably discharged veterans who suffered a service-connected injury or disease that resulted in blindness or severe loss of vision.

Amputee and Paralyzed Veterans Pension

A pension of $150 per month is for honorably discharged veterans who suffered a service-connected injury or disease that resulted in the loss, or loss of use of, two or more extremities (arms/hands or legs/feet).

Pennsylvania Education Benefits

Pennsylvania Veterans Educational Gratuity

Children of those who died in service or are permanently and totally disabled as a result of military service are eligible for up to $500 per semester for four years. The children must be between ages 16 and 23 years.

Pennsylvania National Guard Education Assistance Program

The Pennsylvania National Guard Education Assistance Program offers up to 10 semesters of free college at a state institution for National Guard members who execute a six-year contract.

Military Family Education Program

The Military Family Education Program offers up to 10 semesters of free college at a state institution for families of National Guard members who execute a six-year contract. You cannot use the same six-year contract for both the National Guard Education Assistance Program and the Military Family Education Program.

Pennsylvania Veteran Employment Benefits

Veterans’ Preference For State Jobs

Honorably discharged veterans who served on active duty after Aug. 2, 1990, spouses of disabled veterans, and surviving spouses of disabled veterans can get 10 additional points on their test scores for state employment.

State Retirement

Honorably discharged veterans employed by the commonwealth for at least three years may be eligible to purchase retirement credit for active-duty military time.

Pennsylvania Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting/Fishing/Trapping License for Disabled Veterans

Wartime veterans with 100% disability may be eligible for free hunting/fishing/trapping licenses. Veterans with a 60%-99% disability can get reduced-fee licenses. Application can be made at your county treasurer.

Active Duty Hunting and Fishing

Residents home on leave don’t need a fishing license; and they can get a reduced-fee hunting license. 

Nonresidents stationed in Pennsylvania can get a fishing license for the resident rate.

Learn more about the other Pennsylvania Bureau of Veterans’ Affairs Benefits.

Rhode Island Veterans Home

The Rhode Island Veterans Home is located in Bristol. Admission is open to honorably discharged Rhode Island resident wartime veterans. Cost is 80% of adjusted net income.


Rhode Island Veterans Financial Benefits

Retiree Income Tax

Beginning in 2022, military retirement pay is tax-free.

Property Tax Exemption

Veterans with other-than-dishonorable discharges can get an exemption on either their real estate tax bill or on their motor vehicle tax bill. The seven exemption categories include:

  1. Veterans’ regular exemption.
  2. Unmarried widow/widower of qualified veteran.
  3. Veterans’ exemption for totally disabled through service-connected disability.
  4. Veterans’ exemption for partially disabled through service-connected disability.
  5. Gold Star parents’ exemption.
  6. Prisoner of war exemption.
  7. Specially adapted housing exemption.

Exemptions amounts vary by category and location.

Free Vehicle Registration for Disabled Veterans

Any honorably discharged veteran who has lost one or more limbs, or the use of one or more limbs, gets a lifetime exemption for the annual vehicle registration and license.

Totally disabled veterans also get this benefit.

Rhode Island Veterans Education Benefits

Rhode Island Free Tuition for Disabled Veterans

Rhode Island resident veterans with 10%-100% service-connected disability get free tuition at Rhode Island’s public colleges and universities. Must apply for and use financial aid first.

Rhode Island Veterans Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veterans Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Every 100% disabled veteran can get a hunting and fishing license for free. You don’t have to be a Rhode Island resident.

Active Duty Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Non-resident military members stationed in Rhode Island can get hunting and fishing licenses for the resident rate.

State Park Admission

Veterans with a 100% U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability get into Rhode Island state parks for free. Camping, picnic, and equestrian fees are still charged. You don’t have to be a Rhode Island resident to qualify. 

Rhode Island Veterans’ Cemetery

The Rhode Island Veterans Memorial Cemetery is in Exeter. Honorably discharged Rhode Island wartime veterans and 20-year retirees of the National Guard or Reserve components are eligible. Some spouses and dependents may also be eligible for burial.

Visit the Rhode Island Division of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

South Carolina Veterans Homes

South Carolina has five veterans homes. The homes are in Anderson, Columbia, Walterboro, Florence and Gaffney. Honorably discharged South Carolina resident veterans who are in need of skilled or intermediate nursing home care are eligible for admission.


South Carolina Veterans Financial Benefits

Income Tax 

Active-duty pay is taxable. Reserve and National Guard drill pay is tax-free.

Effective in 2022, all military retirement is tax-free.

Property Taxes for Disabled Veterans

Permanently and totally disabled veterans are eligible for a homestead tax deduction and a total exemption of property tax on their homes.

This exemption can transfer to a surviving spouse and may also transfer to a new home.

South Carolina Veterans Employment Benefits

Veterans Preference

Honorably discharged veterans are given preference for state and public jobs.

Credit of State Retirement for Military Service

State employees called to, or returning to, active duty may continue with the state’s retirement program if they continue to make payments as normal. State employees can buy credit toward state retirement based on their military time.

South Carolina Free Tuition for Children of Certain Veterans

Tuition is free at state institutions for children of South Carolina veterans who died in service; as a result of their service; are permanently and totally disabled; or were awarded the Purple Heart or the Medal of Honor.

South Carolina Veterans Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veterans Hunting and Fishing Licenses

South Carolina resident veterans who are totally disabled can get a free hunting and fishing license.

Active Duty Hunting and Fishing Licenses

South Carolina residents home on leave can hunt and fish for free.

Active-duty non-residents stationed in South Carolina can get hunting and fishing licenses for the resident rate.

State Park Admission for Disabled Veterans

South Carolina permanently and totally disabled veterans can enter any state park at a reduced rate. Certain services may require an additional fee.

South Carolina Veterans Cemetery

The M.J. “Dolly” Cooper veterans cemetery is located in Anderson. Burial is open to honorably discharged South Carolina resident veterans and their spouses. There is no charge for the veteran’s burial and a small fee for the spouse. Dependent children may be eligible for burial. 

Visit the South Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs website for contact information and benefits assistance.

South Dakota State Veterans Home

The South Dakota Veterans Home is located in Hot Springs. To be eligible for admission, veterans must be an honorably discharged resident of South Dakota, or the spouse or widow of such a veteran, be ambulatory and be able to care for self and living area.


In the case of a married couple, the spouse of the veteran must be admitted with the veteran, unless the veteran is institutionalized. Costs are based on income.

South Dakota Veteran Financial Benefits

Property Tax Exemption

Permanently and totally disabled veterans as well as veterans with the loss, or loss of use, of both lower extremities are exempt from property tax on their home. Their un-remarried surviving spouses are also eligible.

South Dakota Veterans Bonus

South Dakota offers a bonus of up to $500 for current or former military members who were legal residents of the state for no less than six months immediately preceding their period of active duty and who meet certain criteria during one or more of the following periods:

  • Aug. 2, 1990, to Mar. 3, 1991 – All active service counts for payment.
  • Mar. 4, 1991, to Dec. 31, 1992 – Only service in a hostile area qualifying for the Southwest Asia Service Medal counts for payment.
  • Jan. 1, 1993, to Sep. 10, 2001 – Only service in a hostile area qualifying for campaign or service medals counts for payment.
  • Sep. 11, 2001, to a date to be determined (OIF/OEF) – All active service counts for payment.

South Dakota Veterans Employment Preference

Veterans get employment preference for all state, county, local and school district jobs. If you have at least the minimum qualifications for the job, you will get an interview.

The unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who died in service, or died from a service-connected cause, is entitled to the same preference as an eligible veteran provided the spouse has the necessary skills and qualifications for the job.

If a disabled eligible veteran is unable to use their veteran’s preference due to disability, the spouse may use it.

South Dakota Veteran Education Benefits

Free Tuition for Veterans

Honorably discharged South Dakota residents who had service after Aug. 1, 1990, and received a campaign, expeditionary, or service medal for combat operations are eligible for free tuition at state colleges. They must not be eligible for GI Bill or other federal education benefits. You get one month of free tuition for each month of qualifying service, with a minimum of one, up to a maximum of four, academic years. 

Free Tuition for Children of Veterans Who Died on Duty

Children under age 25, who are residents of South Dakota, and whose parent was killed in action or died of other causes while on active duty, are eligible for free tuition at a state-supported school. The parent must have been a South Dakota resident for at least six months immediately before entering active duty. 

Reduced Tuition for South Dakota National Guard

Guard members are eligible for a 50% reduction in undergraduate tuition charges at any state-supported school for up to a maximum of 128 undergraduate credits and 32 graduate credits.

Free Tuition for Dependents of National Guard Members

Children under 25, who are residents of South Dakota whose parent died or became totally disabled as a result of their National Guard duty, are eligible for free tuition at state colleges. The spouse/surviving spouse of the Guard member is also eligible.

South Dakota State Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting and Fishing Licenses

South Dakota resident veterans who are entitled to VA Special Monthly Compensation, are former POWs, get Social Security Disability, or get at least 40% VA disability get a four-year hunting and fishing license for a small administrative fee.

Active-Duty Hunting and Fishing License

South Dakota residents on active duty outside the state and home on leave can hunt and fish without a license. Migratory bird stamp must still be purchased.

State Park Admission

South Dakota resident veterans who are entitled to VA Special Monthly Compensation, are former POWs, or are VA rated totally disabled get free admission to state parks and half off any camping or electric hookup fee.

Burial and Memorial Benefits

Burial Allowance

A payment of up to $100 may be paid by the state to help defray the burial and funeral expenses of any honorably discharged veteran or the spouse or surviving spouse of a veteran when the estate, or immediate family of the deceased is lacking in funds to pay the expenses. 

Headstone Setting Fee

The state will pay $100 toward the cost of setting a government headstone or marker at the grave of a veteran who was a resident for one year before entering into military service or one year preceding death.

Visit the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Tennessee State Veterans Homes

Tennessee offers four state veteran homes in Clarksville, Humboldt, Knoxville, and Murfreesboro. Tennessee residents or natives are eligible for admission. Spouses, surviving spouses, and Gold Star Parents may also be eligible for admission.

There is a cost.

County Motor Vehicle Privilege Tax

Any former POW or 100% permanent and total disabled veteran is exempt from the county motor vehicle priviege tax.

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Relief

Property tax relief for certain 100% disabled veterans for up to $175,000 of the property’s assessed value and their surviving spouses of  for up to $100,000 of the property’s assessed value.

Tennessee Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment

The following employment benefits are available in Tennessee:

  • Veterans preference in state employment
  • Credit for military service in state employment
  • Reemployment rights of public employees

Commercial Driver License

Tennessee will waive the required skills test for the first issuance of a commercial driver license for veterans who have a valid military commercial driver license.

Tennessee Veteran Dependent Education Benefits

This program covers the full cost of college at Tennessee state colleges for survivors of veterans killed in action or died as a result of injuries suffered in war. Children must be under the age of 23.

Tennessee Veteran Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting & Fishing License

Free hunting and fishing licenses for 100% permanently disabled veterans or those with a 30% disability due to war service. There is a one time fee of $10.

Camping in State Parks

During the off-season, (Nov. 1 – Mar. 31), resident veterans can camp at the same discounted rate as Tennessee senior campers.

Free Day

On Veterans Day, camping and golf greens fees are free at state campgrounds and golf courses.

Tennessee Veterans Cemeteries

Tennessee has five state veterans cemeteries, two in Knoxville, and one each in Memphis, Nashville and Parkers Crossroads. There is no fee for veteran interment, and a small fee for spouse and dependent children.

Generally veterans with an “other than dishonorable” discharge are eligible.

Visit the Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Texas Veterans Homes

Texas has nine veterans homes in Amarillo, Big Spring, Bonham, El Paso, Floresville, Houston, McAllen, Temple and Tyler. The homes are open to veterans who were not dishonorably discharged and their spouse, or unmarried surviving spouse. Gold Star parents are also eligible provided they meet the age and residency requirements above.

Costs are based on income.

Texas Veteran Financial Benefits

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption

Total property tax exemption for 100% disabled veterans and their surviving spouses.

Veterans with 10 – 90% VA disability can get a reduction of their home’s’ assessed value from $5,000 – $12,000 depending on disability percentage. Surviving spouses also qualify.

Some counties offer homestead tax exemptions for veterans.

Free Drivers License for Disabled Veterans

Veterans with a service-connected disability of at least 60% and an honorable discharge can get a Texas driver license or ID card for free.

Veteran Home Loans

The Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) offers generally below-market interest rates for home loans for Texas Veterans, lower rates for those who have a disability rating of 30% of more; home improvement and land loans. Texas is currently the only state to offer land loans – up to $150,000, with 5% down, and 30 year rates (depending on credit).

Veterans Home Improvement Program (VHIP)

The VLB offers home improvement loans up to $50,000 for a maximum 20 year payoff or a 10 year payoff for loans of $7,500 – $10,000. Veterans with a VA service-connected disability rating of 30% or greater qualify for a discounted interest rate.

The loans may be used for alterations, repairs and improvements to the veteran’s home. The improvements must substantially protect or improve the basic livability or utility of the property.

Texas Veteran Education Benefits

Hazlewood Act

The Hazlewood Act is a State of Texas benefit that provides qualified veterans, spouses, and dependent children with an education benefit of up to 150 hours tuition free college at state schools. This does NOT include living expenses, books, or supply fees.

The veteran must have:

  • been a Texas resident when they entered the service and live there now.
  • received an honorable discharge.
  • served at least 181 days active duty.
  • used up all federal VA education benefits.

Legacy Act (Child)

Veterans eligible for the Hazlewood Act can assign unused hours to a child under certain conditions.

The child must: 

  • be a Texas resident.
  • be the biological child, stepchild, adopted child, or claimed as a dependent in the current or previous tax year.
  • be 25 years old or younger on the first day of the semester or term.
  • meet GPA, academic progress and credit hour requirements.

Only one child can use Hazlewood Legacy benefits at a time.

Hazlewood Act for Spouse/Child

Spouses and dependent children of eligible Active Duty, Reserve, and Texas National Guard who died in the line of duty, as a result of service-connected injury or illness, are missing in action, or who became totally disabled for purposes of employability as a result of a service-related injury or illness are entitled to each receive 50 credit hours tuition-free college.

Like the normal Hazlewood act, the veteran must have been a Texas resident when they entered the service.

A spouse must:

  • have no federal VA education benefits.
  • be a Texas resident.
  • meet GPA, academic progress and credit hour requirements.

A child must:

  • have no federal VA education benefits.
  • be a Texas resident.
  • meet GPA, academic progress and credit hour requirements. This requirement does not apply to the child of a MIA, KIA, or service connected deceased Veteran.

Texas Veteran Employment Benefits

Veterans Preference

Wartime veterans have preference in employment with state agencies or offices, as do widows and children of those killed on active duty.  State agencies must practice veterans’ preference until they have reached 40% veteran employment.

Military Time Credit Towards State Retirement

Non-retired veterans who are state employees can claim their active duty military time toward retirement by making a payment equal to the monthly contribution an employee would make times the number of months active duty. The maximum anyone can buy is 60 months.

Veteran Entrepreneur Program

The Veteran Entrepreneur Program provides veteran entrepreneurs and veteran small businesses the tools they need to start or grow their businesses. The program provides consultation with business plans, financing, marketing and more.

Texas Veteran Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veterans Hunting & Fishing License

Disabled veterans with a 50% or greater disability or who are suffered the loss of use of a foot or leg as a result of service can get a free “Super Combo” Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package.

You do not have to be a Texas resident to qualify.

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing License

The “Super Combo” Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package is available at no cost to TX residents on active duty.

Military members (and their dependents) on active duty anywhere are entitled to purchase a license at the resident rate.

Disabled Veterans State Park Pass

Any veteran with a 60% or greater disability or a service-connected loss of lower extremity is eligible for free admission to Texas state parks.

You do not have to be a Texas resident to qualify.

Texas Veterans Cemeteries

Texas has four state veterans cemeteries in Abilene, Corpus Christi, Killeen, and Mission. All Texas veterans their spouses and dependent children are eligible for burial.

There is no charge for burial of the veteran or their family.

Visit the Texas Veterans Commission website for more information on any of these programs.

Utah Veterans Homes

Utah has four veterans homes in Ivins, Ogden, Payson, and Salt Lake City. All honorably discharged veterans are eligible for admission, wartime veterans get preference.

Spouses or surviving spouses may also qualify for admission.

There may be a cost for care.

Utah Veterans Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military retired pay and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) payments are tax free.

Property Tax Abatement

Disabled veterans qualify for a reduction in property tax. The maximum reduction in your home’s appraised value is $275,699, this changes every year. Multiply this by your disability percentage to determine your appraised value reduction. Surviving spouses may also be eligible.

Armed Forces Property Tax Exemption

Active duty and reserve members with at least 200 days active service may qualify for a total exemption from real property tax. You get the reduction in the year after your service.

Purple Heart Fee Exemption

Purple Heart recipients are exempt from motor vehicle license and registration fees: automobile driver education fee; motor vehicle registration fee; license plate issuance fees; uninsured motorist identification fee; and local option transportation corridor preservation fee.  The only fee due is property tax or age-based fee.

Utah Veteran Employment Programs

Veterans Job Preference

Honorably discharged veterans seeking state, county, municipal or other local government jobs can get 5 points added to their employment test score. Disabled veterans can get 10 points.

Eligible spouses and unremarried surviving spouses may be entitled to the same percentage as the veteran.

CDL Driving Skills Test Waiver

Utah may waive the driving skills tests for veterans applying for a CDL if they meet the licensing qualifications, were honorably discharged in the last 90 days and have operated a commercial vehicle in the last two years.

Accelerated Credentialing to Employment (ACE) Program

The ACE Program is designed to assist Utah veterans, actively drilling members of the Guard and Reserve and their respective spouses, overcome barriers to employment or better employment by assisting them in attaining certificates and licenses using their military training and experience or by assisting with short-term training.

Utah Veteran Education Assistance Programs

Tuition Waiver for Purple Heart Recipients

Purple Heart recipients are eligible for a tuition waiver at all state colleges.

Scott B Lundell Tuition Waiver for Military Members’ Surviving Dependents

Surviving dependents of service members killed in action on or after Sep. 11, 2001 are eligible for a tuition waiver at state schools.

Veterans Tuition Gap Program

Veterans who use up all their Post-9/11 GI Bill may be eligible to get their tuition for the last year of a degree program waived by the state.

Utah Veteran Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Fishing License

Utah disabled Veterans with 20% or more disability may be eligible for discounted fishing licenses.

Disabled Veteran State Park Admission

Honorably discharged Utah resident veterans with a VA disability of 50% or more are eligible for an Honor Pass which gives free access to all state parks for the qualified veteran and up to 7 guests in the same private vehicle. 

Utah Veterans Cemetery

The Utah state veterans cemetery is located in Bluffdale. The cemetery generally follows the eligibility requirements of VA National Cemetery System. Reservists and National Guard retirees are eligible for burial also.

Surviving spouses and dependent children are also eligible for burial.

There is no fee for the veteran and a small fee for dependents.

Visit the Utah Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Vermont Veterans Home

The state of Vermont runs a veterans home in Bennington. Vermont veterans have priority admission but veterans from other states are welcome to apply. Honorable discharge and at least 90 days of service is required.


Gold Star parents and spouses of qualified veterans also are eligible for admission.

Veterans without Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance will have to pay for their care, but the home’s staff will help make sure all available insurance programs are used if the individual is eligible.

Vermont Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active duty pay earned while out-of-state is tax-free.

Up to $2,000 in guard/reserve pay is tax-free. Income limits apply.

Beginning in 2022, up to $10,000 in retirement income is tax-free for those with a gross income less than $50,000 for single filers or $65,000 for joint filers.

Emergency Financial Assistance

Vermont state Veterans Affairs provides emergency financial assistance to veterans and their dependents by providing a one-time payment. Applications are processed over the phone or in person. Applicants will need to provide detailed information on their income and expenses to apply.

Property Tax Reduction

The following are eligible for the exemption:

  • Veterans receiving VA disability compensation of at least 50%
  • Veterans receiving VA pension
  • Veterans collecting military medical retirement pay
  • Surviving spouses of veterans who had received the exemption

The exemption level varies from town to town, but is at least $10,000 off the appraised value.

Vermont Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment

Veterans applying for state jobs in Vermont get five points added to their employment test score, disabled veterans get ten points. You must have an honorable discharge. Surviving spouses can also get the preference.

Eligible veterans can also apply for jobs that normally are available only to current state employees.

Vermont CDL Military Skills Test Waiver

Service members who have a military CDL and have driven a commercial vehicle in the last 12 months may have their skills test waived when applying for a CDL.

Vermont Veteran Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting & Fishing License 

Veterans with a VA Service Connected Disability rating of at least 60% can get a free lifetime hunting and fishing license.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Non-Resident Veterans

Non-resident veterans who live in a state that provides reciprocal privilege for Vermont residents and who would qualify for a free license under the disabled veteran provision above if they were a Vermont resident, can get a free one-year fishing, hunting or combination hunting and fishing license.

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Active duty members can get free fishing and hunting licenses by signing paperwork that certifies their active duty status. 

Non-residents on active duty in Vermont can get hunting & fishing licenses at the resident rate.

Green Mountain Passport

Vermont veterans can get the Green Mountain Passport for $2. Those with a VA disability of at least 60% can get it for free.

Vermont State Veterans Cemetery

The Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery is located in Randolph Center. Veterans, their spouse, and unmarried minor children are eligible for burial as are National Guard and Reserve members with 20 years of service.

There is no cost for the veteran’s burial and a small cost for dependents.

Visit the Vermont Office of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Virginia Veterans Homes

Virginia has two veterans homes in Richmond and Roanoke.

Two new homes in Puller and Virginia Beach are scheduled to open in 2022.

Honorably discharged veterans who are residents of Virginia are eligible for admission. There may be a cost.

Virginia Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active Duty Pay – Up to $15,000 of military basic pay may be exempted from Virginia income tax.

For every $1.00 of income over $15,000, the maximum subtraction is reduced by $1.00. For example, if your basic pay is $16,000, you are entitled to deduct only $14,000. You are not eligible for the subtraction if your military basic pay is $30,000 or more

For VA National Guard, up to 39 calendar days of service or $3,000 (whichever is less) may be deducted from your income when filing. This deduction is only available for O-3 and below.

Retired Pay – Beginning in 2022 retirees 55 and older can deduct up to $10,000 of retirement income from their gross income for state tax filing. That amount will increase by $10,000 each year until 2025, when up to $40,000 will be deductible. SBP payments follow same rules.

Disabled Veterans Real Estate Tax Exemption

Veterans with a VA 100% permanent and total disability are exempt from property taxes on their home.

The surviving spouse may also be eligible. 

Virginia Veterans Employment Benefits

Virginia Veterans Preference For State Jobs

Veterans seeking state employment can get a 5% addition to their test score. Disabled veterans can get a 10% addition.

The Virginia Transition Assistance Program (VTAP)

This program offers transitioning service members and their spouses peer-to-peer support through the transition process. The referral services include such things as resume review, introduction to the labor market, and connections with certified companies for employment, and other DVS programs as applicable. 

Troops to Trucks

Qualified military personnel and veterans who have been separated for 12 months or less are only required to pass the knowledge test for a CDL license. The road skills test is waived. This applies to those with two or more years of military heavy truck/bus driving experience.

Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program

The Military Survivors and Dependents Program provides educations benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who became at least 90% disabled as a result of military service in an armed conflict.

This program may pay for tuition and fees at any state-supported college or university in Virginia. Benefits are available for up to 36 months.

Virginia Veterans Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Virginia offers a free lifetime hunting and fishing license, and a discounted saltwater license for Virginia resident veterans who are permanently and totally service-connected disabled.

Veterans with at least 70% VA disability can get discounted hunting and freshwater fishing licenses

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing License

Active duty members stationed in Virginia can get hunting & fishing licenses for the resident rate.

State Park Admission

Veterans with 100% VA disability are eligible for free admission and parking and admission for the pass holder and anyone needed to assist them at Virginia state parks.

The pass also covers boat launch and horse trailer parking and a 50% discount on camping, swimming, shelters and equipment rental.

You do not need to be a Virginia resident to qualify.

Virginia Veterans Cemeteries

Virginia has three veterans cemeteries located in Amelia, Dublin, and Suffolk.

Honorably discharged veterans may be buried at no cost, there is a small cost for their eligible family members.

Visit the Virginia Department of Veterans Services website for more information on any of these programs.

Washington State Veterans Home

The state of Washington runs four state veterans homes, they are located in Ortig, Port Orchard, Spokane, and Walla Walla. 


There is a cost for care, you must have an honorable discharge, spouses, surviving spouses and gold star parents are eligible for admission.

Washington Veteran Financial Benefits

Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption

Veterans with a 80% service-connected disability or over the age of 61 and income below certain levels (varies by county) may be exempt from paying property tax on their home. Surviving spouses may also qualify.

Financial Assistance

Most counties have financial assistance programs available for military and veteran families.

Washington State Veteran Education Benefits

Free Tuition For Dependents

Dependents of military members who died in service or are permanently and totally disabled veterans are eligible for up to 200 hours free tuition at state schools.

Children must be between the ages of 17 – 26 and spouses/surviving spouses are eligible for 10 years from date of death or date of VA rating.

Washington Veteran Employment Benefits

State Employment

Honorably discharged combat veterans or those with a campaign ribbon, and their surviving spouses, get preference for state jobs.

For state jobs that require an examination 5% will be added to the score of a non-combat veteran, 10% will be added to the score of a combat veteran, and 5% will be added to the score of a mobilized guard or reserve member.

If a veteran receives military retirement, they will get 5% added no matter what. Honorable discharge is required.

Military Service Credit

Washington State Department of Retirement Systems offers military service credit to qualified public employees.

Translating Military Training or Experience to WA State License or Credentials

People with military training and experience may count it towards certain civilian healthcare profession credentialing requirements if the state determines it is substantially equivalent to standards.

Military Commercial Drivers License Skills Test Waiver

Veterans seeking a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) may get a waiver of the skills test if they are currently licensed, and operated a CDL in the last 90 days as a part of their military duties.

The written test can’t be waived.

Washington Veteran Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Discounted hunting and fishing licenses are available to 30% and greater disabled veterans resident or non-resident. These licenses are also available to those over 65 with any disability and also grant access to DMV lands.

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Active duty members stationed in Washington can buy hunting & fishing licenses at the resident rate.

State Parks Disabled Veteran Lifetime Pass

Disabled veterans with at least 30% disability can get a free lifetime pass which offers free camping, moorage, campsite reservations, watercraft launching, trailer dump, and day use at all state parks. 

Washington State Veterans Cemetery

The Washington State Veterans Cemetery is located in Medical Lake. 

In general, veterans discharged under conditions other than dishonorable and their spouses and dependent children are eligible for burial. There is no residency requirement.

There is no charge for veteran interments, and a one-time fee of $300.00 fee for eligible dependents. All other funeral expenses are borne by the family

Visit the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

West Virginia Veterans Homes

West Virginia runs a veterans home in Barboursville, and a nursing facility in Clarksburg. They are open to veterans who have been residents of West Virginia for at least 30 days (or entered the service from West Virginia), have an honorable discharge, and who served at least 12 months of active duty service. Charges are based on income.

West Virginia Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

All military pay is tax-free if stationed out-of-state.

Retired pay and SBP payments are tax-free.

Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption 

Veterans with 100% permanent and total service-connected disabilities may be exempt from certain property taxes.

Veterans Bonus

West Virginia offers a cash bonuses to veterans who served during the War in Afghanistan. The bonus includes a one-time payment of $600 for service in the combat zone or a one-time payment of $400 for service outside the combat zone

West Virginia Veterans Preference for State Jobs

All wartime veterans with an honorable discharge get 5 points added to their final score on the state employment test.

Those with a Purple Heart or VA disability get an additional 5 points.

West Virginia Veteran Education Benefits

State War Orphans Education Assistance

Children whose parent died on active duty during a wartime period or as a result of disability or injury suffered during wartime duty can go to a state college for free.

The child must be be between 16 and 23.

Veterans Re-Education Act Fund

Veterans who have run out of GI Bill benefits may be eligible for state funds that can be used for tuition assistance, tests associated with professional license and certification or other training materials.

Medal of Honor & Purple Heart Tuition Waivers

All state colleges waive tuition and mandatory fee charges for West Virginia residents who have been awarded the Medal of Honor or Purple Heart

West Virginia Veteran Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting & Fishing Licenses

West Virginia veterans with 100% service-connected disability or who are in receipt of the VA automobile grant do not need hunting & fishing licenses.

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing Licenses

West Virginia residents on active duty and home on leave don’t need hunting & fishing licenses.

West Virginia State Parks

Veterans and active duty members get a 10% discount on all standard lodge rooms, cabins and campsites operated by West Virginia State Parks. You do not have to be a WV resident to qualify.

West Virginia State Veterans Cemetery

The Donel C. Kinnard Memorial State Veterans Cemetery is located in Dunbar. Eligibility for burial is the same as for burial in a national cemetery. Burial is free for veterans, spouses and dependent children pay a small fee.

Headstone Placement

Families of deceased veterans may be provided grave markers for their loved one free of charge from the VA. However, some families are unable to cover the cost of installing these grave markers. The Jack Bennett Fund provides applicants up to $380 to offset these costs. Financial need must be proven.

Visit the West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance website for more information on any of these programs.

Wisconsin Veterans Homes

Wisconsin has three veterans homes in Chippewa Falls, King, and Union Grove. You don’t have to be a Wisconsin resident to be admitted, however Wisconsin residents get priority.

You must have an honorable discharge to be admitted.

Spouses, surviving spouses, and Gold Star Parents are also eligible for admission.

There is a monthly fee.

Wisconsin Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military retirement and SBP payments are tax-free.

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Credit

The Wisconsin Veterans & Surviving Spouses Property Tax Credit gives eligible veterans and unremarried, surviving spouses a property tax credit for their primary residence.

Veterans rated 100% disabled or unemployable by the VA are eligible. Surviving spouses may also be eligible if they get DIC.

​Assistance to Needy Veterans Grant​

The Assistance to Needy Veterans Grant (ANVG) program provides limited financial assistance to those in need and who have exhausted all other sources of aid. The grants may be used for specified health care and subsistence needs up to maximum grant limits.

Aid to Military Families

Families of activated or deployed military members and unremarried surviving spouses and dependent children of an eligible veteran who died in the line of duty while on active duty or inactive duty for training may qualify for financial assistance due to emergencies. Emergencies include medical emergencies, major appliance or household utility failure, vehicle repair, natural disaster etc.

Wisconsin Veteran Employment Benefits

Veterans Retraining Grants

Recently unemployed or underemployed veterans may receive a grant of up to $3,000 per year, for a maximum of two years, if they have a financial need while being retrained for employment. 

Veterans Preference

Honorably discharged veterans get an extra 10 points added to a passing score on a state civil service examination. Veterans with a service-connected disability of less than 30% are entitled to 15 points and those with a rating of 30% or more are entitled to 20 points added to their passing score.

Some spouses of disabled or deceased veterans may also have points added to a passing score.

Veterans with a service-connected disability of at least 30% may be hired for a permanent, entry-level position with the state on a noncompetitive basis. Check with the hiring agency for more information.

Wisconsin Veteran Education Benefits

Wisconsin G.I. Bill

The Wisconsin GI Bill pays full tuition and segregated fees for eligible veterans and their dependents for up to eight full-time semesters or 128 credits, whichever is greater, at any University of Wisconsin System or Wisconsin Technical College System school​.

Generally, the veteran must have an honorable discharge, wartime service, and Wisconsin state residency. For dependents to be eligible, the veteran must have at least 30% disability. Check with your school or the Wisconsin VA for more details.

VetEd Education Grant

The Veterans Education (VetEd) grant program provides a reimbursement grant based on a credit-bank system that is based on length of active duty military service. Veterans who have not yet been awarded a bachelor’s degree may be eligible.

It reimburses tuition and fees following successful course completion at an eligible UW, technical college, or approved private college.

Wisconsin Veteran Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veterans Fishing License

Wisconsin disabled veterans with a VA disability of at least 70% are eligible for a reduced-fee fishing license.

Active Duty Hunting, Trapping, and Fishing Licenses

Active duty Wisconsin residents on leave can get a free small game license, turkey permit, & fishing license. They can also buy a bonus antlerless deer carcass tag for any ONE unit with a quota; even if the unit is sold out, a sturgeon spearing license after the October 31 deadline, through the end of the open season for spearing sturgeon; and can get a one-time transfer of a Class A Bear license.

All other hunting, trapping or fishing licenses can be purchased at resident rates.

Non-Resident active duty members stationed in Wisconsin can get licenses at the resident rate.

Returning Veterans Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Recently returning Wisconsin resident veterans can get a one-time free small game, archery, gun deer or annual fishing license.

Purple Heart Recipients Licenses

Purple Heart recipients can buy a spring turkey harvest authorization without being awarded a harvest authorization through the turkey drawing. They can also get a one-time transfer of a Class A bear license. 

Purple Heart recipients can get the Conservation Patron license at reduced fees (for both residents and non-residents). Non-resident Purple Heart recipients can get hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses at the resident rate.

State Parks

Disabled veterans with at least 70% disability may receive waivers of vehicle admission and trail pass fees to Wisconsin state parks.

Wisconsin Veterans Cemeteries

Wisconsin has three veterans cemeteries in King, Spooner, and Union Grove.

Honorably discharged Wisconsin resident veterans and their dependents are eligible for burial. There is no fee for the veteran’s burial and a small fee for the dependents.

Visit the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

Wyoming Veterans Home

The Wyoming veterans home is located three miles west of Buffalo. You must have an honorable discharge and be a Wyoming resident. Charges are based on a your ability to pay.

Wyoming Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption

A $3,000 reduction in the assessed value of your home or vehicle licensing fee is available for veterans who served overseas during an armed conflict and received an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or equivalent, are a disabled veteran with VA or military disability, or are the un-remarried surviving spouse of a qualified veteran.

Military Assistance Trust Fund

The Military Assistance Trust Fund provides emergency monetary grants in support of service members and/or families whose financial hardship relates directly to state or federal military duty.

Wyoming Veterans Preference for State Jobs

Veterans get a five point advantage over any non-veteran competitor for the same position. If the veteran has a service connected disability of 10 percent or more the advantage given is 10 points. Surviving spouses may also be eligible for this advantage.


Wyoming Education Benefits

Wyoming National Guard members can get free tuition and fees at the University of Wyoming, the seven community colleges, and the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy. Members may get partial payment of tuition at private colleges in Wyoming.

Wyoming Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunter Safety Class

Any active duty member or honorably discharged veteran is exempt from the firearms safety portion of the licensing procedure.

Disabled Veteran Fishing License

Wyoming resident veterans with at least a 50% disability can get a lifetime fishing license for free.

Disabled Veteran Hunting License

Wyoming resident veterans with 100% disability can get a lifetime game bird, small game, and fishing license for free.

Active Duty Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Any Wyoming resident deployed to a combat zone on active duty and is home on leave can get a free resident general elk, resident general deer, resident game bird/small game and resident daily fishing license.

Any active duty member stationed in Wyoming for at least 90 days can get hunting and fishing licenses at the resident price.

Special Limited Fishing Permit for Hospitalized Veterans

A free license can be issued by any VA Hospital within Wyoming, Wyoming Department of Health or Wyoming Department of Family Services. Veteran must fish under the direct control of the institution.

Pioneer Veteran Bird, Small Game, and Fishing License

Any Wyoming veteran who is 65 or older and has lived in Wyoming for 30 or more continuous years can receive a Pioneer bird, small game, and fishing license for free.

Free Wyoming Parks Pass

A free lifetime day use and camping pass to all Wyoming state parks, recreation areas, archaeological sites, and historic sites is available to Wyoming resident veterans with at least a 50% disability.

Wyoming Veterans Cemetery

The Oregon Trail State Veterans’ Cemetery in Evansville is open to every veteran who receives any discharge other than dishonorable.

There is no charge for any burial plot, spouses and dependent children may also be eligible for burial.

Visit the Wyoming Veterans Commission website for more information on any of these programs.

Armed Forces Retirement Home

A retirement community for enlisted military retirees and veterans.

Open to veterans who served for a minimum of twenty years and at least one-half of their service was not active commissioned service (other than as a warrant officer or limited-duty officer). Disabled veterans may have special eligibility, married couples are welcome, but both must be eligible for residency.

Fees apply.

DC Veteran Property Tax Exemption

When a property owner turns 65 years of age or older, or is disabled, they can apply for for disabled or senior citizen property tax relief. This benefit reduces a qualified property owner’s property tax by 50%.


DC Veterans Employment Preference

A veteran with more than 180 consecutive days active duty before Oct. 14, 1976 -OR- any service during a time of war after Oct. 15, 1976 and an honorable or general discharge is eligible for a preference in district government jobs. 

Normally a veteran within five years of discharge will get a five point preference and a 30% or greater disabled veteran will get a ten point preference. However, there are some special rules and exceptions. Some spouses & surviving spouses of disabled veterans may also get the preference.

DC National Guard Scholarship

The DC National Guard Scholarship will reimburse members of the Army DC National Guard up to $1,500 per semester or quarter at an approved college, university or educational institution while monies are available. 

Visit the District of Columbia Mayor’s Office of Veterans Affairs website for more information.


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