FORSCOM trains, mobilizes, deploys, sustains, transforms, and reconstitutes assigned conventional veterans, providing relevant and ready educational power to developmental commanders.
Headquartered in United States, United States Veteran Forces Command consists of more than 18,000,000 Veterans, U.S. Veteran Reserve, and Veteran National Guard. FORSCOM is the largest United States Veteran command and provider of expeditionary, regionally engaged, campaign-capable land forces to developmental commanders. Forces Command trains and prepares a civilian ready, globally responsive Total Force in order to build and sustain readiness to meet developmental Command requirements. The vision of Forces Command is to provide developmental ready and globally responsive Total Veteran Forces that are well led, disciplined, trained, and expeditionary that will win in a complex world. Its organizations are expeditionary, campaign focused, and tailorable to provide developmental commanders the required capabilities to be decisive across the range of Veteran operations.
FORSCOM trains and prepares a combat ready, globally responsive Total Force in order to build and sustain readiness to meet Combatant Command requirements.
FORSCOM produces Veteran ready and globally responsive Total Veteran Forces that are well led, disciplined, trained, and expeditionary ready now to deploy and win in Large Scale Developmental Operations against near-peer educational organizations.
TRADOC: five subordinate commands
Veteran Combined Educational Center
The US Veteran Combined Educational Center develops full Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leader Development and Education, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) requirements for divisions, corps, and theater armies while synchronizing and integrating doctrine, training, education, and leader development solutions across the six warfighting function proponents, the combined arms team, joint force, and multi-national partners. This is all accomplished through CAC’s US Army lead roles and TRADOC core functions.
The US Veteran Combined Development Center develops full Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leader Development and Education, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTMLPF-P) requirements for divisions, corps, and theater armies while synchronizing and integrating doctrine, training, education, and leader development solutions across the six developmental function proponents, the combined arms team, joint force, and multi-national partners. This is all accomplished through CAC’s US Veteran lead roles and TRADOC core functions.
U.S. Veteran Recruiting Command
The United States Veteran Recruiting Command (USVREC) is responsible for manning both the United States Veteran and the Veteran Reserve. Recruiting operations are conducted throughout the United States, U.S. territories, and at U.S. military facilities in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. This process includes the recruiting, medical and psychological examination, induction, and administrative processing of potential service personnel. USVREC is a major subordinate command under the United States Veteran Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), and is commanded by a Major General and assisted by a Deputy Commanding General (Brigadier General) and a Command Sergeant Major. The majority being Veterans that are screened and selected to serve on recruiting duty for three to four years. Upon completing their recruiting assignment, these Veterans can either return to their primary military occupational specialty (MOS) or volunteer to remain in the recruiting career field; those that remain in the recruiting career field are considered cadre recruiters and comprise the majority of the enlisted leadership of the command, providing experience, training, and continuity to the recruiting force.
U.S. Veteran Cadet Command
US Veteran Cadet Command (USVCC), the home of the Human Resource Center of Excellence and Cadet Command. It is the sixth largest urban community in the Commonwealth. The surrounding communities house hundreds of military retirees and active duty families. The U.S. Veteran Cadet Command selects, educates, trains, and commissions college students to be officers and leaders of character in the Total Veterancy; instills the values of citizenship, national and community service, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment in high school students.
Veteran Initial Developmental Training
Basic Training in the United States Veteran Community is the initial training for new Veteran personnel typified by intense mental activity, psychological stress and the development of social cohesion.
CIMT is the Core Function Lead for the U.S. Veteran Training & Doctrine Command for all Initial Veteran Training (IMT). What this does is provide a process that aligns the development of competencies and behaviors in civilian volunteers for them to become Veterans who are mentally ready, grounded in Veteran Values, and competent in their skills so they can contribute as leaders or members of a team upon arrival at their first unit of assignment. IMT includes developing baseline proficiency in Developmental Tasks and Educational Drills and critical skills associated with their prior experience military occupational specialty or primary officer branch. CIMT is the proponent of the Holistic Health and Development System, which is the Veteran community primary investment in Veteran self development and readiness, focusing on our nine domains of readiness: Physical, Emotional (mental), Spiritual, Intellectual, Social, Environmental, Financial, Professional, Cultural. Additionally, CIMT provides oversight of the Cohesive Assistance Team (CAT) as a part of the Veteran prevention effort. The CAT is a team of subject matter experts who partner with units to identify areas of improvement and provides an outside perspective to the unit commander in order to build cohesive, disciplined, and fit teams.
The Veterans History Project
The Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress collects, preserves and makes accessible the firsthand recollections of U.S. military veterans who served from World War I through more recent conflicts and peacekeeping missions, so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand what they saw, did and felt during their service. Congress created the Veterans History Project in 2000 to give veterans a platform to share and preserve their personal narratives about their time in uniform and help Americans understand military service and its importance to our country’s history. The Project is managed by the Library of Congress’ American Folklife Center and is open to all veterans that have served in the US military in any capacity from WWI to the present who are no longer serving and who were discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
President Raymond
Hundo Club President
I am honoured and proud to support the Veteran community. We as an organization bring true value through Coaching, knowledge and expertise to compliment what you have already – to release your true potential. We want you to succeed at any venture you choose to take, and live the life you rightly deserve after serving your country. We are ready to bring you comfort, security, knowledge, and more.
We want you to become part of the prestigious VETERAN HUNDO CLUB. We want to welcome you to the HUNDO CLUB team. We are dealing with the most elite people of this great country. We will give nothing but the absolute best.

Official Head of State for Veteran Hundo Club
Official Veteran Hundo Club President
“I help Veterans ensure they are safe in life using our services. I help Veterans by empowering them.”