hardship program

Applies To All Branches Of Service

Hardship clients are arrived at through an assessment of the overall quality of life. In determining the degree of hardship, consideration is given to local conditions of safety and security, health care, housing, climate, isolation and level of amenities/conveniences of life.

veteran hundo club

what is hundo club hardship program?

if you demestrate hardship' we will accept a payment plan

we aim to ensure you get what you deserve no matter the situation your currently in

Veteran Hundo Club prides itself on being a educational foundation first and foremost. We respect your Privacy. We understand that not every individual is in a financial situation or social status that can benefit from the service we provide. We offer our service in helping and assisting in exchange for a fee. We provide a benefit to users across the globe. You will be able to design a payment plan that is feasible within your budget. We want you to get what your entitled too. We will use options on the table such as shared resources, subscriptions of donations and anything else at our disposal to allow you to join the Hundo Club.


Staying Financially Fit With Financial Assistance and Resources


  • Most Important Task list are the critical cases which which will take precedence. Those in critical situations will be addressed first. Other than that it will be in the order we receive VHC Hardship Registrations
  • Triage: we use sorting and allocation of time and resources to individuals who are in the most desperate need first. Homeless, VA hospital pacients, VA Government housing and the alike. Especially battle and disaster victims according to a system of priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors. The sorting of clients according to the urgency of their need for care.
  • Your part of our Veteran family and as so a member to us at Veteran Hundo Club. Your mission is your health, family health, and financial health. Personal and family concerns can make that hard to do and financial hardship is one common stressor that is on the rise.
  • If your Veteran that has seen a drop in family income due unforeseen consequence’s or is struggling with managing a paycheck for the first time, or is facing money troubles for other reasons, we want to help. It is available. 
  • When money is already tight, a job loss, costly car repair or other unexpected expense can increase debt quickly. But Veterans who are struggling to pay the rent or utilities may qualify for short-term help.
  • Hundo Club Hardship  Program can provide relief if your situation dictates. Depending on the circumstances, our organization provide interest-free payment plans, grants or a combination of both.
  • Apply for the Hardship Program through us Complete the verification form on the website and have  representative sign the form. Attach required documentation as proof of hardship. 
  • The VHC plans to process all applications within five to eight days of receipt. Once approved, the VHC will notify quickly as possible so we can get you to sign up to our educational and social network; Hundo Club – The One Percent’.
  • There are only four ways to do something. Through completion, deletion, delegation, and deferment. What we are trying to provide through the VHC Hardship Program is a deferment. 
  • We want you to still benefit from all the answers, experiences, and stories that are available to you through our social network within your budget. 
  • We want to help you veterans stay missiaon ready and financially fit with the help of our resources. 
  • Your service to our country doesn’t have to force you to face financial hardship alone. 

who WiNS?


the one percent'

Many factors affect the VA benefits that a veteran receives, so it’s essential they seek expert help with their VA disability claim. Join Veteran Hundo Club to bring real change to Veterans for their entire life. We take our application process very seriously. Please do not apply if your not ready to learn, grow, develop yourself. There is a lot of self development and teamwork towards servicing Veterans. We aim to give only impervious claims information that are undisputable and ensure each claim gets its correct rating based on the severity of their disability.



Let’s make

your life better

history always repeats itself. Its time we change the direction HISTORY HAS ALWAYS CHOSEN FOR YOU. IT'S TIME WE ARE IN CHARGE. IT IS TIME WE ARE IN COMMAND.

Americans have fought in many wars, within their own country as well as abroad. These wars were fought for a variety of reasons, ranging from the need to be independent from colonists to the expansion of national boundaries.

Here’s a list of some of the American wars that took place since the United States became an independent nation. Please note: this is not a full list of every war or conflict that American soldiers were a part of.


tell us how we can continue to fight for what you need and deserve


why show this?


    The British Navigation acts, the closing of western lands, the restricting of the colonial currency, the Quartering Act, the Stamp Act, and The Townshend Acts enacted by the British Parliament contributed to the revolution of colonists. In 1773, the British Parliament permitted the East India Company to sell tea in the colonies at very low prices, which resulted in the Boston tea party. The response of the British Parliament was the Intolerable Acts and the Quebec Act in 1774. In September of the same year, the First Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia. The Revolutionary War began in 1775. The second Continental Congress was held in May, 1775 in Philadelphia. In 1776, the United States declared independence. British and American troops fought near Boston, New York, Trenton, and other places. In 1783, by the Treaty of Paris, the independence of the 13th colonies was recognized by Great Britain, and the war ended.

    American Revolutionary War Statistics:

      Population: 3,500,000
      Service Members: 200,000
      Ratio: 5.7%
      Casualties: 4,435 Dead, 6,188 Wounded
      Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $1.2


The United States declared war on Britain in 1812. The Americans’ attempts to conquer Canada during the campaigns of 1812-1813 failed. British blockaded the American coast. After many battles, the war was ended in 1814 by the Treaty of Ghent, which was the Belgium of old. Weeks after that, Major General Andrew Jackson, also known as “Old Hickory,” won the battle of New Orleans. The war ended with no gain for both sides.

War of 1812 Statistics:

    Population: 7,600,000
    Service Members: 286,000
    Ratio: 3.8%
    Casualties: 2,260 Dead, 4,505 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $0.7


Mexico refused to recognize the annexation of Texas. In 1846, Mexicans attacked US troops, and the Congress declared war on Mexico. The Mexican-American War was ended by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. Mexico ceded the states of California, Utah, Nevada, as well as parts of New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Wyoming.

Mexican-American War Statistics:

    Population: 21,100,000
    Service Members: 78,718
    Ratio: 0.4%
    Casualties: 13,283 Dead, 4,152 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $1.1


he American Civil War was fought by 11 southern states known as the Confederacy and Union states. Since President Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party were against the expansion of slavery, the southern states declared their secession from the Union. This war was the deadliest in American history. The Union won, the Confederate armies surrendered in 1865, and the war ended the practice of slavery.

American Civil War Statistics:

The Union

    Population: 26,200,000
    Service Members: 2,803,300
    Ratio: 10.7%
    Casualties: 360,000 Dead, 275,175 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $27.3

The Confederate States of America

    Population: 8,100,000
    Service Members: 1,064,200
    Ratio: 13.1%
    Casualties: 260,000 Dead, 137,000+ Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $17.1


    Population: 34,300,000
    Service Members: 3,867,500
    Ratio: 11.1%
    Casualties: 620,000 Dead, 412,175+ Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $44.4


Spain declared war on the US in April 1898 because the US supported the Cuban struggle for independence. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in August, 1898. The US gained the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

Spanish-American War Statistics:

    Population: 74,600,000
    Service Members: 306,800
    Ratio: 0.4%
    Casualties: 387 Dead, 1,662 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $6.3


The First World War began in 1914, and it was fought between the Allied (Entente) Powers, which included the Russian Empire, the British Empire, France, the Empire of Japan, Italy, and the US, and the Central Powers, which included the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria. The war ended with the victory of the Allied Powers in 1918. New nations were formed.

World War I Statistics:

    Population: 102,800,000
    Service Members: 4,743,800
    Ratio: 4.6%
    Casualties: 116,708 Dead, 204,002 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $196.5


The Second World War started in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. It was fought between the Axis Powers, which consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan, and the Allies, which were made up of the British Empire, the USSR, and the USA. The war ended with the capitulation of Germany and Japan in 1945. Warsaw Pact and NATO were created, and the Cold War began.

World War II Statistics:

    Population: 135,500,000
    Service Members: 16,353,700
    Ratio: 12.2%
    Casualties: 407,316 Dead, 670,846 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $2,091.3


In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, and the nations that were allied with the US (the UN) intervened on behalf of the South. The USSR and the People’s Republic of China supported the North Korea. The Korean conflict ended in 1953. The Korean Demilitarized Zone was established.

Korean War Statistics:

    Population: 151,700,000
    Service Members: 5,764,100
    Ratio: 3.8%
    Casualties: 33,651 Dead, 103,284 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $263.9


The Vietnam War was fought between the communist forces of North Vietnam, Viet Kong, Khmer Rouge, the People’s Republic of China, USSR, North Korea, and Pathet Lao, and the anticommunist forces of US, South Vietnam, South Korea, Australia, Philippines, Thailand, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Laos and the Khmer Republic. North Vietnam won, and Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam became communist states.

Vietnam War Statistics:

    Population: 204,900,000
    Service Members: 8,744,000
    Ratio: 4.3%
    Casualties: 58,168 Dead, 303,635 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $346.7


The war was fought between Iraq and the coalition forces of 34 nations that were authorized by the UN, after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The war ended with the coalition victory, and Kuwait was liberated.

Gulf War Statistics:

    Population: 260,000,000
    Service Members: 2,750,000
    Ratio: 1.1%
    Casualties: 382 Dead, 467 Wounded
    Financial Cost in billions (1990s): $61.1


Beginning October 7, 2001, Operation Enduring Freedom is the U.S. led effort to drive al-Qaeda and Taliban forces from power in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan War Statistics (as of 2021)

    U.S. Troops: 980,000
    U.S. Casualties: 2,455 dead
    Financial Cost: $2 Trillion


Operation Iraqi Freedom (renamed Operation New Dawn in September 2010) began in 2003 with the invasion of Iraq by a U.S.-led coalition that overthrew the government of Saddam Hussein. The conflict continued for nearly a decade, as insurgent fighters resisted the occupying forces and the post-invasion Iraq government. In 2007, following a decline in insurgent violence, the U.S. gradually began to reduce its military presence, and the last U.S. troops exited on December 15, 2011, marking the end of the war.

Iraq War Statistics:

    Iraq Population: 25 Million (2003)
    U.S. Troops: 1 Million+
    U.S. Military Casualties: 4,488 Dead, 32,223 Wounded
    Financial Cost: $1.7 trillion (through Fiscal Year 2013)



Many wars have been waged on terror and the groups that make up terror groups. Some of these groups include but are not limited to al-Qaeda, Islamic State, ISIS, al-shabaab and various other groups. In these conflicts, the U.S.A. supported and fought to defend freedom to varying degrees. These conflicts are not large enough to be considered a full fledged war for the U.S., but still deserve recognition nonetheless.


These wars have had a profound effect on the treatment that Veterans receive compared to the American Revolutionary War. We have to join together and as a collective we will be able to take charge against the Government. They know what you have been through. They can see the documentation (DD-214 etc.) but at the end of the day we need to prove ourselves to the Government that they caused the disabilities that we must contend with. 

We have created a solution to that problem. We have created an exclusive group that only Veterans can join. We have created a platform and social network that only Veterans can be apart of. In this group, it’s our responsibility to ensure that everyone gets the tools to take charge of there own life again. We aim to give the support of over 16.5 Million Veterans. That is our goal. To have every Veteran of the Armed Forces become part of our team and network. If you have 16.5 Million people suggesting at any given time, anywhere, anytime at anyplace what would be the best course of action wouldn’t that have greatest chance of success? We think so. 

Many factors affect the VA benefits that a veteran receives, so it’s essential they seek expert help with your VA disability claim. Join Veteran Hundo Club to bring real change to Veterans for your entire life. 


the one percent'





Veteran Hundo Club firstly wants you to know that we legally bound not to assist veterans in the preparation, presentation, or prosecution of VA disability claims for Veteran Affairs benefits. We highly recommend that any stage of implication of a claim should be done by a VA accredited representative. The services are free. You can only get three things in life. Good, Fast and Cheap. At any given moment you can only get two of those options at a time. So if you get a service provided by a VA representative as an example; it will be cheap and fast but not good. Just something to think about. All Veterans prepare their own claim file. We guide and educate on everything. Below you can find a link to accredited VA agents using the VA Logo. Then again, I am sure none of them can tell you as a good story that equals getting 100% Disability can they? If your interested in hearing our story; a educational story on our process that many have gone through book a free consultation. The consultation would allow you to know if you would be a good canidate to Join HUNDO CLUB. We encuage everyone who is a Veteran to join us but if you would like to hear from the CEO himself if you would benefit from joining by telling your story your welcome to book a consultation for free.

VA Accredited Representative


VA Individual Unemployability is if you can’t work because of a disability related to your service in the military (a service-connected disability), You may qualify for what’s called “Individual Unemployability.” This means you may be able to get disability compensation or benefits at the same level as a Veteran who has a 100% disability rating.

You may be eligible for disability benefits if you meet both of these requirements.

Both of these must be true:

You have at least 1 service-connected disability rated at 60% or more disabling, or 2 or more service-connected disabilities—with at least 1 rated at 40% or more disabling and a combined rating of 70% or more—and
You can’t hold down a steady job that supports you financially (known as substantially gainful employment) because of your service-connected disability. Odd jobs (marginal employment) don’t count.
Note: In certain cases—for example, if you need to be in the hospital often—you may qualify at a lower disability rating.

If you can’t work because of a disability related to your service in the military (a service-connected disability), you may qualify for what’s called “Individual Unemployability.” This means you may be able to get disability compensation or benefits at the same level as a Veteran who has a 100% disability rating.

Veterans of Armed Forces

You’ll need to file a claim for disability compensation. When you file, you’ll have to provide evidence (supporting documents like a doctor’s report or medical test results) showing that your disability prevents you from holding down a steady job. We’ll also review your work and education history.

Example: A Veteran has a service-connected heart condition and a 60% disability rating. She was still able to work until last year when she began to get chest pain when doing anything physical, like walking or lifting boxes. Her doctor told her to retire as soon as possible. She filed a claim for more disability compensation. We reviewed her work and education history and agreed that she was individually unemployable because of her service-connected disability. So we increased her disability compensation to the same rate as a 100% disabled Veteran.

VA TDIU serves as an alternate route to disability compensation from the schedular ratings model. Under schedular benefits, the VA determines a veteran’s service-connected compensation according to disability ratings. These ratings come in the form of percentages, ranging from 0% to 100%, in increments of 10. The percentages are assigned to veterans according to the severity of their service-related disabilities.

Unfortunately, for veterans who suffer from many different service-related disabilities, it can be difficult to reach 100%. This is because the VA combines disability ratings instead of adding them together. For this reason, many veterans pursue VA TDIU benefits instead.

Individual unemployability will significantly hinder a veteran’s ability to support themselves financially. Often, veterans cannot maintain a job because of their service-related disabilities. Fortunately, the VA offers TDIU mainly as a way to account for this scenario.

When a veteran is approved for TDIU, their schedular rating does not increase, but their disability compensation increases to the same amount as a veteran who is rated at 100%. Despite the fact that their rating is not 100% on the traditional Schedular model, they get paid the same monthly amount as another veteran who has a 100% Schedular rating. In this way, VA recognizes that some conditions can be totally disabling, even when they are not rating 100%. This allows veterans who struggle financially due to their disabilities, but who do not have a 100% Schedular rating, to still have a chance to get compensated at the 100% rate.

There is a separate application for Individual Unemployability, the VA Form 21-8940. If a veteran believes they qualify for TDIU, they should file the Form 21-8940 as soon as possible.

There are two ways to qualify for TDIU VA benefits. If you are a veteran with a service-connected disability rated at 60%, you may qualify. Additionally, if you are a veteran with a disability rated at 40%, and two or more other disabilities that bring your combined rating to 70%, you may qualify. It is important to note that these disabilities must be service-related.

Additionally, these disabilities must hinder you from maintaining “substantial gainful employment.” Substantial gainful employment refers to a job that pays above the poverty level.

If your service-connected disabilities prevent you from getting or keeping a job that pays above the poverty level, then you may qualify for TDIU. It is important to note that this means TDIU recipients may still work. You will only be disqualified if you can obtain or maintain a job that pays above the poverty level.

Currently, veterans who are approved for TDIU benefits can receive more than $3,000/month. This is true of veterans who are single and have no dependents. For veterans with spouses or dependent children or parents, this amount may increase.

It is important to remember that receiving a VA TDIU benefits denial does not mean all is lost. On the contrary, there are many options still available to a veteran in this position.

If you have recently received a denial, you will have one year to file for an appeal. With the help of a VA TDIU attorney, VA representative or reach out to Veteran Hundo Club. You may be able to overturn the denial. It is important to seek help before this year is up so that you have a better shot at getting TDIU benefits sooner rather than later.

However, even if your TDIU VA benefits were denied in the past, you can always re-apply. There is no limit on the amount of times a veteran can apply for TDIU.

all are part of our team

VHC Army Crest

VHC Marines Crest

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Better VA Claims
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Lower Stress
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More Learned Skills
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