“I have big vision. A city built by and for veterans. I want to share it with you to see if we can help to make this a reality.”

– Mr. Anthony King


Big Vision

“I have a big vision. To build a city built by and for Veterans. I want to share it with you to see if you can make this a reality.” 

By Anthony King of Kansas City, Missouri. 


What is Veteran Independence?

The idea is complex but possible. We have to the tools and knowledge to support this adventure. We want to enable veterans to support this noble cause. It will allow Veterans to support each other. We aim to take what resources are donated from the veteran community, proceeds from our clothing store and build a thriving community supported by Veterans. We want Veterans to have independence from any outside source. We can make this into a reality with your support. To build a thriving community that is supported by veteran businesses, veteran housing, veteran doctors, veteran teachers and so much more. To ensure Veterans are well taken care of and end Veteran homelessness for good.


Dream A Reality

“Anthony King is a humble man with a very chiasmatic charm. He messaged me a few times on Facebook to understand what VETERAN HUNDO CLUB was and is about. We have spoken many times and one day after Christmas on December 27, 2023 he asked me many questions. Mr. King asked if its possible to implement a program like his vision.” I said, “I need to discuss this with my partner, Mr. Finch.” After a short discussion with Mr. Finch it was obvious this would be a great program to support. We have the tools, resources and knowledge to make it happen. We welcome this new adventure which should be game changing for Veterans. 

By CEO Christopher Raymond of Kirkville, New York.

Mr. Anthony King

We are honoured and proud to support the Veteran community. We bring true value through Coaching, knowledge and expertise to compliment what you have already – to release your true potential. We want you to succeed at any venture you choose to take, and live the life you rightly deserve after serving your country. We are ready to bring you comfort, security, knowledge, and more.

We want you to become part of the prestigious VETERAN HUNDO CLUB. We want to welcome you to the HUNDO CLUB team. We are dealing with the most elite people of this great country. We will give nothing but the absolute best.

“I have big vision. A city built by and for veterans. I want to share it with you to see if we can help to make this a reality.”


What is the work history of Mr. King project thus far?


Mr. King has worked over 25 years trying to develop this project. He has reached out to us because he feels we are the ones who can make his dream come true. We are honored to take on this challenge with you. 
Life and Health and Wellness Guru Millionaire Creator at Veteran’s City
March 10, 2001 – Present· Kansas City, Missouri
I was a Life and Health Coach of Trevo for over 20 years, and it was my goal to create millionaires through health and wellness. We wanted to pull people out of poverty and debt and make them healthy and wealthy. Our goal was to help 5 people earn up to $ 30,000 per month, but it did not go as planned. If you cannot find a job, you might need to be your own boss, and we might have some ideas you have been looking for. 
Health & Wellness Guru at Veteran’s City
May 15, 1996 – Present· Kansas City, Missouri
Our goal is to lift up our veterans. We have a vision to see cities built by and for veterans and their families. An opportunity to end veteran homelessness. Guarantee them a place to live and work when their military service has ended.

Set yourself free from the past

We Thank You From Veteran Hundo Club & The Global Veteran Community


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